
How to raise silkworms

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sericulture in China has a history of thousands of years. In ancient times, many people began to raise silkworms. It can be seen that the development prospect of sericulture is very good, otherwise it would not have been continued to this day. How to raise silkworms and put it in a cardboard box or sieve it?

Sericulture in China has a history of thousands of years. In ancient times, many people began to raise silkworms. It can be seen that the development prospect of sericulture is very good, otherwise it would not have been continued to this day.

How to raise silkworms

Put it in a cardboard box or a small sieve for sieving rice. If you use a sieve, put some paper cushion at the bottom of the sieve.

When the young silkworm hatches from its eggs, it should be treated with special care, feed it with a relatively tender mulberry, move it with a very soft brush when changing mulberry leaves, and pay attention to its strength; sometimes the mulberry leaves are too dry and will leave the young silkworms on the mulberry leaves to be discarded in the process of mulberry change. It is difficult to raise when you are young, but it will be easier when you grow up.

When it is about to bear cocoons, take some wheat stalks and tie them into the shape of branches.

After breaking the cocoon, put them together in a box, they will mate together, and then lay eggs. Sometimes because there are few silkworms, moths will be alone when they break the cocoon, but don't worry, as long as a pair of silkworms succeed, I believe it will be enough for you to raise.

Mulberry leaves should be fresh, or you can collect one plastic bag at a time and use a few of them every day. Sprinkle the rest of them with water and keep them fresh in the refrigerator. The collected leaves will have a certain amount of dust, which can be washed and cooled and dried, and must be cold and dry, otherwise the young or big silkworms will have diarrhea and may die.

The technology of sericulture

First, spray mulberry leaves for feeding sericulture: a jin of water plus 5 ml fermentation broth, spray 10 jin of mulberry leaves to add food, once a day. Silkworms love to eat, feces do not smell, fast growth, thick cocoons, good quality, can increase production by about 10%.

Second, spray silkworm body to cool down and relieve heat: when the temperature is high in summer, the silkworm is easy to get sick, and the silkworm is also easy to die of heatstroke if the room temperature is too high. Can be in high temperature weather, according to a jin of water plus 5 ml fermentation broth, spray on the silkworm body, every day, once in the afternoon.

Third, spray mulberry leaves fresh: the temperature is high in summer, the collected mulberry leaves will turn yellow and deteriorate after being stacked for a long time, and the climate is dry in autumn. The collected mulberry leaves will dry up and become hard if they stay for a long time. The mulberry leaves can be sprayed wet by adding 5 milliliters of fermentation broth according to a jin of water. Then put the mulberry leaves into woven bags or pile them on the ground, cover them with plastic sheeting, and keep them fresh and green for 24 hours.

Fourth, spraying mulberry leaves to promote growth: according to 1 jin of water and 1 Mel 2 ml fermentation broth, spray mulberry leaves in mulberry fields, spray 2 Mel 3 times a month, add 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate for better effect. It is appropriate to spray mulberry leaves without dripping water. The mulberry leaves grow fast and the leaves are oil-green and fat, which can increase the yield by 20%. It can also reduce diseases and insect pests.

Note: antibiotics should not be used 6 hours before and after the use of activity 99 fermentation broth. No matter how long the fermentation broth is preserved, as long as it has a sweet and mellow smell, it can be used, but not if it stinks.

What should be paid attention to in sericulture in summer and autumn

First, prevent pesticide poisoning. In sericulture season, do not spray insecticidal double and other organochlorine pesticides on the farmland near the silkworm room, its fumigation will lead to silkworm poisoning; silkworm mulberry leaves can be picked and fed to silkworms only after trial feeding.

Mosquito-repellent incense or mosquito or insecticide is prohibited in the silkworm room. In the housing adjacent to the silkworm room, the doors and windows of the silkworm room should also be closed to prevent silkworm poisoning.

Third, the silkworm room should install screen doors and screen windows to prevent flies from entering the silkworm room to harm the silkworm, and add "killing silkworm fly" emulsion or spraying silkworm body to kill maggots.

Fourth, before sericulture, the rat hole should be blocked, the silkworm rack and the wall should be kept at a certain distance, and the feet of the silkworm frame should be sprinkled with lime powder or silkworm medicine to prevent the rats from climbing. To raise silkworms, it is necessary to do a good job of killing rats with drugs.

Fifth, the temperature of sericulture is relatively high in summer and autumn, so it is necessary to open doors and windows and strengthen indoor ventilation. Mulberry leaves are sprayed with fresh water and a breeze is blown by an electric fan, which is also conducive to indoor cooling.

Sixth, diseased silkworms should be cleaned up in time, put into disinfection basins filled with bleach solution or lime slurry, and feed diseased silkworms to livestock and poultry to prevent the spread of pathogens and pollute the environment.

Seventh, silkworm sand contains a large number of pathogens, do not spread around the silkworm room, should be concentrated in the field or put into the dung pit retting system, in order to prevent the spread of pathogens.

Due to the high temperature in summer and autumn and the rapid reproduction of pathogens, attention should be paid to picking leaves as needed, transporting leaves in time and storing leaves reasonably. Mulberry storage ponds should be disinfected once per age, do not feed overnight mulberry leaves.

9. Wet leaves should not be fed in hot and humid weather, mulberry leaves should not be sprinkled with water, sand should be removed frequently, fresh lime powder, dried straw and other materials should be sprinkled to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Ten, is not sericulture season, silkworm room do not store grain, bran and other things, so as to avoid damp mites, sericulture harm to sericulture.

What are the tricks of sericulture and mulberry festival

Under normal circumstances, sericulture requires 15 kilograms of mulberry leaves for every 1 kilogram of cocoon. After taking measures to save mulberry, about 50 kg of mulberry can be saved per piece of silkworm eggs, while the yield and quality of cocoons can not be affected at all. The measures to save mulberry are as follows:

1. Mulberry leaves should be collected, transported and stored reasonably. Try to pick leaves in the morning or evening, pick and transport with them, loose and fast. The collected mulberry leaves are loosened and put into mulberry ponds or mulberry storage rooms for reasonable storage to prevent wind blowing or accumulation of heat and deterioration, resulting in waste of mulberry leaves.

2. Prevent mulberry leaves from withering. The young silkworm is nurtured with Kang bed (room) and covered with plastic film to keep the mulberry leaves fresh. After feeding silkworms in the big silkworm period, close the doors and windows properly, wait for about 70% of the mulberry leaves to be eaten, and then open the doors and windows for ventilation, which can effectively prevent mulberry leaves from withering.

3. Ensure the temperature of silkworm room. The suitable temperature for big silkworm and young silkworm is 24 ℃ and 25 ℃ respectively. In the range of suitable temperature, the appetite of silkworm is strong, the residual mulberry leaves are reduced, and the conversion rate of silk is increased.

4. Popularize less rearing and mulberry rearing. The labor-saving sericulture techniques, such as one-day three-dimensional rearing of young silkworms, two-time rearing of full-age silkworms and mulberry rearing of large silkworms, not only improve the efficiency of sericulture, but also help silkworms eat mulberry, saving about 5% of mulberry leaves compared with ordinary rearing.

5. Plan to use mulberry and ration mulberry. According to different silkworm age by age, day by day, back to formulate the standard amount of mulberry, so that "silkworm full food is not wasted, save mulberry is not hungry silkworm". At the beginning and end of each instar, the amount of mulberry eaten is reduced, and the leaves should be fed properly at this time. During the feeding period of 5-year-old silkworm, silkworms should be fully fed, but the maximum amount of mulberry per day should be controlled within 110 kg.

6. Add ecdysone. Silkworms see ripe about 5%, each species use a molting hormone, 25 kg of water, mixed with 20 kg of mulberry leaves, once eaten by silkworms, can promote silkworms to mature together, each species can save about 10 kg of mulberry leaves.

How to grasp several key technical links in the treatment of sleep

Sleep treatment is a very important sericulture technology, whether it is handled well or not is related to the health status and morbidity of silkworm, as well as the number of cocoons. Therefore, we should focus on the following technical links:

1. Sleep at the right time. The young silkworm develops fast, sleeps quickly, the dormancy period is short, the hypnotic net should be earlier; the hypnotic period of the fourth instar silkworm is long, the net should be later. Early in high temperature and humidity, late in low temperature drying, early in the morning and late in the afternoon. When sleeping, you can see that when there are a small amount (2-3) of silkworms sleeping, sprinkle bran ash or fresh lime powder (to make the silkworms climb up quickly) and then add a sleeping net to mulberry (mulberry leaves are ripe and slightly tender), and all silkworms can climb up. If you add a sleeping net at night, you should give mulberry leaves a post-sleep removal the next morning.

2. Nomination in batches. After sleeping, feed two mouthfuls of mulberry, silkworms all sleep, do not need to mention green, a very small number of weak and dormant silkworms in the seat are eliminated by hand. If half of them are not asleep, the central batch method is used to divide the silkworms into two batches to sleep. The method is: half of the silkworm sleep, and then add a sleeping net and evenly give mulberry, so that the silkworms climb the Internet and move to add a nest of feeding to sleep. If the growth and development of silkworms are uneven, the method of dividing the center into two heads is used to separate a large number of silkworms in the sleeping state, and the early and late sleeping silkworms are reared in the nest when the silkworms are paid and fed.

3. Management in sleep. After sleeping, silkworms should be kept quiet, ventilated and ventilated to prevent direct sunlight. In the hot and humid weather, it is necessary to spread bran ash or lime powder to absorb moisture in the silkworm seat, not only to prevent the breeding of bacteria, but also to prevent the early rise of residual mulberry caused by uneven development.

4. Timely rates: late rates should be carried out, that is, rates should be eaten when the silkworms are basically molted, and 80-90% of the silkworms' heads are light brown. In case of high temperature and muggy heat or white rain, it is advisable to eat early. Generally see 5-7 hours after the rate of food. The silkworms of all ages should be disinfected before feeding, and then the mulberry should be fresh and tender.

5. Control daily sleep. The control of daily sleep should focus on three or four sleeps. Generally speaking, three sleep days sleep, big sleep also day sleep, three sleep tread night sleep, big sleep also tread night sleep. Sleeping silkworms, mature silkworms at noon, on the cluster is also convenient.

How to green silkworm eggs and collect ants

Silkworm eggs should be installed in ventilated bamboo cages or wire racks, and should not be packed with plastic film, cloth or newspapers, so as to prevent silkworm eggs from being stuffed. Immediately after the seed was seeded, it was put into the sterilized silkworm room for green protection. Keep 22 ℃ indoors from day 1 to day 4, and keep 25 ℃ from day 5 to incubation. If the indoor temperature is low in spring, then add brazier heating and heat preservation (with charcoal, do not use firewood), brazier from silkworms more than 1 meter, so as not to bake silkworms, and remember to add water to moisturize when heating up. Green to the 8th day, one end of the silkworm egg has a small black spot, called Dianqing.

When 20% of the eggs in a piece of silkworm eggs are green, wrap the eggs with a newspaper, put the eggs face down, shade and blacken, so that the development of silkworm eggs is consistent. From Dianqing, the second day turns green (the egg surface is gray), and on the third day the ant silkworm comes out of its shell. At 5: 00 a. M. on the day the ants come out, remove the shade and turn on the light to make the hatching neat and consistent. If there are late hatching silkworm eggs to continue to shade and blacken, the next morning at 5 o'clock to collect ants. Finally, the temperature is low in spring, about 10:00 in the morning, and about 8 am in summer and autumn. Mulberry for ant harvesting should be picked in the morning. The mulberry leaves are ripe and slightly tender, and the amount of mulberry used is 4-5 times that of ant collection.

The method of collecting ants: sprinkle the cut mulberry leaves directly on the silkworm seed paper. After 10-15 minutes, the silkworms climb to the mulberry leaves, then pour the silkworms together with the mulberry leaves on the silkworm seat paper, and spread them evenly with goose feathers. After collecting ants, the mulberry leaves should be detoxified for the second time, and the powder in gauze bags should be evenly distributed on the silkworm body with "disease prevention No. 1" (special disinfection drug for ant silkworm body, 1.25% formaldehyde for small silkworm and 2.5% formaldehyde for big silkworm). The amount of medicine can be spread like a thin layer of frost. After 5 minutes, sprinkle a layer of chaff (the husk is burned black) to separate the powder, and then give the second mulberry leaves.

What first aid measures should be taken after pesticide poisoning in silkworms?

1. Quickly open the doors and windows or carry the silkworms to the ventilated place, spread sand-isolating materials, and add nets to remove sand to fresh mulberry leaves.

2. Quickly find out the source of poison, cut off the source of poison and avoid re-poisoning.

3, detoxification treatment: small silkworms spray with clean water, big silkworms wash with clean water for two minutes and then fish out to dry. Some can be revived and fed to fresh leaves. All poisonous appliances are exposed after washing with alkaline water. Those who can eat leaves after organophosphorus poisoning can eat atropine appropriately.

4. The nutrition of mildly and moderately poisoned silkworms and resuscitated silkworms should be strengthened, suitable mature and tender leaves should be given, and a small amount of more rearing should be adopted. You can also add a small amount of sugar solution.

From the above analysis, it is not difficult to see that sericulture has a lot of techniques and skills, so breeders should constantly summarize and innovate in order to move forward steadily as always, otherwise the society has been making progress. if you can't keep pace with the times in time, you may be eliminated.