
No.12 Learn more about No.12

  • Introduction of new peanut varieties in Taiwan what are the characteristics of Tainan No. 12 and Tainan No. 11 peanuts with good disease resistance?

    Introduction of new peanut varieties in Taiwan what are the characteristics of Tainan No. 12 and Tainan No. 11 peanuts with good disease resistance?

    At present, the variety "Tainan 11" with the largest planting area of peanuts is not Tainan 11, a new rice variety, but Tainan 11, which was bred and popularized in Tainan Field in 1975. It has the characteristics of high yield, large pods and grains, easy artificial harvest and so on. In addition

    2019-06-25 Taiwan Peanut New varieties introduction Tainan No.12 No.11 Flower
  • Tongnong No. 12 (soybean)

    Tongnong No. 12 (soybean)

    "Tongnong 12" is a new high-protein soybean variety selected by Tonghua Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was approved by Jilin Provincial crop Variety approval Committee in March 2000 and named "Tongnong 12". The protein content is 44.83% and the fat content is 19.28%. 1. The plant of "Tongnong 12" is 85 cm tall and has limited podding habits. Lanceolate, dark green, gray fluffy. The number of nodes in the main stem is 17, which belongs to the multi-branched type and the plant shape converges. The pods are dark brown when ripe. Round seed, yellow seed coat, yellow navel, seed

  • An excellent variety of bean in greenhouse-No. 12 jade bean

    An excellent variety of bean in greenhouse-No. 12 jade bean

    Kidney beans are also known as kidney beans and kidney beans. Today we will introduce a greenhouse bean variety-No. 12 Jade Bean, which was bred by Guangzhou vegetable Research Institute. As early as 1987, the original seed farm in Suizhong County was successfully introduced and planted. Now it has become

    2020-11-27 Greenhouse kidney beans fine varieties - ten two jade beans four seasons beans
  • The secret of the high export sales of Taiwan's new edamame bean variety Kaohsiung No. 12.

    The secret of the high export sales of Taiwan's new edamame bean variety Kaohsiung No. 12.

    The export results of edamame beans have returned to glory, but they have never faced less international competition. Taiwan's edamame beans are mainly exported to Japan, and the main competitors are China and Thailand. They adopt a low-price competition strategy, however, these two producing areas also know how to find Taiwan businessmen.

    2019-04-27 Taiwan edamame bean new variety Kaohsiung No. 12 product export
  • Tea variety: Broussonetia leaf Qi No. 12

    Tea variety: Broussonetia leaf Qi No. 12

    It is a clone. It is a state-level seed. It is bred by Tea Research Institute of Hunan Province. At present, it has been extended to Hubei, Anhui and other provinces. Configuration characteristic: Shrub type, middle leaf, bud seed. The tree is half-opened, the spring buds germinate in the middle and late March, and one bud is in its three-leaf peak in the first and middle April. The 100 buds weigh 70 grams. tender shoots are green and yellow, with many hairs. It has strong tenderness, suitable for making famous green tea, compact appearance, silver hair, green color and rich flavor. The quality characteristics of fresh leaves with one bud and two leaves: tea polyphenols 36.1%, amino acids 3.

  • What are the high-protein soybean varieties?

    What are the high-protein soybean varieties?

    Common high-protein soybean varieties include: Jidou 12, Yudou 22, Qihuang 26, Jidou 15, Qihuang 27, Zheng 92116, Zheng 9525, Kexin 3, Kefeng 14, Zhonghuang 22 and so on. 1. Jidou No. 12 has a limited podding habit, with a plant height of 70ml / 80cm and a bottom pod of 18cm.

    2020-11-09 High protein soybean variety which common high protein
  • Dongxing City, Guangxi organized experts to test and accept the new varieties of cassava.

    Dongxing City, Guangxi organized experts to test and accept the new varieties of cassava.

    On December 18, the Agricultural Bureau of Dongxing City, Guangxi organized agricultural scientific and technological personnel to go to the potato test and demonstration base in Hezhou Village, Dongxing Town, to test and accept the new high quality edible cassava variety Huanan 12 introduced from Hainan in Dongxing City in 2015. After calculation, the single plant of South China 12 is flat.

    2015-12-27 Guangxi Dongxing City organizations experts yes cassava new varieties
  • Brief introduction of New varieties of Mulberry and Silkworm

    Brief introduction of New varieties of Mulberry and Silkworm

    1. Nongsang No. 12 is a new mulberry variety bred by artificial sexual hybridization by sericulture Research Institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1984. Main characters: compact crown, more clockwork, long and straight branches, thick mesophyll, dark green leaves, germination earlier than white lotus leaves, fast growth and strong adaptability. Regional test results: leaf yield per mu 1867kg, 18.73% higher than the control lotus leaf white, significantly higher than the control; ten thousand silkworm cocoon layer measurement 7kg, 8% higher than the control lotus leaf white product tax. 0.3%, very significantly higher than the control; anti-yellowing type

  • Enjoy the campus food season and officially start in October 2018!

    Enjoy the campus food season and officially start in October 2018!

    Enjoy the campus food season and officially start in October 2018!

  • The cause of bitter eggplant

    The cause of bitter eggplant

    1. Variety factor eggplant itself contains some special bitter substances, such as solanine glycoside M (C31H51NO12) and so on. The fruit of wild eggplant is usually bitter, but the bitterness is reduced after cultivation and domestication, but it still has a certain content. There are some differences in the content of bitter substances in different varieties, and its content determines the bitterness of eggplant to some extent. Generally speaking, green eggplant is higher than purple eggplant, dwarf eggplant is higher than long eggplant. 2. the influence of environmental factors on the bitter substances in eggplant fruit.

  • New glutinous Rice varieties newly approved in Jiangsu Province

    New glutinous Rice varieties newly approved in Jiangsu Province

    Japan has recently developed a new spice plant that uses onions and garlic as hybrids. The new crop looks like garlic in appearance, but its bulbs have swirling tissue like onions and taste of both onion and garlic spices. Although onion and garlic belong to the family Alliaceae, they are "distant relatives" isolated between species because there is no stickiness of garlic in onion. Therefore, this plant is the first in the world. Huainuo No. 12, formerly known as "Huai 9702", was developed by Huaiyin Agricultural Science Research Institute of Xuhuai region, Jiangsu Province.

  • 20181016 interview notice | the first Taiwan School lunch Competition in 2018 is held in Taipei.

    20181016 interview notice | the first Taiwan School lunch Competition in 2018 is held in Taipei.

    20181016 interview notice | the first Taiwan School lunch Competition in 2018 is held in Taipei.

  • The key points of planting techniques of passion fruit, a cash cow with wide market and high benefit

    The key points of planting techniques of passion fruit, a cash cow with wide market and high benefit

    The key points of planting techniques of passion fruit, a cash cow with wide market and high benefit

  • Method for preventing and controlling stiff seedling of greenhouse eggplant

    Method for preventing and controlling stiff seedling of greenhouse eggplant

    Symptoms: Early spring eggplant often has symptoms such as small leaves, dark green color, thin stems and few roots at seedling stage. After planting, this kind of seedling is slow, weak and easy to drop flowers and fruits. Causes of disease: seedbed temperature is too low (long-term below 15℃) most susceptible to disease, with heating facilities or nutrition bowl seedlings due to large water consumption,...

  • Must know | the hydrangea in my sister's house is bigger than the ball and the yard is too big to fit.

    Must know | the hydrangea in my sister's house is bigger than the ball and the yard is too big to fit.

    Hydrangea flowers are huge and change with time after flowering. They are particularly beautiful, no matter they are planted on the ground or potted indoors, they are all super bright. Today, Huahua will take you to enjoy 17 kinds of super beautiful hydrangea varieties, the most important thing is that you click.

  • To grow flowers, you must know how to trim flowers.

    To grow flowers, you must know how to trim flowers.

    People who grow flowers often say: seven cents depends on tube, and three cents depends on scissors. Flower lovers who love to grow flowers must know how to prune properly. They have a lot to do with maintaining plant shape, restraining overgrowth, prolonging flowering and fruiting, but there are also many flowers.

  • Planting method of Tripterygium wilfordii in Guizhou area

    Planting method of Tripterygium wilfordii in Guizhou area

    The planting method of star oil vine in Guizhou area, star oil vine (Plukenetia volubilisLinneo), also known as South American oil vine, Inca fruit, Inca peanut, for Euphorbia.

  • How to prevent frost of flowers in greenhouse in winter?

    How to prevent frost of flowers in greenhouse in winter?

    How to prevent frost of flowers in greenhouse in winter?

  • How much do you know about tea? Take you to understand the six major tea systems at once.

    How much do you know about tea? Take you to understand the six major tea systems at once.

    When it comes to drinks, if "coffee" represents Western culture, then "tea" must be an important culture under the development of oriental society for hundreds of years. Coffee, wine and tea are known as the three major drinks in the world, each with its own characteristics and supporters, which is different from coffee and wine.

    2021-06-09 Tea know how much take you once understand six big tea said
  • How to water Lentinus edodes in spring?

    How to water Lentinus edodes in spring?

    How to water Lentinus edodes in spring? Please guide the stick cultivation of Lentinus edodes to produce mushrooms in autumn and winter, and the water content will be reduced. In order to increase the yield of Lentinus edodes, rehydration treatment is needed. There are two kinds of water replenishment methods: water injection method and immersion method. The stick in the mushroom bed does not move on the spot, use.
