
Leguminosae Learn more about Leguminosae

  • American Gleditsia sinensis

    American Gleditsia sinensis

    American Gleditsia species name: American Gleditsia; Latin name: GleditsiatriacanthosL.; English name: Honeylocust; family name: Leguminosae; Latin family name: Leguminosae Chinese alias: Gleditsia trichosanthus; ecological habits: Leguminosae subfamily deciduous trees. Bipinnately compound, with 18-28 leaflets. Fast growth, superior quality, well-developed root system, strong adaptability, resistance to both moisture and barren

  • Leguminosae forage grass-- big wing bean

    Leguminosae forage grass-- big wing bean

    Big wing bean, native to Central and South America, was introduced from Mexico in Australia, and was introduced by Australia in 1974. Now it is planted in Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi and other provinces with good performance. The leaves of large-winged beans are green and sparsely hairy, with silver-gray fine hairy hairs on the back, and dark purple racemes. Is an excellent legume forage, green feeding or preparation of hay can be, cattle, sheep like to eat, especially deer like to eat, seeds for quail, pigeon, turkey and other birds like to eat. Strong regeneration, can be cut 2 to 3 times a year, fresh per hectare

  • How much is the cowpea seed of Leguminosae per jin? How much do you earn from planting an acre? What are the planting prospects?

    How much is the cowpea seed of Leguminosae per jin? How much do you earn from planting an acre? What are the planting prospects?

    Cowpea, also known as rice bean, long bean, etc., is a common annual twining herb in China, which can improve the body's antivirus and promote insulin secretion, so many people like to eat it.

  • Introduction to the planting method of "plant gold" oat!

    Introduction to the planting method of

    When it comes to oats, most people should be familiar with it. It is not only a kind of miscellaneous grain with high nutritional value, but also a common nutritional tonic, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, so it also has the reputation of plant gold.

  • The difference between lentils and Dutch beans

    The difference between lentils and Dutch beans

    The difference between lentils and Dutch beans

  • The difference between albizzia and mimosa

    The difference between albizzia and mimosa

    The difference between albizzia and mimosa

  • What are the differences between albizzia and mimosa?

    What are the differences between albizzia and mimosa?

    What are the differences between albizzia and mimosa?

  • The difference between mimosa and mimosa

    The difference between mimosa and mimosa

    Mimosa and mimosa trees are both good-looking and fun to close their leaves shyly at a touch. So what are the differences between mimosa and Han Xiushu? Mimosa is a perennial herb or subshrub of Leguminosae, due to leaves.

    2020-11-08 Mimosa and shyness tree difference mimosa
  • Planting technique of Artemisia mandshurica

    Planting technique of Artemisia mandshurica

    Artemisia mandshurica is a biennial herb of Leguminosae, which is taller and can reach 35 cm. Artemisia mandshurica is mainly distributed in China and grows in the shady and humid zone. Artemisia mandshurica is a very important nectar plant, which is usually planted as green manure and forage. But the species of Ziyunying

    2020-11-09 Ziyunying planting technology yes Leguminosae biennial
  • Chicken blood vine is another name for many plants, such as Leguminosae, angiosperm phylum, butterfly flower family, etc.

    Chicken blood vine is another name for many plants, such as Leguminosae, angiosperm phylum, butterfly flower family, etc.

    Chicken blood vine (plant) chicken blood vine, for leguminous, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous class, butterfly flower family and other plants nickname. Evergreen woody vines, glabrous, new branches dark green, base persistent with several triangular bud scales. Born in the sea.

  • Matters needing attention in breeding Caragana

    Matters needing attention in breeding Caragana

    When fertilizing Caragana, we must pay attention to controlling the concentration of fertilizer, and we should not apply too much fertilizer at will just because we expect it to grow rapidly, which will cause damage to the roots of Caragana. In addition to not watering too much, we should also choose flowerpots with good drainage. In addition,

  • What are the latest classifications of licorice?

    What are the latest classifications of licorice?

    Licorice is a perennial herb of the genus Glycyrrhiza Leguminosa. its roots and rhizomes are stout. It is a kind of beneficial Chinese herbal medicine and is good for the human body. The medicinal parts are roots and rhizomes, and there are many classifications. All kinds of licorice are thin and tight, vertical weight, reddish brown, powdery and sweet.

    2020-11-10 Licorice Leguminosae
  • The difference between pea, soybean and broad bean

    The difference between pea, soybean and broad bean

    The difference between pea, soybean and broad bean

  • Standardized cultivation techniques of Dutch Bean

    Standardized cultivation techniques of Dutch Bean

    Dutch bean (scientific name: Pisum sativum var. Saccharatum) belongs to the genus Pea of Leguminosae, annual twining herb, high 90~180cm. Dutch beans, also known as lotus kernel beans, cut beans, belong to the pea genus of Leguminosae. Mainly edible young pods, native to the Mediterranean coast and western Asia, the Netherlands

    2020-11-08 Dutch bean standardization cultivation techniques scientific name Pisum
  • What are the seed planting methods of herbaceous clover? What are the prospects for planting clover? Can I eat it?

    What are the seed planting methods of herbaceous clover? What are the prospects for planting clover? Can I eat it?

    Clover: a general term for a variety of herbs with three finger-shaped compound leaves, including some species of Oxalis in Leguminosae and Medicago sativa and Oxalis in Leguminosae. What do you know about the planting methods of clover seeds? What are the prospects for planting clover? Can I eat it? Planting method of clover

  • Cultivation techniques of Radix Astragali

    Cultivation techniques of Radix Astragali

    Astragalus membranaceus is a plant of the genus Astragalus Leguminosae, and its roots can be used as medicine. It has the effects of tonifying qi, solidifying the surface, diuresis and purulent discharge. Many people are planting it. What is the cultivation technique of Astragalus membranaceus? Cultivation techniques of Astragalus membranaceus 1. Astragalus membranaceus is a deep-rooted plant and should be cultivated in flat land.

    2020-11-09 Radix Astragali cultivation techniques yes Leguminosae Astragalus plant
  • Matters needing attention in the planting of Corolla

    Matters needing attention in the planting of Corolla

    First of all, we must pay attention to promoting seedlings when planting crown flowers. The germination rate of crown flowers is about 40% to 90%. The uncertainty is very great, so we should take some artificial measures to help it germinate before sowing. A small number of seeds can be soaked in 15% sulfuric acid for half an hour.

  • How to sow the root of Baimai

    How to sow the root of Baimai

    The treatment of the seed because its seed is wrapped in a hard shell, so get rid of the hard shell before sowing, otherwise it will affect germination. It can be mechanically assisted to shell, but it is easy to hurt the internal seeds; it can also be soaked in warm water, but it takes a long time, about 24 hours later, it is removed from the water and dried in the sun.

  • In which month does the Phoenix bloom?

    In which month does the Phoenix bloom?

    Phoenix wood, also known as Shadow Tree, Phoenix Tree, Phoenix Flower, belongs to the genus Phoenix of Leguminosae. It is distributed in Taiwan, Hainan, Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places. At present, it has been artificially introduced and cultivated, and has been widely planted as an ornamental tree. So, what's the number of Phoenix flowers?

    2020-11-08 Phoenix flowers in a few months blooming Phoenix wood also known as Shadow Tree
  • When will green beans be sown?

    When will green beans be sown?

    The suitable sowing time of green beans is from late May to early June. Green beans are annual climbing herbs of the genus Leguminosae. According to the color of its cotyledons, it can be divided into green skin, green kernel soybean and green skin yellow kernel soybean. It is one of the most important food crops in China. Green beans should be picked carefully

    2020-11-09 Green beans when sowing green beans suitable sowing time for May