
The difference between albizzia and mimosa

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The difference between albizzia and mimosa

Mimosa and albizzia are plants of the subfamily mimosa of Leguminosae. Their leaves look very similar, and many friends also think that mimosa and acacia are the same plant. In fact, mimosa and albizzia are not the same thing at all. There is a big difference between the two. Let's take a look!

Albizia paniculata

Albizzia is a deciduous tree of the subfamily mimosa of Leguminosae, which is up to 16 meters high, with a crown spreading; branchlets angular, twigs, inflorescences and leaf rachis tomentose or pubescent, bipinnately compound leaves, pods banded, flowering from June to July, fruiting from August to October.


Mimosa is a perennial herb or subshrub of the genus Mimosa of the subfamily Mimosa of Leguminosae. Because the leaves respond to heat and light, they close immediately when touched by external forces, so they are named mimosa, shaped like fluffy balls, bearing pods after flowering, oblate-round fruits, feathery compound leaves and palmately arranged leaves, flowering from March to October and fruiting from May to November.

The difference between albizzia and mimosa

1. Albizzia is a tree of the genus Albizia, which can be up to 16 meters high, while mimosa is a shrub of the genus mimosa, with a height of up to 1 meter.

2. The leaves of albizzia will not close when touched, while the leaves of mimosa will close when touched.

3. The inflorescence of albizzia is relatively large, with fan-shaped inflorescences and banded pods, while the flowers of mimosa are relatively small, with pink globular heads and flat round fruits.

4. The acacia flower is also called the night acacia, the night acacia tree, the velvet tree, the bird velvet tree, the bitter flower and so on, while the mimosa is also called the inductive grass, the knowing mimosa, the shouting grass, the ugly grass, the laughing grass, the husband and wife grass, the mimosa and so on.

5. Albizzia flower is sweet in taste and flat in nature. it has the effects of relaxing depression, regulating qi, calming the mind, activating collaterals, nourishing blood, nourishing yin and kidney, clearing heart and eyesight, while mimosa is sweet, astringent and cool, which has the effect of calming the mind, clearing heat and detoxification.