
Lanzhou Learn more about Lanzhou

  • How to grow Lanzhou lilies

    How to grow Lanzhou lilies

    Lanzhou Lily is a specialty of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province and a national geographical indication product of China. Lanzhou lily taste extremely sweet, is the best lily, is the only edible sweet lily in the country. So how to grow Lanzhou lilies? First, the selection of Lanzhou lily usually uses about 25g

    2020-11-08 Lanzhou Lily how species Yes Gansu Province
  • Cao Shan: Make "Lanzhou bitter water rose" into a world brand

    Cao Shan: Make

    Cao Shan: Make "Lanzhou bitter water rose" into a world brand

  • Lanzhou fragrant peach

    Lanzhou fragrant peach

    Lanzhou, Gansu Province is one of the famous peach villages in China. Lanzhou peach was famous as far back as the early Western Han Dynasty. Lanzhou peach has a wide variety and good quality, which is mainly produced in Anning District in the northwest corner of Lanzhou. Peaches like light, drought tolerance and sandy loam. Peaceful north according to the mountain, south near the Yellow River, sufficient light, the soil is a good permeability of silty soil, suitable for the growth of peach trees. Among the local excellent varieties, there are June peach, small-seeded cinnabar peach, pimple peach, big dry peach, flat-topped walnut, small red peach, semi-water non-dry peach, big-seeded cinnabar pointed peach, large-seeded cinnabar peach, tart walnut and so on. Especially half of them.

  • Central Asian Grain and Oil Storage, Transportation and processing Industry Park to be built in Lanzhou New area

    Central Asian Grain and Oil Storage, Transportation and processing Industry Park to be built in Lanzhou New area

    The project of Central Asian Grain and Oil Storage, Transportation and processing Industrial Park in Lanzhou New area has been officially signed recently. This project mainly revolves around Kazakh imported grain, expands upstream and downstream industrial chain, construction.

  • Lily of Lanzhou

    Lily of Lanzhou

    Lily is a perennial herb, colorful, flowering longer, elegant and refined, pleasing to the eye, all over the country are cultivated. Lily is not only a famous flower, but also a famous precious food all over the country, especially Lanzhou lily, which is mostly used for state banquets and reception of distinguished guests. Lanzhou lily color white as jade, large shape flavor, fleshy delicate, rich in protein, sugar, minerals, fruit gum, low crude fiber content. Edible steamed fried can be, especially steamed lily white as jade, sweet and delicious, color and flavor

  • Processing Technology of Lanzhou Lily

    Processing Technology of Lanzhou Lily

    Lanzhou lily is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which has a long history of planting in Lanzhou. Because its underground stem is embraced by dozens of scales, it has the characteristics of a hundred pieces of synthesis, which contains the meaning of "Pepsi" and "hundred years of good harmony". And it has the effects of invigorating stomach, tonifying deficiency, eliminating phlegm, nourishing yin and so on, so it is deeply loved by the majority of consumers. Lanzhou lily is resistant to drought and is suitable for planting in high and cold mountain areas above 2000m above sea level. Where the climate is cool, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and there are few diseases and insect pests, the lily has more dry matter accumulation and color.

  • Lanzhou scallions

    Lanzhou scallions

    Variety source: Lanzhou local variety. Characteristics: plant height about 70 cm, upright} leaves green, long tubular, wax powder thick, leaf sheath white; green onion white part about 30 cm long, 1.5 cm thick, single plant weight about 50 grams; green onion white matter crisp and tender, spicy strong; cold resistance, drought resistance, pest resistance, wide adaptability, storage resistance, general yield per mu 1500vill2000 kg. Main points of cultivation: raising seedlings in late March, planting in ditches from June to July, or raising seedlings in early September, and ditching in mid-May of the following year.

  • Two young children in Lanzhou mistakenly mistook pesticides for beverages and the traffic police opened the way of life for 8 minutes.

    Two young children in Lanzhou mistakenly mistook pesticides for beverages and the traffic police opened the way of life for 8 minutes.

    Gansu, China, Feb. 27-according to Lanzhou Evening News (Reporter Wang Xiaogang), "comrade police, please save my child!" Around 10:00 on the evening of February 25th.

  • The flowers of Shandan are in full bloom.

    The flowers of Shandan are in full bloom.

    Lanzhou Lily is a famous specialty of Gansu Province. Its color is as white as jade and its meat is thick and sweet. Its quality is famous all over the world, so it has the reputation of "Lanzhou Lily is the first in the world". Shandan flowers bloom red, in fact, it is said that wild lilies bloom.

  • Storage of fresh bulbs of Lanzhou Lily

    Storage of fresh bulbs of Lanzhou Lily

    1. Short-term storage of plastic bags: Lanzhou lily is an excellent variety of lilies in China. If eaten within 50 days after harvest, the fresh products can be directly put into plastic bags, sealed and placed in a cool place. The storage temperature in winter should not be lower than 0 ℃. 2. Cellar method: select many kinds of soil cellars, such as sweet potato cellar, first clean the cellar, shovel off a layer of old soil, fumigate with sulfur for 1 hour or 2 hours or spray fungicide to disinfect, expose the fresh lily bulb in sunny day for 6 hours for 8 hours, and then remove the soil from the bulb.

  • Lanzhou seed Bureau went to Shengou Village to spread experience and treasure to cultivate the industry of enriching the people.

    Lanzhou seed Bureau went to Shengou Village to spread experience and treasure to cultivate the industry of enriching the people.

    On January 12, it was cold, and the road of the deep ditch village after the snow was slippery, showing a vast expanse of white everywhere, but it could not stop the cadres of the municipal seed bureau from accurately getting rid of poverty. According to the arrangement of the leader of the municipal water bureau, organize the technical backbone of virus-free potato to make a special trip to Yuzhong County

    2016-01-16 Lanzhou seed Bureau go Shengou village pass on treasure cultivation January
  • See Lanzhou City through Football

    See Lanzhou City through Football

    Recently, watching the World Cup football match and seeing the new shoots of orchids unearthed is a very pleasant thing, which also adds interest to this summer. Why 32 teams do not have China, perhaps left a regret, China is not short of money, there is no shortage of talent.

  • What are the delicious varieties of melons? Introduction of high quality varieties of muskmelon

    What are the delicious varieties of melons? Introduction of high quality varieties of muskmelon

    I believe we are all very familiar with melons. This kind of fruit is not only nutritious and sweet, but also can be made into dried melons, preserved melons and other processed products. In recent years, melons have been sold as high-end fruits. Since muskmelon was popularized and planted in our country, there have been mistakes.

    2020-11-27 Delicious delicious melon varieties which high quality introduction
  • China solves the travel problem of 42000 villages in 5 years

    China solves the travel problem of 42000 villages in 5 years

    China News Service, Lanzhou, December 4 (Reporter Feng Zhijun)-Chinese Minister of Communications Yang Chuantang revealed in Lanzhou on the 4th that over the past five years, China has solved the problem of travel difficulties in 654 townships and 42000 formed villages in poverty-stricken areas. 95% of the townships and 81% of the formed villages have opened classes.

    2015-12-26 China 5 years solution 42000 villages travel problems China News Service
  • Chongqing green vegetable head enters Gansu market (photo)

    Chongqing green vegetable head enters Gansu market (photo)

    In the north in the middle of winter, the wind is cold and the four fields are boundless. It was just dawn on December 30, 2015, and the vegetable market on Zhangye Road, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, was already full of people. A large group of people gathered around a pile of green vegetables, competing to bag, weigh and pay, and the stall owner was very busy. The same thing.

    2016-01-09 Chongqing Caitou Jinjin Gansu Market Picture Midwinter Beiguo
  • Where is the producing area of pears?

    Where is the producing area of pears?

    Pears are produced in Anhui, Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning, Shanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Fujian. Among them, Anhui Dangshan is the crisp pear producing area and the largest continuous pear orchard in the world; Shanxi Yuanping mainly contains yellow pear and avocado; Gansu orchid

    2020-11-09 Pear origin where pear yes Anhui Hebei
  • Cold vegetables cool the summer vegetable market

    Cold vegetables cool the summer vegetable market

    Cold vegetables in summer and autumn refer to the vegetables produced in high altitude (high mountain, plateau) and high latitude cool areas. From July to September every year, affected by the transition of vegetable production stubble, high temperature in summer, typhoons, torrential rains and other disastrous weather, South China, Jiangnan and the Huang-Huai River Basin

    2016-01-10 Cool vegetables for summer vegetable market "cooling " summer and autumn
  • The latest course of field management techniques and methods of Bailan melon

    The latest course of field management techniques and methods of Bailan melon

    Bailan melon, also known as Lanzhou melon, formerly known as Wallace, originated in the United States, its thick skin sweet, juicy tender meat, but also has the effect of clearing heat, relieving thirst and diuresis, appetizer and spleen. In our country, it is mainly planted in Lanzhou, so how to manage the cultivation of Bailan melon? With

    2020-11-10 The latest Magnolia melon field management technology methods tutorials
  • What are the feed formulations for Rex rabbits?

    What are the feed formulations for Rex rabbits?

    Rex rabbit feed formula should be designed according to nutritional needs and local feed resources, and the design of practical feed formula is an important work that must be done in every large-scale rabbit farm. There are many methods to design feed formula, such as square method, trial and error method and so on. The following Rex rabbit species are introduced below.

    2020-11-08 Rex rabbit feed formula have which need
  • Have you eaten all the ten common varieties of melons? Which is the best?

    Have you eaten all the ten common varieties of melons? Which is the best?

    When it comes to melons, I believe many friends have eaten melons, but in the countryside they mostly eat Lanzhou Bailan melons and Zaoxue melons. In fact, there are many varieties of melons. Today, the editor will introduce to you ten more common varieties to see if everyone has eaten them.

    2020-11-27 Melons common ten varieties you all have you eaten?