
Haining Learn more about Haining

  • The Bamei pig is coming.

    The Bamei pig is coming.

    The Bamei pig is coming.

  • Haining successfully established artificial cultivation base of Phellinus igniarius

    Haining successfully established artificial cultivation base of Phellinus igniarius

    Haining successfully established artificial cultivation base of Phellinus igniarius

  • High-grade vegetables should be sold in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

    High-grade vegetables should be sold in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

    High-grade vegetables should be sold in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

  • Overwintering skills of artificial breeding toad

    Overwintering skills of artificial breeding toad

    The scientific and technological personnel of the Yuanhua Science and Technology Association in Haining, Zhejiang Province have not only succeeded in artificially breeding the Chinese big toad, but also solved the problem of enabling the toad to survive the winter safely for 3-4 months, so that the toad can take off its clothes and pick pastry immediately after overwintering, and the survival rate of overwintering is much higher than that of the overwintering.

    2020-11-08 Artificial breeding toad overwintering skill Zhejiang Province Haining Yuan Hua
  • Control of Laodelphax striatellus at panicle stage of rice

    Control of Laodelphax striatellus at panicle stage of rice

    Laodelphax striatellus can not only cause rice stripe disease by virus transmission, but also concentrate on panicle damage at late panicle stage. In order to clarify the control effect and application technology of pymetrozine and other insecticides on Laodelphax striatellus at late rice heading stage, Cheng Qinhai et al from Haining Plant Protection Station of Zhejiang Province carried out field research

    2020-11-08 seed rice panicle stage fly ash lice control not only
  • There is a trick to give the tortoise an injection.

    There is a trick to give the tortoise an injection.

    According to practice, the technical staff of Longtouge Amphibious and Reptile Research Institute in Haining City, Zhejiang Province summed up the unique trick of injecting turtles: for the muscles at the base of the tortoise's front and back limbs, choose a thinner and shorter needle with a depth of 0.5 cm for small turtles, 0.8 cm for medium turtles and 1.2mi 1.8 cm for big turtles. If the injection needle is at an angle of 45 degrees with the limb, you should first pull out the tortoise limb and let it straighten. Do not choose to stick a needle in the neck so as not to injure the fascia, nerves and blood vessels. Drugs can be injected into the abdominal cavity if necessary for diseases such as pneumonia, hepatitis, enteritis, etc.

  • The planting range of Chimoni

    The planting range of Chimoni

    The plum has large fruit and bright color, which is also called drunken plum. It has always been in the first place among the top ten famous plums, and it is one of the best fruit products. What is the planting range of plums? 1. The planting area of plums is mainly concentrated in Zhejiang Province.

    2020-11-08 Plum planting range plum big fruit fruit color bright also
  • The technique of cultivating green turtle with angelica liquid

    The technique of cultivating green turtle with angelica liquid

    To cultivate green-haired turtles with yellow-throated water turtles or other water turtles, no matter using green water method, spore water method, direct method or bonding method, it takes at least 40 ~ 50 days to see the bud tip of the basal branch of the tortoise on the tortoise shell. Only the Angelica solution is used to cultivate the green turtle, the speed of germination is the fastest and the effect is the best. The formula of Angelica liquid (water) is (according to the cultivation of 50 green turtles): add 100 grams of Angelica sinensis (mashed), 100 grams of fresh pine needles (mashed) and vitamins in 100 liters of clear water.

  • Prevention and treatment of turtle furunculosis

    Prevention and treatment of turtle furunculosis

    Turtles in nature are relatively disease-resistant and belong to long-lived animals. it is common for turtles to live for decades and as long as one or two hundred years. In artificial breeding turtles, due to the deterioration of water quality or lack of nutrition and other factors, it is easy to lead to the invasion of some bacteria and furunculosis. In recent years, with the promotion of artificial turtle breeding, furunculosis is also popular, and the incidence of furunculosis is increasing year by year in some places. In the early stage of the disease, the tortoise will locally protrude a pustule under the skin, and then the pustule will slowly harden to form a protruding tumor, which can be moved by hand but hard inside. one

  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases of turtles

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of turtles

    Turtles have strong vitality and disease resistance, and fewer diseases, but under artificial feeding conditions, due to the influence of many factors, such as breeding site, temperature, bait and so on, various diseases sometimes occur. Therefore, we should pay attention to observation at ordinary times, and once an anomaly is found, we should prescribe the right remedy to the case in time so as not to cause economic losses. In this paper, the prevention and control methods of common turtle diseases summarized by Jiang Zhanglin, the "turtle king" of Longtou Pavilion Animal Farm, Yuanhua Town, Haining City, Zhejiang Province in the past 10 years are introduced as follows: first, traumatic inflammation due to rough feeding pond

  • Wu Jun, a farmer in Biyang County, earns 60,000 yuan per mu of mulberry.

    Wu Jun, a farmer in Biyang County, earns 60,000 yuan per mu of mulberry.

    Wu Jun, a farmer in Biyang County, earns 60,000 yuan per mu of mulberry.

  • Is the fragrant bubble evergreen or deciduous?

    Is the fragrant bubble evergreen or deciduous?

    Xiangbao is a plant of the genus Citrus in Rutaceae. its fruit looks like grapefruit and is oblong, ovoid or subglobular in shape. the peel is lemon yellow when ripe, and the flesh inside is edible. So, is the fragrant bubble evergreen or deciduous? Is the fragrant bubble evergreen or falling?

    2020-11-08 Fragrant bubbles yes evergreen or fallen leaves incense bubbles Rutaceae citrus
  • Throw away the green pineapple at home. It's fashionable to show the aroma of rich potted plants. The aroma of potted plants is charming.

    Throw away the green pineapple at home. It's fashionable to show the aroma of rich potted plants. The aroma of potted plants is charming.

    Rich bamboo bedroom hydroponic transport bamboo air purification potted green plant rich bamboo leaves green, stem straight, extremely shady, in weak light conditions, still straight and strong. It can be placed indoors for a long time to watch the leaves, and there is no need for special cultivation.

  • How to get rabbit industry information (repost to Gu Zilin)

    How to get rabbit industry information (repost to Gu Zilin)

    How to get rabbit industry information (repost to Gu Zilin)

  • Chen Genchuan, a big turtle farmer

    Chen Genchuan, a big turtle farmer

    Chen Genchuan, a big turtle farmer

  • Breeding and feeding of Ganoderma lucidum turtles

    Breeding and feeding of Ganoderma lucidum turtles

    Ganoderma lucidum turtles, also known as 12-rowed turtles, are small, with a maximum of only 200 Mel 250 grams. It is a national second-class protected animal and a specialty of our country. Ganoderma lucidum turtle is similar to Ganoderma lucidum grass, so it is called Ganoderma lucidum turtle. The beak of Ganoderma lucidum tortoise is crooked. The eyes are large and protruding, with light yellow longitudinal lines from the end of the kiss to the side of the neck. Ganoderma lucidum turtle has the characteristics of strong adaptability, hunger tolerance, strong vitality, long life and so on. Its meat is delicate, odorless and nutritious, so it is an ideal nourishing food. Ganoderma lucidum turtles have the effects of tonifying yin and blood, invigorating vital energy, helping weakness and so on. Therefore, the value of Ganoderma lucidum turtles is very high.

  • Cangzhou 60-year-old Weng for the benefit of villagers funded the construction of buildings and gave them to poor families

    Cangzhou 60-year-old Weng for the benefit of villagers funded the construction of buildings and gave them to poor families

    Cangzhou 60-year-old Weng for the benefit of villagers funded the construction of buildings and gave them to poor families

  • Introduction of turtle seedlings and culture methods in autumn

    Introduction of turtle seedlings and culture methods in autumn

    Because the turtle seedlings from one environment to another new environment has a period of adaptation, its cycle is 1 month to 2 months, then gradually normal, and the tortoise is a temperature-changing animal, after entering autumn, with the gradual decline of the temperature, the tortoise also grows slowly. The advantage of autumn introduction is to seize the opportunity of slow growth of the tortoise and let it adapt to the new environment. After the beginning of spring, when the temperature rises, the tortoise immediately enters the growth state, and there is no need to adapt to the new environment. In general, the seedlings introduced in autumn enter the growth period 1-2 months earlier than those introduced in spring.

  • The way of introducing turtle seedlings and breeding in autumn

    The way of introducing turtle seedlings and breeding in autumn

    Because the turtle seedlings from one environment to another new environment has a period of adaptation, its cycle is 1 month to 2 months, then gradually normal, and the tortoise is a temperature-changing animal, after entering autumn, with the gradual decline of the temperature, the tortoise also grows slowly. The advantage of autumn introduction is to seize the opportunity of slow growth of the tortoise and let it adapt to the new environment. After the beginning of spring, when the temperature rises, the tortoise immediately enters the state of growth, and there is no need to adapt to the new environment. In general, the seedlings introduced in autumn are higher than those introduced in spring.

  • Centipede culture technology

    Centipede culture technology

    Centipede culture technology
