
The Bamei pig is coming.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Bamei pig is coming.

He used to be a security captain, a family accident, he resigned to raise pigs, but attracted opposition from his family and friends. A decision he made in starting a business made everyone feel even more bizarre. Cross-bank entrepreneurship, how to use 2 years to build an enterprise with annual sales of more than 20 million yuan?

This is a farm music run by a local Tu family. Steamed sausage and roast pork chops are the two main dishes of the local Tu people when making Bamei pig banquets. Bao Haining is going to hold a Bamei pig feast here today.

Bao Haining: the way the Tus make this Bamei pig is very special. in addition to cooking and roasting, there are more roasting, stuffy, and pickling. He has many processes, which are different from our traditional pork production. There is still a certain gap, so it is easier for our guests to feel the flavor of Bamei pig.

This kind of pig with wrinkles on its face is Bamei pig, which gets its name because of the eight-figure pattern on its forehead. This kind of bristle has long hair and big ears, and the local people are also called big-eared pigs.

Bao Haining invited the owners of several local restaurants here today to taste the whole pig banquet of Bamei pig in order to promote his own Bamei pig products. As soon as the roast pig was served, it was immediately recognized by the guests.

Huang Xiulian, the owner of a hot pot restaurant, is ready to open Chinese food, instead of opening Chinese food to sell these all-out promotion.

Interviewer: how does it taste?

Madame: delicious, really delicious.

Dong Shangwen, owner of a restaurant: I didn't eat pork in the past. If you look at this meat, you can also eat fat ones and thin ones. I can eat almost a jin of this meat.

After eating the roast pig, Bao Haining showed his products to the guests.

Restaurant owner: meat like this can be directly made into noodle steamed meat, and it is also quite delicious, like this piece of meat can also be used as buckle meat.

Restaurant owner: our current business is not very easy. As soon as the meat of Bamei pig comes out, we can completely push it out as a specialty in the future.

Bao Haining: yes, so invite everyone. You see, brainstorming is much better than what we want to sit at home.

With this kind of Bamei pig, Bao Haining built an enterprise with annual sales of more than 20 million yuan in 2 years.

Wang Suping, director of the Animal Husbandry Bureau of Huzhu County, Qinghai Province: he built this leading enterprise, and the whole pig production played a role in pulling production and driving. For example, a few years ago, our county produced about 300000 pigs a year. Over the past two years, it has been processed and produced through his factory. Our average annual output of (live pigs) is about 400000.

However, few people know that when Bao Haining first set foot in the Bamei pig industry two years ago, there was no one around who was optimistic about him.

Friend Cheng Wen: I thought at that time that you did it because you had the idea to do it again, or because you didn't want to work as a security guard.

Wife Feng Xiaohong: at that time, I thought it was a little impossible, so I made (mental preparation), afraid of his failure or something.

Bao Haining: in fact, a lot of things have to be done before I know. Even if I fail, what if I go back to work as a security guard? right? I've tried. I've worked hard.

In two years, Bao Haining turned from a security guard to a leader in the Bamei pig industry, with annual sales of more than 20 million yuan. How on earth did he do it?

Bao Haining was born in Xining, Qinghai Province. In 1995, after graduating from technical secondary school, Bao Haining did some small business, but never made any money. In 2005, Bao Haining came to Huzhu Tu Autonomous County at an altitude of 2700 meters. He got a job as a security guard at a brewery here for eight years. From security to captain of security. However, he gave up the hard-earned job in 2013.

Friend: (he) resigned quickly. At that time, I was also quite surprised to resign. I think there should be a transition among him and resign all of a sudden, because there was no income, there was a family, there were old people at the top, and there were children at the bottom.

Family: I don't think he has ever done such a thing (pork industry), and then he goes to and from work every day. I think it's difficult for him to do these things.

Why did Bao Haining suddenly resign to start a business? The man in the photo with Bao Haining is Bao Haiming, Bao Haining's brother. His father died when Bao Haining was 2 years old, and his brother always took good care of him. Two years ago, my brother suddenly died of illness. This dealt a heavy blow to Bao Haining.

Bao Haining: the eldest brother is like the father, because of the special family situation, this brother has been disciplining me, supporting me, helping me, and mentioning me. Human life is actually very fragile, so limited life we should not do something, even if we fail, we can start all over again.

What exactly does Bao Haining want to do?

In 2013, he heard from a friend that a local specialty, Bamei pig, was getting harder and harder to buy. After in-depth investigation, Bao Haining found that Bamei piglets were very expensive. The reporter followed Bao Haining to understand the market situation of Bamei piglets.

Xu Fafang: can you take care of this?

Field director Xu Fafang: now between 40 jin and 50 jin.

Bao Haining: weigh it. I have this 40 jin.

Bao Haining: today this box contains five sows, which are mainly the original Bamei pigs. The price of this sow is about 3000 yuan per sow. Breeding pigs, if a good boar, is about 10,000 yuan.

The price of Bamei piglets is high, but most of the local farmers are unwilling to raise them.

Villager Zhang Chao: the growth cycle of Bamei pig is relatively long and grows slowly. If it is combined with the same new breed of pig, its feed cost is relatively high.

Factory director Xu Fafang: in this way, if the gross weight of Bamei pig is 100 jin, it will kill 50 jin of gross pork, which is like some high-quality, excellent foreign pig breeds up to 70%. If ordinary people want to invest in him, they must have a certain output.

Bamei pig as a local pig breed, although meat is very popular with the local people, but because of the long breeding time and low meat production rate, many farmers are unwilling to continue to raise Bamei pig. However, Bao Haining sees a business opportunity from it.

Bao Haining: as a product that is scarce, there is a market. In addition, such a high-quality pig breed, coupled with our unique and excellent breeding environment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is very suitable to be a medium-and high-end pork product, a product that wins by quality.

In early 2013, Bao Haining rented the store for 200000 yuan and opened a pork store. Bao Haining buys Bamei pigs from nearby farmers to sell them. At that time, the local ordinary pork was 12 yuan per jin, and Bao Haining priced the Bamei pork he sold at 20 yuan per jin. But after a few days of selling, there was a problem. Ordinary pork sells well, and no one cares about his Bamei pork at all.

Partner Wang Jun: at the beginning of business, everyone did not agree with this new brand of pork, because everyone was used to eating Bamei pig and Bamei pig every day, so why is your Bamei pig so expensive? Then there will be a lot of Bamei pork left at that time.

Wang Shaozong: it is well-known, but people still have doubts about whether Bamei pig is Bamei pig or not, so they don't agree so much.

The original Bamei pig is black, but most of the local Bamei pigs are crossbred with other pig breeds. After changing the skin color, the Bamei pig inherited the characteristics of the original pig, such as long hair, big ears, resistance to roughage and so on.

Researcher of Pig Genetics and breeding of Qinghai Academy of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine: it is a bit more difficult for black pigs to shed hair, and then there are black spots on the skin after fading. its hue is not very good in all aspects, so it is not very acceptable if it is sold in the market. Then try to raise white pigs.