
Carnation Learn more about Carnation

  • How to water carnation flowers, watering methods and precautions of carnation flowers / see dry watering

    How to water carnation flowers, watering methods and precautions of carnation flowers / see dry watering

    In the efficacy and function of carnation, its ornamental function is the most well-known, you want carnation to have ornamental effect, the maintenance process is not careless, of which watering is a more important link, so how to water carnation? What are the watering methods and points for attention of carnation flowers?

  • How to raise Carnation Flower

    How to raise Carnation Flower

    The carnation is one of the traditional famous flowers in China. Many flower friends want to raise it, but they often have the heart to raise it, but they can't raise it well. So how to raise the carnation flower? this article tells you how to raise the carnation flower from the most basic starting point. Let's take a look at the breeding method of the carnation flower.

  • The propagation method of carnation flower what is the flower language?

    The propagation method of carnation flower what is the flower language?

    Carnation is very good-looking, many people like to raise, want to raise a few more at home, how can this do? What is the breeding method of carnation flower? What is the flower language of Carnation? Sowing and propagation, the optimum temperature for seed germination is 21 to 22 ℃, which is usually carried out in September. Sow seeds in the open field seedbed

  • Occurrence and control of carnation virus disease in protected area

    Occurrence and control of carnation virus disease in protected area

    Symptom recognition carnation vein mottle disease carnation leaf vein mottle virus infects carnation, Chinese carnation and American carnation, all produce systematic mosaic, and old leaves often appear hidden phenomenon in winter. Discoloration spots appeared on the petals, especially in the varieties of large red flowers. Carnation latent virus disease Carnation generally shows no symptoms or mild mosaic symptoms after being infected by the virus. However, mosaic symptoms occurred when carnation latent virus and carnation vein mottle virus were co-infected. Carnation

  • How to grow carnation flowers?

    How to grow carnation flowers?

    Carnation: dianthuschinensisl morphological characteristics: Caryophyllaceae, plant height 30-50cm, stem erect or slightly creeping at the base. Leaves simple, opposite, linear, needle-shaped, base clasping. Flowers solitary or several forming Cymes; white to pink

  • Introduction of common propagation methods of carnation

    Introduction of common propagation methods of carnation

    The cultivation difficulty of carnation is not high, the common sowing method is used to propagate, and when the seed is not available, it can also be propagated by cutting and ramet. The breeding difficulty of carnation is not high, and the survival rate is very high, so it is very popular.

  • What are the seed planting methods of Carnation (also known as Carnation) in the United States? What's the difference between carnation and Chinese carnation? Winter tolerance

    What are the seed planting methods of Carnation (also known as Carnation) in the United States? What's the difference between carnation and Chinese carnation? Winter tolerance

    American carnation, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens, is a perennial herb of the family Caryophyllaceae, which can be used in flower beds, flower borders, flower beds or potted plants, as well as rock gardens and lawn edges. So do you know what are the methods of planting carnation seeds in the United States? What's the difference between carnation and Chinese carnation? Is it hardy in winter?

  • Is Luoyang flower carnation a carnation? Is it poisonous? Can I keep it indoors? How do you raise it? When will it blossom?

    Is Luoyang flower carnation a carnation? Is it poisonous? Can I keep it indoors? How do you raise it? When will it blossom?

    Carnation flower, also known as Luoyang flower and stone pillar flower, is a traditional famous flower in China. Because of its various colors and its ability to absorb harmful gases such as chlorine and sulfur dioxide, many people like to keep it indoors. Is the carnation a carnation? Is it poisonous? Put

    2020-11-09 Luoyang flower carnation yes poisonous can be put
  • Summary of planting methods of colorful carnation / appreciation of colorful carnation pictures

    Summary of planting methods of colorful carnation / appreciation of colorful carnation pictures

    Summary of planting methods of colorful carnation / appreciation of colorful carnation pictures

  • What are the seed planting methods of perennial herbs Carnation? What is the effect and effect? And the area of summer carnation

    What are the seed planting methods of perennial herbs Carnation? What is the effect and effect? And the area of summer carnation

    Colorful carnation, alias: Carnation, American carnation, Carnation, perennial herbs of the family Caryophyllaceae, leaves lanceolate, petals usually red-purple, with white spots, capsule ovate-oblong, flowering and fruiting from May to October. Do you know what are the seed planting methods of carnation? What is the effect and effect?

  • The efficacy and function of the latest carnation

    The efficacy and function of the latest carnation

    Carnation, also known as Luoyang flower, is a perennial herb, just hearing the name seems to have no feeling, and its leaves also seem to be very common. In fact, carnation is a very beautiful flower, its flowers have many colors, and they are especially beautiful after they are in full bloom.

    2020-11-10 The latest carnation efficacy and function also known as Luoyang
  • Culture methods of Carnation Flower

    Culture methods of Carnation Flower

    Culture methods of Carnation Flower

  • Cultivation and maintenance of Carnation

    Cultivation and maintenance of Carnation

    1. Tidbits Carnation is one of the famous ornamental flowers in China, which has a long history of cultivation and is appreciated by ancient poets. Li Bai and du Fu, the two great poets of the Tang Dynasty, both have good words about carnation flowers. Shixian said that "carnation embroidery Luo Yi". The poem saint said, "Musk Sleeping Carnation". It can be seen that as early as 1200 years ago in the Tang Dynasty, carnation was widely cultivated for people to enjoy. Carnation is widely distributed in Northeast, North, Northwest and Yangtze River provinces in China, and is now widely cultivated at home and abroad. The carnation is shaped like a bamboo with dense flowers and bright color.

  • Key points for the conservation of carnation flowers:

    Key points for the conservation of carnation flowers:

    1. Growth temperature: 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, carnation is cold-resistant and not heat-resistant, and likes a sunny, ventilated and dry environment. Summer noon temperature is higher, to appropriate shade, reduce the water loss of flowers and leaves, in order to prevent withering, and at night to dew night. two。 The soil should be fertile so that it can continue to branch and blossom

  • Is it Carnation? Is it poisonous? Can I keep it indoors? How? When do they bloom?

    Is it Carnation? Is it poisonous? Can I keep it indoors? How? When do they bloom?

    Lycopus arundinacea, also known as Luoyang flower, Shizhu flower, etc., is a traditional famous flower in China. Because of its diverse colors and the ability to absorb harmful gases such as chlorine and sulfur dioxide, many people like to keep it indoors.

  • Cross breeding of Carnation

    Cross breeding of Carnation

    Carnation (Dianthuscaryophyllus), also known as carnation (Carnation), belongs to the genus Carnation of Carnation family. The flower color is delicate and beautiful, and the flowering period of a single flower is longer, so it is an important cut flower plant in contemporary times. Carnation originated in southern Europe, the northern shore of the Mediterranean, France to Greece, now widely cultivated all over the world, mainly in Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Israel, Colombia, the United States and so on. With the commercial production of carnation, there are many companies specializing in breeding and breeding.

  • Planting methods and matters needing attention of Carnation

    Planting methods and matters needing attention of Carnation

    Colorful carnation is a very beautiful flower plant, also known as American carnation, bract carnation and so on. It is one of the famous traditional flowers in China. Although colorful carnation belongs to the family Caryophyllaceae, it can blossom. So such a beautiful five.

  • How to cultivate carnation flowers, the culture methods and matters needing attention / watering of carnation flowers should be appropriate.

    How to cultivate carnation flowers, the culture methods and matters needing attention / watering of carnation flowers should be appropriate.

    Carnation flower is also known as Luoyang flower, is a wide variety of flowers and plants, basic varieties are cultured in our country, but this kind of flower in the breeding time there are many places need to pay attention to, how to cultivate potted carnation flowers? What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of carnation flower?

  • How do young girls grow carnation? Propagation methods and cultivation points of Carnation in Girls

    How do young girls grow carnation? Propagation methods and cultivation points of Carnation in Girls

    Young girl carnation, also known as beautiful carnation, is a kind of colorful plant. Recently, some florist friends are asking the girl how to grow carnation. Therefore, the editor has arranged an article on the propagation and pest control and cultivation techniques of young girls' carnation.

  • Latent disease of carnation

    Latent disease of carnation

    [symptoms] there are few or no symptoms on carnation. The infection of carnation latent virus alone is not serious, but when it is co-infected with carnation vein mottle virus, it produces serious mosaic. Carnation latent virus (CarnationlatentCaravirus,CLV). It belongs to the genus Carnation latent virus. The virion is straight or slightly curved, 652nm × 12~13nm, and it has also been reported as 620~690nm × 10~12nm.
