
Summary of planting methods of colorful carnation / appreciation of colorful carnation pictures

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Summary of planting methods of colorful carnation / appreciation of colorful carnation pictures

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Colorful carnation, people who first heard of it thought it was a kind of bamboo, in fact, it is not, it is a kind of perennial herbaceous flowers. It is also known as bract carnation, brocade and American carnation, etc., is a very beautiful and colorful plant flowers, is very common in our life, and because of one of the important cut flowers, it is used very frequently in our garden. So how is colorful carnation planted and what is its planting method? Now let's take a look at it together.

Summary of planting methods of carnation

As a common garden cut flower material, colorful carnation is widely distributed all over the world, and there are many planting methods, including sowing propagation, cuttage propagation and split propagation.

1. Sowing and reproduction

To sow and propagate colorful carnation, we should first select the seeds, and then let the seeds germinate and sprout. Sow the seeds in an open field seedbed with a temperature of 21 to 22 degrees Celsius. Pay attention to keeping the basin soil moist. Generally, the seeds will sprout after a week, and the seedlings will emerge in about 10 days. Pay attention to the plant seconds, the temperature needs to be controlled at 10 to 20 degrees, know that the seedlings grow 4 to 5 leaves can be transplanted, daily breeding care, the colorful carnation will be able to blossom in spring next year.

2. Cuttage propagation

The breeding of colorful carnation is usually selected from October to late February and March. Select the twigs on the colorful carnation mother plant that are more prosperous as cuttings. The length of the cuttings can be controlled at about 5 to 6 centimeters. If the cuttings are inserted in a warm and moist seedbed, the main root can grow in about half a month.

3. Ramet propagation

The method of branch propagation of carnation is similar to that of cuttage propagation, and non-excessive plant propagation is generally carried out after the plant blossoms. The old plants of colorful carnation were selected for split, and then propagated by cuttings. In addition, it should be noted that ramet reproduction is usually carried out in autumn or early spring, and after ramet, we should pay attention to drainage and strengthen fertilizer and water management, so that plants can blossom again.

Matters needing attention in the cultivation of carnation

The cultivation of colorful carnation can not be done in one or two days, and it takes a long time, so people need to take good care of it in the daily planting process, so what are the points for attention in the planting of colorful carnation?

1. Watering should be reasonable.

In fact, the demand for water of colorful carnation does not match. In spring and autumn, the weather is relatively dry and can be watered more appropriately, while in summer the weather is hot and the water evaporates quickly, so it needs to be watered frequently. However, due to too much Rain Water in the Meiyu season, we still need to pay attention to timely drainage and loosening the soil. In addition, it is very cold in winter. In order to avoid frost damage, we must water less.

2. Fertilization should be appropriate.

Colorful carnation is often used as a 2012 plant for pot culture, so its base fertilizer must be fully applied when planting. Let him and as the plant grows, the plant will have a greater demand for nutrients after the growing season, when fertilizing every 10 days, and the generally mature thin liquid fertilizer bureau is enough.

3. Pruning should be timely.

When it comes to the growth period, the growth rate of carnation is very fast, so it needs to be pruned in time. Cut off the excess branches, terminal buds and axillary buds of the plant, as well as leaf axillary buds, so that the nutrients of the colorful carnation can be sufficient and concentrated, and the flowers produced by the Ang plant can have large and colorful flowers.

Appreciation of colorful carnation pictures

Colorful carnation is really a very beautiful plant flower, no wonder it is still a very famous cut flower material. Flowers into a paniculate Cymes, the whole flower diameter is not large, but the flowers are luxuriant, when gathered together, there is a feeling of one after another. And colorful carnation flowers are very rich, white, pink, red, pink, bright red, purple, lavender, yellow and blue are everything, it looks really colorful, and in the sun, the colorful carnation flowers in full bloom seem to be shrouded in a ray of light, beautiful like a dream.

Conclusion: there are many planting methods of colorful carnation, and the maneuverability of the method is relatively high, so it is not difficult for everyone to plant. So friends who are interested in colorful carnation can do it now, and maybe they can see colorful carnation blossoms this year.

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Appreciation of colorful carnation pictures

Colorful carnation is really a very beautiful plant flower, no wonder it is still a very famous cut flower material. Flowers into a paniculate Cymes, the whole flower diameter is not large, but the flowers are luxuriant, when gathered together, there is a feeling of one after another. And colorful carnation flowers are very rich, white, pink, red, pink, bright red, purple, lavender, yellow and blue are everything, it looks really colorful, and in the sun, the colorful carnation flowers in full bloom seem to be shrouded in a ray of light, beautiful like a dream.

Conclusion: there are many planting methods of colorful carnation, and the maneuverability of the method is relatively high, so it is not difficult for everyone to plant. So friends who are interested in colorful carnation can do it now, and maybe they can see colorful carnation blossoms this year.

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