
Key points for the conservation of carnation flowers:

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Growth temperature: 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, carnation is cold-resistant and not heat-resistant, and likes a sunny, ventilated and dry environment. Summer noon temperature is higher, to appropriate shade, reduce the water loss of flowers and leaves, in order to prevent withering, and at night to dew night. two。 The soil should be fertile so that it can continue to branch and blossom

1. Growth temperature: 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, carnation is cold-resistant and not heat-resistant, and likes a sunny, ventilated and dry environment. Summer noon temperature is higher, to appropriate shade, reduce the water loss of flowers and leaves, in order to prevent withering, and at night to dew night.

two。 The soil should be fertile so that it can continue to branch and blossom and prolong its flowering period.

3. Pruning and fertilizing in time, if you want carnation to blossom more, you must prune branches frequently.

4. Timely removal of leaf buds and surrounding weeds to reduce nutrient loss. Many people worry that pruning will affect blooming again, but it will not. The pruned carnation will blossom again.

Carnation flower is not difficult to maintain, carnation plum flower language one: you are always colorful in my heart. Stone bamboo plum blossom language II: a lifetime, pure and warm. I have learned the difference between carnation and carnation, learned how to protect carnation, and also know the flower language of carnation. Do you want to plant these two kinds of flowers? take action quickly. Maybe you will be the next one to shine flowers on your moments.

Carnation, also known as carnation and musk carnation, is a perennial herb, but it is often cultivated in 2012 in cut flower production. Stem erect or creeping, much branched, plant height 60-100 cm, whole plant albino. Leaves opposite, linear-lanceolate, base clasping, flowers solitary or several fascicled branch ends, bracts 2-layer 3-layer adherent to calyx tube. A variety of colors, there are red, pink, yellow, white, purple, complex color and so on, with aroma. The natural flowering period is from May to July, the cut flowers are produced annually, and the full flowering period in winter is from January to February. Carnation is one of the four largest cut flowers in the world because of its bright color, fragrant smell and long flowering period. Carnation is recognized by the world as the mother's flower. In addition, it can also be cultivated in open field or potted.

Carnation prefers a warm, moist, sunny and well-ventilated environment. He is not only afraid of the heat, but also intolerant of the cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-21 ℃. It is rich in humus, loose and fertile micro-acid to neutral soil, and waterlogging and continuous cropping are avoided.

In order to cultivate carnation, we should choose strong disease-free seedlings. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the soil and apply sufficient base fertilizer (rotten compost, bone meal, etc.) to improve soil physical properties and increase soil fertility, as well as sufficient bottom water. 4-5 days before planting, the moisture of the seedling bed should be controlled to make the seedling bed slightly dry. Watering once a day before planting is convenient for raising seedlings with dirt the next day. Plant along with the seedlings.

Carnation is not resistant to water and humidity, watering should be dry and wet to avoid drought and waterlogging, timely drainage in the rainy season to prevent waterlogging. During the growth period, fertilizer needs to be replenished constantly in order to grow healthily and blossom well. Topdressing is generally applied once a month in ground planting, and dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied every 10 to 15 days in potted plants. Summer high temperature season to shade and cool, and pay attention to ventilation and prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

To make the carnation blossom more and blossom well, pruning and picking the heart in time is a key measure. Heart picking should be carried out many times starting from the seedlings. The first coring was carried out when there were more than 5 pairs of leaves when the height of the seedling was 15cm to 20cm. No less than 5 pairs of leaves were retained after coring, and 3-4 pairs of leaves were left for the second time after lateral branches were extracted. Whether to pick the heart again in the future depends on the need, but the last pick should not be later than late August. After such coring, no less than 12-15 branches per plant can be maintained. There is only one bud at the top of each branch during bud pregnancy, and the rest of the lateral buds and axillary buds should be removed in time. After planting, nylon net should be set on the seedbed in time to prevent plant lodging and flower stem bending. After the above management, the carnation plant shape is beautiful and the flowers are colorful.

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How to plant carnation flowers the flower language of carnation flowers is mother's love, pure love. Overseas, the United States praised the carnation flower as the "maternal love flower". Its fragrance is charming, and it is also a good material for flower beds. Although the carnation flower is good, there are still a lot of points for attention when it is planted. Then, the editor of the provincial many decoration network will give you a brief introduction to the main points of carnation cultivation.

The suitable temperature for the growth of potted carnation flowers is 15-20 ℃. In winter, the temperature should be kept above 12 ℃ in the greenhouse. The growing period requires sufficient light, placed in a sunny place, and it is appropriate to scatter light in summer to avoid hot sun exposure. When the temperature is high, it should be shaded and cooled down. Require fertile, loose, good drainage and calcareous loam or sandy loam, avoid waterlogging, good fertilizer. It is required to apply sufficient base fertilizer, 2-3 plants per pot. Seedlings grow to 15 cm high, to remove the terminal bud, promote its branches, and then pay attention to remove axillary buds properly, otherwise more branches, will make nutrients disperse and bloom small, appropriate removal of axillary buds to make nutrients concentrated, can promote flowers large and colorful.

During the growth period, the potted carnation should be maintained in a sunny and well-ventilated place to keep the basin soil moist and apply mature thin liquid fertilizer every 10 days or so. Rain Water pays too much attention to drainage and loosening soil in summer. Some leaf axillary buds should be removed in time before flowering, mainly to ensure that the top buds bloom. It is advisable to water less in winter, such as keeping the temperature at 5-8 degrees, blooming continuously in winter and spring. With carnation flowers:

Carnation is a perennial herb, but it is generally cultivated for one or two years. It sows in autumn in the north and blossoms in spring. Spring sows in the south and blossoms in summer and autumn. The plant height is 30-40 cm, the flower color has purple red, bright red, pink, purple red, pure white, red, variegated, single or double, apex serrated, slightly fragrant, florescence April-October, concentrated in April-May.

There are many species of carnation, with more than 300 species of the same genus. The common cultivated varieties are bract carnation, colorful carnation, Jintuan carnation, Changxia carnation, dwarf carnation and pinnate carnation and so on. In addition, there is a variety introduced from Europe called carnation, also known as carnation, yellow is more expensive.