
How to cultivate carnation flowers, the culture methods and matters needing attention / watering of carnation flowers should be appropriate.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Carnation flower is also known as Luoyang flower, is a wide variety of flowers and plants, basic varieties are cultured in our country, but this kind of flower in the breeding time there are many places need to pay attention to, how to cultivate potted carnation flowers? What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of carnation flower?

Carnation flower is also known as Luoyang flower, is a wide variety of flowers and plants, basic varieties are cultured in our country, but this kind of flower in the breeding time there are many places need to pay attention to, how to cultivate potted carnation flowers? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of carnation? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. How to cultivate Carnation Flower

If we want to know how to cultivate carnation, we first need to understand its growth habits. Carnation is a kind of plant with strong vitality, it has good resistance to cold and drought, but it is not resistant to waterlogging, so it must be in the right amount when watering. Of course, there are many other aspects that need to be paid attention to. The culture methods and matters needing attention of carnation are introduced in detail. Let's move on.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Carnation Flower

1. Soil selection

In terms of cultivated soil, carnation is still more fastidious, and it is generally best to use a mixture of garden soil and humus soil, so that the drainage of the soil will be better, so that carnation flowers can better absorb nutrients.

two。 Fertilization management

In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of carnation, fertilization is a very important link, especially in its growing period, it needs regular fertilization, usually once every 10 days, but remember to dilute it before fertilization. it makes it easier to absorb carnation.

3. Watering management

Carnation flower for water requirements is not too high, generally regular appropriate amount of it, watering to maintain a certain amount of soil moisture on it, remember not to cause stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to appear root rot phenomenon.

4. Light management

In the carnation culture methods and matters needing attention, light is also a more important point. Carnation is a light-loving plant, so it must maintain sufficient light in the process of culture, so it can grow better.

5. Pest control

In the process of carnation culture, if the method is wrong, it is easy to appear diseases and insect pests and other phenomena, when this phenomenon occurs, it must be dealt with in time, if it is allowed to cause the plant to die, as for the specific treatment methods, you can refer to the article on the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of carnation flowers. Here, the editor will not introduce too much.

The Culture method of Dianthus chinensis Propagation method of Dianthus chinensis

Carnation was originally grown in the seaside petals dry, small flowers gather to form a dense ball, group planting can form a very beautiful landscape. Next, we will tell you about the breeding methods and breeding methods of Dianthus chinensis.

The culture methods of carnation are as follows:

1. Soil

Potted plants should choose loose and well-drained soil, and when planting in a large area, we should choose places with high dryness and smooth drainage, and rotten leaf soil rich in organic matter is most suitable for the growth of carnation.

2. Temperature and light

The suitable temperature for the growth of carnation is 15-25 ℃. Sufficient light is required during the growth period, and proper shade is needed in hot summer. Scattered light is suitable (which can be moved to the shade of trees) to avoid hot sun exposure. Take cooling measures (sprinkling water, etc.) when the temperature is high.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Carnation does not have strict requirements for fertilizer and does not have much demand. It is usually applied once a week in 2-3 weeks. Watering should be appropriate, and the amount of water should be adjusted at any time according to weather conditions. Note: even when the air temperature is high, the water temperature is low, or the temperature is high after a long drought, if you pour a lot of water, it will cause damage to the roots of carnation.

The propagation methods of Dianthus chinensis:

1. Sowing and propagation of carnation.

If you want to start blooming in May, sow in January; if you want to blossom in spring after overwintering, sow in July-September. Maintain an ambient temperature of about 20 ℃ and sprout in 7-10 days. After the cotyledons were fully expanded, the temperature was reduced to 17 ℃-20 ℃, and the soil moisture was reduced. 6-8 weeks after sowing, one seedling was transplanted into an 8-15 cm flowerpot, or 2-3 seedlings were transplanted together into a 10-12 cm flowerpot. The upper basin matrix is loose and coarse-grained grass, and the pH value is kept at 5.8-7.0. When the temperature is 13 ℃-17 ℃, frost-free overwintering should be taken to keep warm in winter. When the temperature is 15 ℃-18 ℃, it takes 10-11 weeks to blossom in spring. The low temperature of 7 ℃-12 ℃ will slow down the growth and prolong the growth cycle. Growth stops when the temperature is below 7 ℃.

2. Separate propagation of Dianthus caryophyllus

The suitable period is from autumn to winter. When ramet, dig out the clustered seedlings, separate them with a sharp knife according to 1-2 buds per plant, plant them in the basin, strengthen maintenance, and pay attention to heat preservation in winter.

More information on the methods and techniques of cultivating potted carnation

Carnation alias Chinese carnation, Luoyang flower, embroidered bamboo, bamboo flower, etc., like the sun and good ventilation, cold-resistant, not resistant to heat, the cultivation of carnation requires a fertile sandy loam with good drainage, avoid waterlogging. Propagation can be done by sowing (sowing in spring or autumn), cutting and ramet. From June to September, it blossoms one after another.

Cultivation tips: generally sow seeds between September and October. When the seedlings grow 3-4 leaves, transplant them into small flowerpots, and put them on the pot when they grow into large seedlings (7-8 leaves). There were 3 plants in each pot, and the basin soil was mixed with 7 parts of the same soil, 1 part of compost soil and 2 parts of sandy soil, or 1 part of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten soil and 1 part of river sand, mixed with appropriate amount of rotten bean cake as base fertilizer. Big seedlings on the basin after pouring water to place in the shade, 5-6 days after the placement of adequate sunshine, good ventilation. No fertilizer is applied during the overwintering period. Less watering and keeping the room temperature above 5 ℃ in the sunny place can safely survive the winter.

During the growth period, the flowers and leaves flourish when liquid fertilizer or compound liquid fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is applied every 14 days. After budding, stop topdressing. Watering is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist, such as watering too much is easy to rot the root. After flowering in July, pruning should be carried out in time to strengthen fertilizer and water management, and at the same time, it should be placed in a ventilated and semi-shady place for summer maintenance, and it can blossom again.