
Baoshan Learn more about Baoshan

  • Impression of Baoshan Cold Orchid

    Impression of Baoshan Cold Orchid

    This is a new product Han Lan Piaoxian found in the hands of Lannong in Baoshan Village, Yongfu Town. Because there was no rice for cooking at that time, the flowers went through many vicissitudes of life. Finally she returned to her hometown-Yongfu, named for witnessing her return-impression Baoshan!

  • Summer cactus garden travel you will love them

    Summer cactus garden travel you will love them

    Thanks to the flowering materials, all kinds of fish, Baoshan, flowering many kinds of fish...

  • Baoshan Tobacco Longling Inspection, planting and purchase contract signing work

    Baoshan Tobacco Longling Inspection, planting and purchase contract signing work

    Baoshan Tobacco Longling Inspection, planting and purchase contract signing work

  • Hunan Community in Hsinchu County combines the local bright spot to become a rural regenerative community.

    Hunan Community in Hsinchu County combines the local bright spot to become a rural regenerative community.

    Statistics of Hsinchu County up to November this year, 22 communities have approved the rural regeneration plan. Hunan Community in Hukou Township and Baoshan Community in Baoshan Township have completed 92 hours of training courses one after another, which is about to become the 23rd and 24th approved rural areas.

  • Baoshan City, Yunnan Province: how to use "one piece of land" to obtain "three incomes"

    Baoshan City, Yunnan Province: how to use

    Baoshan City, Yunnan Province: how to use "one piece of land" to obtain "three incomes"

  • The Plant Protection Station of Baoshan City, Yunnan Province held training on the unified control of vegetable diseases and insect pests.

    The Plant Protection Station of Baoshan City, Yunnan Province held training on the unified control of vegetable diseases and insect pests.

    The old urban and rural areas have an area of 12000 mu of vegetables, which is not only the main vegetable planting base in Shidian County, but also the expert guidance base of Guizhou University, and the vegetable industry is the main pillar industry in the township. According to the needs of the local people, January 2016,

    2016-01-16 Yunnan Baoshan City Plant Protection Station held vegetables Diseases and insect pests Integrated Control
  • "Walnut Secretary" Han Yinxiang: the barren slope becomes "Baoshan"

    "Walnut Secretary" Han Yinxiang: the barren slope becomes "Baoshan"

  • Baoshan Tengchong: the leader of getting rich, "Ostrich King" Li Chaozhi

    Baoshan Tengchong: the leader of getting rich,

    Baoshan Tengchong: the leader of getting rich, "Ostrich King" Li Chaozhi

  • Children's face exquisite lotus petal

    Children's face exquisite lotus petal

    The new variety of lotus petal orchid lotus was excavated in Baoshan by Mr. Cao Kunhua, an experienced orchid family in Baoshan in 2006. When it first bloomed in 2009, it had 7 leaves, 30-40cm in length and 0.8-1.2cm in width. Upright leaf shape, leaf tip chaotic circle, blade is fish belly shape, clip.

  • Zhang Shiguo realized his dream of increasing income and becoming rich in "the Source of Green vegetables"

    Zhang Shiguo realized his dream of increasing income and becoming rich in

    Zhang Shiguo realized his dream of increasing income and becoming rich in "the Source of Green vegetables"

  • Floating lotus petal

    Floating lotus petal

    In the exhibition hall, the flowers selected by the Japanese orchid friends are planted with a small flag. The selected flowers are: a dozen pots of lotus crown, floating lotus, Yingshanhong, and so on. Later, when negotiating the price, not all of them were sold, and the floating ocean lotus sold two seedlings at 5000 yuan per seedling. It was a sky-high price at that time! This is the first time that Baoshan was introduced across the sea into Japan.

  • Yunnan Baoshan bee people rely on wasp farming to raise tens of millions of wealth!

    Yunnan Baoshan bee people rely on wasp farming to raise tens of millions of wealth!

    Wasp, scientific name wasp, also known as wasp or wasp. Large, long and toxic, once people are stung by stingers, they are allergic or severe, and they can lead to death. When you hear the name, you avoid it, not to mention breeding. But a bee resident in Yunnan depends on it.

    2020-11-11 Yunnan Baoshan bee people rely on wasp breeding raising tens of millions wealth
  • Realize the dream of lotus petal

    Realize the dream of lotus petal

    Baoshan Orchid Exhibition, with the orchid master introduced these two groups of orchids from Shidian County, Baoshan City. Round dream lotus, one from the flower pattern, the outer three petals are short, wide, from the pocket, the petal is thick, the ratio of length to width is estimated to be between 1 and 1.2, the ratio of length to width obviously exceeds that of the crown of the lotus, the middle palace is compact, and the tongue is large; second, the leaf is short and strong (relative to the crown of the lotus).

  • Red-crowned crane (lycopene) lotus petal

    Red-crowned crane (lycopene) lotus petal

    Lotus petal treasured red-crowned crane (new inscription in Baoshan, Yunnan) Lotus petal orchid red tongue red-crowned crane, Baoshan red tongue one of the higher grades of red tongue, open well when the tongue spot is not broken, when the opening is not good, the petals do not roll, the leaf width is about 0.8CM, the flower pattern is very stable.

  • Lotus petal orchid lotus petal: Dangshan lotus

    Lotus petal orchid lotus petal: Dangshan lotus

    Lotus petal orchid lotus petal: Dangshan lotus

  • Longnu Chunlan

    Longnu Chunlan

    Baoshan spring orchid flower classic-dragon girl. Found in the Longchuan River Basin in the early 1990s, Chunlan semi-hard holding multi-color flowers, the color is luxuriant and gorgeous light purple, the middle of the petals have a dental yellow line uplift, set off with the background color such as gold Peiyu. Lip color petal is a little bright red embellished in the center of the flower tongue, particularly vivid and vivid. Flower posture.

  • Yingshan red lotus petal

    Yingshan red lotus petal

    In 2007, it was registered as a famous product of Lotus Orchid, registered No. 0282, and was selected by Mr. Kennedy in Baoshan, Yunnan Province in 1993. Flowering rouge red, very gorgeous, stable color, color-changing flowers, more and more red, an arrow flowers open 3-7, very lively. Spend a lot of money, get out of the fight. The leaf is slender, the leaf width is about 0.8CM, and the leaf color is yellowish green.

  • Number one plum (holding pole flower) lotus petal

    Number one plum (holding pole flower) lotus petal

    Its name is "number one plum", but the petal type is "lotus valve". Baoshan specialty lotus petal orchid holding pole, no ovary (flowers without ovary, directly born on the flower stem) series of representative varieties. The leaf width is 1 cm and the length is 20-30cm. The tip is round and blunt, the leaf tip is slightly twisted in the pocket, and the texture is exquisite. The shape of the plant is vivid and beautiful.

  • Longmei Chunlan

    Longmei Chunlan

    Yunnan Baoshan produces Chunlan, plum-shaped daffodils, the petals are thin, but the bone strength is very good, the color is very special, no need for a bag, the color is very stable. This flower has been down the mountain for many years, but there is something wrong with the early breeding, and it is rare to see its true face. Longmei and Longnu come down the mountain from the same area, look at the photos are similar, the actual flowers and leaves are different, Longnu is stable.

  • "post-80s" female college students start their own business and raise lobsters

    "post-80s" female college students start their own business and raise lobsters
