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  • What is the yield of Zhengmai 136?

    What is the yield of Zhengmai 136?

    Different wheat varieties require different environments for planting and the subsequent yield is also different. Today, the editor would like to introduce to you the relevant data on the output of Zhengmai 136. Let's take a look at it. First, the output of Zhengmai 136 is increasing continuously.

    2020-11-08 Zheng Mai 136 yield how much different wheat variety
  • Xieyou 136, a medium indica hybrid rice with famous and excellent varieties

    Xieyou 136, a medium indica hybrid rice with famous and excellent varieties

    Xieyou 136 is a new medium indica hybrid rice combination selected by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Lixiahe area of Jiangsu Province. the combination has high and stable yield, with a general yield of about 650 kg per mu, which is more than 8% higher than that of Shanyou 63. The whole growth period is 145days, with coordinated ear-grain structure and high grain weight. Generally, the effective panicle per mu is 17-190000, the total grains per panicle is 122.4-167.3 grains, the seed setting rate is about 90%, and the 1000-grain weight is more than 30 grams. Compact plant type, strong tillering, good thriving, strong lodging resistance, yellow stalk green seeds at maturity, good ripening phase, resistance to rice blast

  • The 136th regiment Chen Yun planted greenhouse vegetables and embarked on the road of getting rich through hard work.

    The 136th regiment Chen Yun planted greenhouse vegetables and embarked on the road of getting rich through hard work.

    The 136th regiment Chen Yun planted greenhouse vegetables and embarked on the road of getting rich through hard work.

  • Characteristics and High-yielding cultivation techniques of Wandao 175

    Characteristics and High-yielding cultivation techniques of Wandao 175

    Wandao 175, also known as Luyou 136, is a three-line hybrid indica combination of Luzhou 86A and Hui 136 used by Fenghai Marker Rice Research Institute in Hefei City, Anhui Province. The combination has high yield, excellent rice quality, wide adaptability and high purity of seed production. Participated in the regional trial and production trial of medium indica rice in Anhui Province from 2002 to 2004, and passed the variety approval of Anhui Province in March 2005 (Anhui Grade Review 05010474). 1 the source of parents and the application of albino markers the novelty of Wandao 175 lies in the success of albino marker breeding technology.

  • Technical points of garlic safety production

    Technical points of garlic safety production

    First, parcel selection. Choose loam or light clay loam for planting. Second, the appropriate time for early sowing. The suitable sowing time for garlic is September 25-30. Third, choose to grow garlic. Choose the garlic produced in the same year as a kind of garlic and store it under natural conditions. Plant garlic cloves 4 to 6 grams. Fourth, rational application of base fertilizer. The soil nutrient content reached 110.53 μ g / g of available nitrogen, 60.22 μ g / g of available phosphorus, 136.77 μ g / g of available potassium, 8.41 μ g / g of available sulfur and 0.85ug / g of available boron, respectively.

  • Ganzaoxian 43 (rice)

    Ganzaoxian 43 (rice)

    Ganzaoxian 43 (original code 91-136) is a new early indica rice variety bred by cross breeding in Nongken School of Jiangxi Province. The whole growth period is 110 days. The plant height is 82cm, the tillering ability is strong, the effective panicle per mu is 260 000, the panicle rate is 73%, the panicle length is 19cm, the total grain per panicle is 63, the seed setting rate is 75%, and the 1000-grain weight is 25g. Brown rice rate 82.5%, rice length/width ratio 2.8. Natural induction identification of rice blast area: seedling blast 2, leaf blast 3, panicle neck blast 0. 199

  • Jindou 20 (soybean)

    Jindou 20 (soybean)

    Characteristic plant height 90cm 110cm, branch 3mm 5, main stem node 23, seedling growth steady, rhizome thick, multi-nodule, stem strong, drought resistance, lodging resistance; yellow seed coat, black navel; 100-grain weight 20 grams, protein content 40.2%, fat content 20.6%, spring sowing growth period about 136 days; summer sowing 90 days. In 1992, the yield per mu of soybean in the comparison test was 263.5 kg, which was 11.27% higher than that of the control and participated in the middle and late ripening of soybean in Shanxi Province from 1995 to 1996.

  • 20th century pear

    20th century pear

    It originated in Japan. There are a small number of plants in Liaoning, Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other provinces in China. This variety can be cultivated in the south. The fruit is medium and large, with an average weight of 136 grams per fruit. The fruit is nearly round and neat. Fruiting pedicel long, sepals deciduous, sometimes persistent. The pericarp is green and turns green and yellow after storage. The heart of the fruit is medium-large, the flesh is white, the flesh is crisp, juicy and sweet. Contains 11.1% soluble solids 14.6%. The fruit is not resistant to storage and can be stored for about a month.

  • Feiyouduo No. 1 (Rice)

    Feiyouduo No. 1 (Rice)

    (1) Variety source: this variety is a medium indica late maturing combination formed by Neijiang Hybrid Rice Science and Technology Development Center in 1992 with the combination of male sterile line Feigai An and restorer line Duohui 1. (2) characteristics: the whole growth period is 145-150 days, which is 2-3 days shorter than that of Shanyou 63, the plant height is 105-110 cm, the ear layer is neat, the seedling stage is prosperous, the leaf width is erect, and the plant type is compact. Good color change in the later stage, not premature senility. 136.5 grains per panicle, seed setting rate 85-90%, 1000-grain weight 30%

  • Kexin No. 4 (soybean)

    Kexin No. 4 (soybean)

    1. The variety was bred by Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1998, original code: 96-274. This variety was bred by chemical mutagenesis technique combined with pedigree breeding. It was approved by Beijing in 2002. Second, the characteristics of mid-mature spring soybean varieties, sub-limited podding habits, the whole growth period of 135-136 days. Plant height 100-105 cm, oval leaves, purple flowers, gray hairs, yellowish brown pods, partially deciduous at maturity, undehiscent pods

  • Chuanza No. 9 (Cotton)

    Chuanza No. 9 (Cotton)

    The main results are as follows: (1) Variety source: the genic male sterile line anti-A1 used by the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences was used as the female parent and was mixed with 12 groups of national popularized varieties cultivated by China Cotton Institute. (2) characteristics: the whole growth period of the hybrid is 130-136 days, the plant height is 85-90 cm, the plant body is compact into a tower, the stem and branch are stout, the leaf color is dark green, the leaf is medium, the light transmittance is good, the growth is prosperous, the boll setting is strong, the boll is oval, the bell shell is thin, and the boll is smooth. The fiber is neat, the color is good, the percentage of clothes is 41-43%, and the weight of single boll is 5-6g.

  • Hybrid one cropping Rice Variety-ⅱ you 93

    Hybrid one cropping Rice Variety-ⅱ you 93

    Characteristics: this variety belongs to three-line late-maturing medium hybrid rice. In 2004, it participated in the regional trial of super rice in Hunan Province. The whole growth period was 136.2 days, which was 6 days less than that of Liangyoupeijiu and 2 days less than that of Shanyou 63. The plant height is about 115 cm, the plant type is tight and loose, and the resistance to fertilizer and lodging is strong. The tillering ability is medium, the luxuriance is good, the heading is neat, and the color is good in the later stage. The average effective panicle per mu is 164300 ears, the total grain number per panicle is 172.3, the seed setting rate is about 80%, and the 1000-grain weight is 27.6g. Key points of cultivation: in

  • Chen Weiren came out of the cage and became a wild chicken farmer.

    Chen Weiren came out of the cage and became a wild chicken farmer.

    Chen Weiren came out of the cage and became a wild chicken farmer.

  • Key points of cultivation techniques of Tengli

    Key points of cultivation techniques of Tengli

    Tengli is an excellent pear variety with the characteristics of early production, high yield, excellent fruit quality, strong disease resistance and storage and transportation resistance. Its cultivation techniques are mainly as follows: 1. Wide adaptability: suitable for growing in fields, fields and hillsides with good drainage conditions. II. Planting specifications: 1. 222 plants planted according to 3 feet ×9 feet per mu;2. 136 plants planted according to 5 feet ×9 feet per mu. More than 60% of pear trees bloom in the same year of planting (in order to facilitate the growth of young trees, all young trees should be removed).

  • A New Cotton Variety-Nannongzao

    A New Cotton Variety-Nannongzao

    Crop species: cotton variety name: Nannong early characteristics: plant tower type, the main stem is straight and fluffy, the sunny side is brown, the leaves are engraved obviously, the fruit branches are slightly raised, the bolls are oval and pointed, the single boll weight is 5.2 grams, lint percentage is 43.3%, lint index is 7.3 grams, and seed index is 9.5 grams. The mid-early maturing variety has a growth period of about 136days, resistant to Fusarium wilt, resistant to Verticillium wilt, fiber quality: 2.5% span length 29.7mm, specific strength 19.6cN/tex, micronaire value 4.4. Yield performance: 1999-

  • Four thousand people ran to success on the national road in Taichung City.

    Four thousand people ran to success on the national road in Taichung City.

    (Taiwan Business Daily News) the "2014 run to success Runforsuccess" Taichung national road race was launched yesterday (29) morning. Nearly 4000 teachers and students from 136 elementary schools in the city gathered in Chengling to run under the gun of Vice Mayor Tsai Bingkun and detour the interior of the camp from Jieshou Taiwan for a week.

  • Wuxing 2 (soybean original name: Jiguan 52)

    Wuxing 2 (soybean original name: Jiguan 52)

    Characteristics: purple flowers, brown hairs, oval leaves, sub-limited podding habits. The average growth period is 136.5 days, plant height is 94.0cm, effective branches are 1.8cm, number of effective pods per plant is 47.4, seeds per plant is 107.1, grain weight per plant is 19.8g, weight of 100 seeds is 19.2g. The soybean research center of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences was inoculated and identified as SMV1 strain resistant to mosaic virus, mixed strain SMV with moderate resistance to mosaic virus, highly susceptible soybean heart borer and susceptible soybean cyst nematode. Resist

  • Cultivation techniques of Color Rice

    Cultivation techniques of Color Rice

    Nutrition and health rice, that is, red rice, black rice and fragrant rice, is a traditional high-quality and valuable rice in China. First, fragrant indica rice. The first of the four high-quality rice varieties recommended by the Rice and products quality Supervision, Inspection and testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, 12 indexes are tested and evaluated, all of them exceed the first-class rice index, their beige is as jade, and the content of trace elements, especially selenium is very high. It is the best variety for the development of pollution-free green food. The plant height of fragrant indica rice is 100 cm, about 150 grains per panicle, the 1000-grain weight is 28 grams, the average yield per mu is 500,550 kg, and the whole growth period is 136.

  • Ii you 7954 (Rice)

    Ii you 7954 (Rice)

    Characteristics: this variety belongs to indica three-line hybrid rice. the average growth period of one-cropping middle rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is 136.3 days, which is 3.0 days later than that of Shanyou 63. The plant height is 118.9 cm, the plant type is moderate, the population is neat, the leaf color is dark green, the growth is luxuriant, and the color change is medium in the ripening period. The number of effective panicles per mu is 157000 ears, ear length is 23.9cm, total grains per panicle is 174.1, seed setting rate is 78.3%, and 1000-grain weight is 27.3g. Resistance: Rice blast 7, bacterial blight 5, brown planthopper 9. Main index of rice quality

  • The sons and daughters of rivers and lakes can not tolerate their grandchildren: Feng Xiaogang has completely deleted the play and Fan has disappeared in March. It is difficult for bad artists to gain a foothold.

    The sons and daughters of rivers and lakes can not tolerate their grandchildren: Feng Xiaogang has completely deleted the play and Fan has disappeared in March. It is difficult for bad artists to gain a foothold.

    Jia Zhangke's "sons and daughters" premiered in China on September 16, 2018, with a domestic release of 136 minutes, compared with 141 minutes when it premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. Careful netizens will have two editions.
