
Cultivation techniques of Color Rice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nutrition and health rice, that is, red rice, black rice and fragrant rice, is a traditional high-quality and valuable rice in China. First, fragrant indica rice. The first of the four high-quality rice varieties recommended by the Rice and products quality Supervision, Inspection and testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, 12 indexes are tested and evaluated, all of them exceed the first-class rice index, their beige is as jade, and the content of trace elements, especially selenium is very high. It is the best variety for the development of pollution-free green food. The plant height of fragrant indica rice is 100 cm, about 150 grains per panicle, the 1000-grain weight is 28 grams, the average yield per mu is 500,550 kg, and the whole growth period is 136.

Nutrition and health rice, that is, red rice, black rice and fragrant rice, is a traditional high-quality and valuable rice in China.

First, fragrant indica rice. The first of the four high-quality rice varieties recommended by the Rice and products quality Supervision, Inspection and testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, 12 indexes are tested and evaluated, all of them exceed the first-class rice index, their beige is as jade, and the content of trace elements, especially selenium is very high. It is the best variety for the development of pollution-free green food. The plant height of fragrant indica rice is 100 cm, 150 grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight 28 grams, general yield 500-550 kg per mu, and the whole growth period 136-140 days.

Second, excellent red rice. The color is ruddy and crystal clear if agate, the smell is fragrant, good-looking and delicious, it has the effect of selenium-rich tonifying blood, beauty and health. The whole growth period of red rice is 138 days, with a plant height of 95 cm, strong tillering ability and strong disease resistance, with a 1000-grain weight of 26 grams and a general yield of about 500 kg per mu.

Third, rare black rice. The beige color is black and bright, and the aroma is rich and pure. The content of 17 essential amino acids and iron in black rice is 1 / 2 times that of ordinary rice. Black rice plant height 100 cm, fertilizer resistance, lodging resistance, strong disease resistance, high resistance to bacterial blight, sheath blight light, green stem and green leaves mature in the later stage. The spike is generally 200 grains, the rice grain is black and slender, the 1000-grain weight is 25 grams, the yield per mu is about 450 kg, and the high yield can reach about 1000 jin.

Main points of cultivation: 1. Sowing and raising seedlings in the first and middle of May. 2. Wide row and narrow plant, insert full basic seedling, density 20 000 holes per mu, basic seedling 8 ~ 100000. 3. Balanced fertilization, properly reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer and increasing the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to improve the quality of rice. 4. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, using biological pesticides with high efficiency and low toxicity to ensure rice quality. 5. Strengthen field management and harvest at the right time.