
soju Learn more about soju

  • Japanese sweet potatoes are used like this! The best raw material of Japanese soju

    Japanese sweet potatoes are used like this! The best raw material of Japanese soju

    The bottle shape of soju is similar to that of sake, and the wine label usually appears with Japanese kanji and katakana, and they are also displayed on the wine shelves of Japanese restaurants and supermarkets, and they are all transparent or yellowish when poured into the wine glass, so they are often mistaken for the same.

    2020-10-26 Japan sweet potato like this use soju good raw materials soju
  • A clean stream in advertising. A legend of the Japanese liquor industry.

    A clean stream in advertising. A legend of the Japanese liquor industry.

    People in the advertising copywriting industry all know that the market is rapidly changing, and advertising strategies will change accordingly. However, Japan iichiko soju, from 1984 to now, 30 years to adhere to their own literary and artistic way, produced hundreds of posters.

  • Spoil the fish

    Spoil the fish

    The dross method is widely popular, and it is more common in Zhejiang, which is a traditional delicious preservation method. Meat, poultry eggs and fish can all process dregs food. The processing process of aquatic dregs can be divided into two stages: pickling and dehydration and seasoning storage. Pickling and dewatering usually adopts the method of short-term thin pickling and moderate drying in order to initially receive the effect of sterilization and bacteriostasis with a certain salty taste. it brings favorable conditions for further beautifying the taste. The seasoning materials are mainly lees and other materials.

  • Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Due to the action of external force, the joint is twisted, resulting in incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. Symptoms: sudden claudication or walking with three limbs, the affected part is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. Treatment: 2 parts of ① vinegar, 1 part of quicklime, mix well, once or twice a day. ② leek 50-100g plus soju 100-50g, mash external application. 75 grams of ③ frankincense, 75 grams of myrrh, 100 grams of gardenia, 25 grams of safflower, mix well with vinegar

  • Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Due to the action of external force, the joint is twisted, resulting in incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. Symptoms: sudden claudication or walking with three limbs, the affected part is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. Treatment: 2 parts of ① vinegar, 1 part of quicklime, mix well, once or twice a day. ② leek 50-100g plus soju 100-50g, mash external application. 75 grams of ③ frankincense, 75 grams of myrrh, 100 grams of gardenia, 25 grams of safflower, mix well with vinegar, wrap the affected part

  • When will the southern mulberry mature?

    When will the southern mulberry mature?

    The southern mulberry fruit matures from April to June every year. The mature mulberry fruit is harvested to remove impurities, dried in the sun or slightly steamed, and can also be soaked in wine. The mature mulberry fruit is oily, sour and sweet, with a large, thick meat, purple-red color and sufficient sugar content. Mulberry fruit is green when it is first ripe.

    2020-11-09 Southern mulberry when mature southern every year June
  • Beware of cold dehydration of cattle in winter

    Beware of cold dehydration of cattle in winter

    Not only can water cool down, but also water can heat up. ① is cooled with water: each adult cow is paired with 0.3kg of soju or 0.2kg of urea into 5kg of cold water and let the cattle drink themselves. You can also soak the hay in cold water for 3-5 hours the day before feeding the hay, and then feed the cattle. ② warms up with water: the climate is cold in winter. For weak cattle, heat the water to 40 ℃ and add 30 grams of salt or 100g of soy sauce per kilogram of water to drink. two。 Feed nutrition and nourish water master

  • Prevention and treatment of joint sprain in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of joint sprain in pigs

    1. The cause of the disease is that the joint is twisted by external force, which leads to the incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. two。 Symptoms suddenly occur claudication or walking on three limbs, the affected area is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. 3. Avoid strong action during prevention and capture and avoid jumping out of vehicle during transportation. The following prescriptions can be applied at the initial stage: (1) external application: 2 parts of ① vinegar and 1 part of quicklime, mix well, 1-2 times a day. ② leek 50-100g plus

  • Why do the leaves of corn seedlings turn yellow? How to wilt after fertilizing?

    Why do the leaves of corn seedlings turn yellow? How to wilt after fertilizing?

    Corn tastes sweet and can be used to make all kinds of dishes, such as corn flipping, corn juice and so on. It is also the main raw material of industrial alcohol and soju, so a large number of corn seedlings will be planted in the north and south of our country.

  • How much is the deciduous tree jujube (longevity fruit) per jin? How many months will it mature? Can I eat it raw?

    How much is the deciduous tree jujube (longevity fruit) per jin? How many months will it mature? Can I eat it raw?

    Longevity fruit, also known as jujube, chicken claw, smelly Qizi, chicken claw, dragon claw, curved fishing, honey claw, Lijiang Fructus Aurantii and so on, is a very special food and is deeply loved by people because of its rich nutritional value. how much is that jujube (longevity fruit) per jin? In a few months

    2020-11-09 Fallen leaves trees jujube longevity more less money one jin a few months
  • When does the mulberry of "Folk Holy Fruit" mature? About when will it go on sale? When is the best time of day to eat?

    When does the mulberry of

    Street stalls are often seen selling mulberries, a string of black and red, sweet and juicy, very attractive. Don't underestimate it. More than 2000 years ago, it was a tonic used by Chinese emperors. Due to the special growth environment, mulberry has no natural growth.

    2020-11-09 "Folk sacred fruit " mulberry what season mature probably
  • How to grow persimmon to remove astringency

    How to grow persimmon to remove astringency

    Traditionally cultivated persimmon, most of them cannot be naturally removed from astringency on trees, and must be artificially removed after harvest before they can be eaten or processed into persimmon cakes. These artificial astringency can only be eaten after processing persimmon called astringent persimmon. There is also a type of persimmon, which must be

    2020-11-08 seed persimmon remove astringent method tradition cultivation of
  • What is the difference between Scutellaria angustifolia and Trifolium przewalskii

    What is the difference between Scutellaria angustifolia and Trifolium przewalskii

    What is the difference between Scutellaria angustifolia and Trifolium przewalskii

  • The efficacy and function of fly grass

    The efficacy and function of fly grass

    The efficacy and function of fly grass

  • The efficacy and function of Zizyphus jujuba, the producing area and the planting method of the jujube tree.

    The efficacy and function of Zizyphus jujuba, the producing area and the planting method of the jujube tree.

    Zizyphus jujuba, also known as longevity fruit, chicken claws, Lijiang Fructus Aurantii and so on, the fruit shape is like ten thousand characters, so it is called Wanshou fruit tree. The fruit is ripe and can be eaten raw, the pulp is pulpy, there is no stone, the seeds are exposed outside the pulp, the pulp is sweet and slightly sweet, and it can also be made into soup. There is so much introduction.

  • How to increase efficiency by using microbial pesticides

    How to increase efficiency by using microbial pesticides

    Is there any way to improve the efficacy of pesticides? Please give guidance in the use of pesticides, if an appropriate amount of auxiliaries are added, the efficacy of pesticides can be significantly improved. With the addition of soju and 50 grams of liquor per mu, the insecticidal effect will be significantly improved. Such as 40 ml of methotrexate plus 50 grams of liquor per mu, 5 to water.

  • What is spring food?

    What is spring food?

    Spring vegetable is a vegetable of the genus Lactuca. Spring vegetables have more leaves, accounting for a large part, and fewer stems. In Beijing, Tianjin and other areas, since the Beginning of Spring, many families will buy spring vegetables to eat, this habit has also spread to this day. Transplanting methods of spring vegetables 1. Seedling training

    2020-11-09 Spring vegetables what is spring vegetables yes lettuce a kind of
  • Prevention and treatment of scabies of farmed hedgehog

    Prevention and treatment of scabies of farmed hedgehog

    1) the etiology of this disease is an external parasitic disease caused by scabies and mites parasitic in the skin. Mites multiply vigorously and spread rapidly in humid environments, especially in autumn and early winter. In addition, poor management, unclean house and unclean skin

    2020-11-08 Breeding hedgehog scabies disease prevention etiology the disease is caused by
  • A simple way to keep flowers fresh to make your flowers bloom longer

    A simple way to keep flowers fresh to make your flowers bloom longer

    The flowers bought from the florist always wither in less than a few days, which is very distressing for flower lovers. If you want to prolong the opening hours of flowers, you must first understand the malaise of flowers.

  • When does ivy usually bloom? How to cuttage? What is the medicinal value?

    When does ivy usually bloom? How to cuttage? What is the medicinal value?

    Ivy is a perennial evergreen climbing shrub of the genus Acanthopanax. Its leaves are beautiful and evergreen. It is often used for vertical greening in the south. So, when does ivy usually blossom? How to cuttage? What is the medicinal value? I. Ivy

    2020-11-09 Ivy generally when bloom how cuttage have