
soft grain Learn more about soft grain

  • The latest grape rotten fruit, soft grain causes and control methods

    The latest grape rotten fruit, soft grain causes and control methods

    Summer is the season when grapes are popular on the market. Many growers 'grapes are ripe and can be sold on the market. Many farmers grow grapes. This is the time of hard work for one year. But at this critical moment, many fruit growers 'grapes began to rot, soft grains,

    2020-11-10 latest grape rotten fruit soft grain cause and control
  • Causes and control methods of rotten fruit and soft grains of grape

    Causes and control methods of rotten fruit and soft grains of grape

    Causes and control methods of rotten fruit and soft grains of grape

  • Is wheat coarse grain?

    Is wheat coarse grain?

    Wheat is not coarse grain, it is one of the fine grains, and the other is rice. The difference between fine grain and coarse grain is that its products are relatively soft and delicious, delicate and soft, and the finished products of coarse grains can not achieve this taste. In addition to white flour and white rice, other crop products are coarse grains with rough taste and high nutritional value.

  • Zaofu soft seed No. 9

    Zaofu soft seed No. 9

    Zaofu soft seed No. 9. It is a new variety of soft seed pomegranate from Zaozhuang after three consecutive times of radiation breeding. The tree is slightly stronger than the soft-seeded pomegranate, the leaf is larger, the single fruit weighs about 260 grams, the pericarp is yellowish green, the sun is flushed, the grain is white and transparent, the grain is extra-large, sweet, the kernel is soft and edible, the sugar content is 16%, the quality is excellent, and it matures in mid-September. Resistant to storage and transportation, good yield.

  • Prevention and treatment of premature senescence of grape leaves caused by poor taste of soft grains

    Prevention and treatment of premature senescence of grape leaves caused by poor taste of soft grains

    Prevention and treatment of premature senescence of grape leaves caused by poor taste of soft grains

  • The difference between highland barley and wheat

    The difference between highland barley and wheat

    Wheat is one of the three major grains, almost all for food, and only about 1/6 is used as feed. Lianghe River Basin is the earliest region in the world to cultivate wheat. China is one of the earliest countries in the world to grow wheat. Highland barley is a special type of barley. that

    2020-11-08 Highland barley wheat wheat.
  • Breeding of disease-resistant fragrant and soft rice variety Jiuqixiang 1

    Breeding of disease-resistant fragrant and soft rice variety Jiuqixiang 1

    The main results are as follows: 1. The selection of parents selected the international famous rice variety Basmati, the Youxiang soft strain mutated by solar radiation and Xiangshimiao No. 2 as the male parent. Qingzhen 8, which has high yield, high resistance and wide adaptability, is used as the female parent. 2. after the progeny selected a single plant in the late production in 1991, various types of single spikes with medium dwarf and plant grain shape similar to those of fragrant silk seedlings were selected from the materials separated from F2 and F3 generations, and then multiple generations were selected and propagated and compared with single plant lines.

  • How to water the flytrap, the maintenance skills of the flycatcher waist water method / two kinds of wild release and stuffy culture.

    How to water the flytrap, the maintenance skills of the flycatcher waist water method / two kinds of wild release and stuffy culture.

    Flytrap is a kind of plant that can repel mosquitoes. Keeping it indoors can not only eliminate flies in the home, but also purify the air. But it is not easy to raise the flytrap well, and the most important thing to pay attention to is watering. How to water the flytrap? The following are the maintenance techniques and fertilization methods of flycatcher waist water.

  • The local chicken that eats rice tastes better! Domestic rice feed developed by the Animal Test Institute, chicken and duck breast meat is soft, tender and juicy, and pork is also delicious.

    The local chicken that eats rice tastes better! Domestic rice feed developed by the Animal Test Institute, chicken and duck breast meat is soft, tender and juicy, and pork is also delicious.

    The local chicken that eats rice tastes better! Domestic rice feed developed by the Animal Test Institute, chicken and duck breast meat is soft, tender and juicy, and pork is also delicious.

  • The local chicken that eats rice tastes better! The domestic rice feed is promoted by the Animal Test Institute, the breast meat of chicken and duck is soft, tender and juicy, and the pork is also delicious.

    The local chicken that eats rice tastes better! The domestic rice feed is promoted by the Animal Test Institute, the breast meat of chicken and duck is soft, tender and juicy, and the pork is also delicious.

    The local chicken that eats rice tastes better! The domestic rice feed is promoted by the Animal Test Institute, the breast meat of chicken and duck is soft, tender and juicy, and the pork is also delicious.

  • Types and Characteristics of Special Rice

    Types and Characteristics of Special Rice

    1. The concept of special rice 2. Types and characteristics of special rice 1. Color rice 2. Fragrant rice 3. Special rice 1. The concept of special rice Special rice refers to rice with specific genetic characteristics and special uses, mainly for the particularity of its use, in order to distinguish ordinary rice. Special rice generally includes colored rice, fragrant rice and special rice. Although the number of varieties accounts for only about 10% of rice germplasm resources, it is affected by internal factors due to its special characteristics of nutrition, health care and processing utilization.

  • 2020-2021 How much does a soft seed pomegranate sapling cost? Introduction to planting techniques!

    2020-2021 How much does a soft seed pomegranate sapling cost? Introduction to planting techniques!

    After more than 10 years of cultivation experiments and observations in China, soft seed pomegranate has excellent performance in all aspects, especially early maturity (middle August, early July of the lunar calendar), large seed (100-seed weight 56.2 g), fresh color (red seed), large fruit,

    2020-11-08 2020-2021 year soft seed pomegranate sapling price more less money one tree
  • Huamai 2

    Huamai 2

    Long awn, white hull, red grain, spindle panicle, semi-hard-soft grain. Seedling erect, leaves broad and long, pale green leaves. Tillering ability is stronger, panicle and grain number per panicle are more, 1000-grain weight is slightly lower. The plant type is loose, the plant height is about 84 cm, and the fertilizer resistance is strong. The growth period is about 211 days, one day longer than the control. The effective panicle per mu is about 320,000, with about 38 grains per panicle and about 39 grams of 1000-grain weight. Inoculation identification results: moderate resistance to scab, susceptible to sheath blight, highly susceptible to shuttle stripe mosaic disease, highly resistant to preharvest germination. The field performance is medium susceptible to sheath blight and powdery mildew. Quality analysis of two

  • Cultivation substrate of Chinese orchid

    Cultivation substrate of Chinese orchid

    Cultivation substrate of Chinese orchid

  • Ranking of the best rice in the country

    Ranking of the best rice in the country

    China is a large agricultural country with a wide area of arable land, and there will be some differences between the rice in the south and the north. Rice in the northeast is sought after by many consumers, fragrant and delicious. So below, the editor will tell you about the ranking of the best rice in the country. The most delicious food in the country

    2020-11-27 The country the most delicious delicious rice ranking China is a agriculture
  • Feng Ba Zhan (Rice)

    Feng Ba Zhan (Rice)

    Variety profile: Fengbazhan is a new Thai silk seedling type high-quality fragrant rice variety with early rice quality and special rice quality. The grain sample analyzed by the grain chemical processing laboratory of our institute shows that the amylose content is 223%, the gel consistency is 46 cm, the alkali elimination value is 70, the rice is fragrant, soft and hard, the taste is good, and it is not hard after cold. Determined by the China Rice Institute, 8 indicators reached the first-class standard of high-quality rice issued by the Ministry. Fengbazhan was identified by the Plant Protection Institute of our hospital in 1997 and was resistant to bacterial blight (IV group 2 Mel 3).

  • What is red wheat? What's the difference with white wheat? How much is it per jin on the market at present?

    What is red wheat? What's the difference with white wheat? How much is it per jin on the market at present?

    What is red wheat? What's the difference with white wheat? How much is it per jin on the market at present? According to the different skin color, wheat can be divided into white wheat and red wheat. Among them, white wheat is yellow or milky white, thin skin, high endosperm content.

    2020-11-09 What yes red wheat and white wheat white there difference what?
  • Agricultural restructuring: reduced corn, increased what?

    Agricultural restructuring: reduced corn, increased what?

    Agricultural restructuring: reduced corn, increased what?

  • What kind of grain is wheat

    What kind of grain is wheat

    Wheat is one of the fine grains, its caryopsis can be ground into flour and fermented into steamed bread, bread, biscuits, etc., the taste is relatively soft and delicious, delicate and soft, other coarse grains can not achieve this taste. Belongs to the long sunshine crop, needs to maintain 8 to 12 hours of light every day, the plant is relatively slender, the height is about 60 to 100 centimeters.

  • What are the kinds of wheat? The Origin of High-yield Wheat

    What are the kinds of wheat? The Origin of High-yield Wheat

    Wheat is one of the three major grains, almost all for food, and only about 1/6 is used as feed. China is one of the first countries in the world to grow wheat. So do you know what kinds of wheat there are? How to produce high yield wheat? Next, follow the editor.

    2020-11-09 Wheat of kind which high yield origin wheat is