
What are the kinds of wheat? The Origin of High-yield Wheat

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Wheat is one of the three major grains, almost all for food, and only about 1/6 is used as feed. China is one of the first countries in the world to grow wheat. So do you know what kinds of wheat there are? How to produce high yield wheat? Next, follow the editor.

Wheat is one of the three major grains, almost entirely eaten, and only about one-sixth used as feed. China is one of the earliest countries in the world to grow wheat. Do you know what types of wheat there are? How high yield wheat? Let's find out about it together with Xiaobian.

What are the types of wheat?

Wheat is divided into 30 categories, which are further divided into more than 30000 varieties. Plant breeders breed new varieties by crossing (interbreeding two plants of different varieties of the same species). Breeding wheat is selected for its processing quality, good cold tolerance or disease resistance.

Common wheat crops include:

Winter wheat and spring wheat, winter wheat grown in temperate regions and sown in autumn, spring wheat grown in regions with long winters and sown in frost-free spring, both produce soft wheat and hard wheat (depending on grain texture).

Dense spike wheat is a kind of dwarf wheat with short spike, small grain and low gluten content. Usually used to make pastry flour. Dense ear wheat can grow in poor soil. It is grown mainly in the western United States, Canada, and mountainous Europe. Dense spike wheat is a kind of dwarf wheat with low gluten content.

Common wheat, a dominant cash crop, is grown in temperate and subtropical regions. High gluten content. Common wheat is divided into hundreds of varieties--including awn and plain; durum and soft. Common wheat is used to make bread, pastries, breakfast cereals, alcoholic beverages, and more. Some species are used as livestock feed.

Durum wheat is a kind of awn wheat with strong drought tolerance, durum grain and high gluten content. It is mainly used to make pasta. Durum wheat is grown in many parts of the world.

Einkorn wheat is a hardy awn wheat. Each ear yields one grain. Einkorn wheat was the first wheat to be cultivated artificially and the precursor to many modern wheat varieties. Can grow in poor soil. Single grain wheat occurs mostly in the mountains of southern Europe and is used as livestock feed.

Triticum emmer is an awn wheat. It is grown mainly in Europe and Asia for livestock feed and pastry flour.

Persian wheat is a type of wheat grown in the Caucasus.

Polish wheat is a kind of awn wheat used to make bread. Cultivated in parts of Europe and northern Africa.

A type of wheat used especially for pastries and pasta. It can also be used as livestock feed. It is grown all over the world.

Wheat is divided into wheat and barley, and barley is divided into many varieties, such as beer barley and fodder barley. Wheat can be divided into winter wheat and spring wheat, but also can be divided into high-quality special wheat (high-quality strong gluten wheat) and ordinary wheat, etc., specific to planting varieties more, and constantly updated. Monocotyledonous plants, Gramineae. Herbs annual or biennial. Stem hollow, articulate. Leaves long lanceolate. Spikes called "wheat spike", spikelets flat on both sides, awned or not awned. Caryopsis is wheat grain. Winter wheat and spring wheat are divided according to sowing time. Cultivated all over the world. Seeds are mainly made of flour, husk can be used as feed, wheat straw can be used for weaving, etc.

Origin of High-yielding Wheat

Seed is the basis and tube is the key to high yield of wheat. Winter wheat is in the vegetative growth period from seedling to overwinter. The main characteristics of growth are leaf emergence, rooting and tiller increase. Some of the nutrients produced by plants at this stage are used for seedling growth and some are stored for overwintering and spring rejuvenation. Strong seedling before winter, developed root system, strong tiller, more stored nutrients, strong resistance, conducive to safe winter, early return to green in spring, high panicle rate. Weak seedlings have fewer roots and fewer tillers, and less nutrients are produced and stored. Because of the consumption of a large number of nutrients in the growth of vegetative body, the nutrient storage of vigorous seedlings is also small. These two seedlings are not conducive to winter safety of wheat, and the low ear rate will directly affect the yield of wheat, so it is very important to do a good job in winter management for high yield of wheat.

1. From weak seedling to strong seedling

Common weak seedlings mainly have the following conditions: drought seedlings, deep-seeded seedlings, hardened seedlings, de-fertilized seedlings, saline-alkali seedlings, fertilized seedlings, late-seeded seedlings and so on. For deep-seeded seedlings, ridge cleaning shall be carried out, part of soil covering shall be removed, so as to make tiller node cover soil thickness shallower or deep intertill, improve soil ventilation condition, promote development and make seedlings strong; hardened seedlings are mainly poor in ventilation, root absorption is affected, plant growth is slow, and cultivation and loosening shall be carried out in time to break hardening; fertilized seedlings shall be supplemented and watered in time; saline-alkali seedlings can be subjected to high water pressure alkali if conditions permit, and then intertill and loosening shall be carried out; Fertilizer burning seedlings, mainly due to the application of undecomposed organic fertilizer or straw return to the field caused, should take watering measures; late sowing seedlings are mainly insufficient accumulated temperature before winter, should be cultivated loose soil, improve the ground temperature mainly, in order to promote its healthy growth.

2. Control of seedlings

One kind of condition is good fertilizer and water conditions, early sowing, wheat seedlings prosperous long, one kind is soil fertility is general, because of large sowing quantity, too many basic seedlings, early sowing, high temperature, resulting in excessive growth of wheat seedlings to form prosperous seedlings, effective measures to control prosperous seedlings are suppression and deep cultivation, in order to facilitate the growth of new roots, through these measures, can basically control the growth of the ground, promote the growth of underground, at the same time, for prosperous seedlings, to delay the time of watering frozen water.

3. Prevention of seedling mortality

Practice proved that timely irrigation of frozen water can stabilize the ground temperature, prevent the invasion of cold current to wheat seedlings, and protect wheat seedlings from winter safety. Prevention of early spring drought, conducive to the cultivation of spring seedlings; crushed garbage, solid soil, conducive to the growth of wheat seedlings. Frozen water is especially needed for sandy and loamy land, while it is not suitable for low-lying land, clay land, wet land and late-sown wheat fields. Late sowing wheat field, if necessary, still need to irrigate frozen water, can be flexible according to the specific situation, in principle, do not tillering do not water, so as not to silt seedlings, affect growth and cause freezing damage. The time of pouring frozen water should be grasped at the time of "freezing at night".

4. winter fertilizer application

Combined with irrigation of frozen water to apply winter fertilizer, the amount of fertilizer should not be too large, 5~10 kg per mu is appropriate.

5. winter repression

Winter suppression has the effect of preserving moisture, freezing and crushing. Winter suppression should be carried out on low-yield fields. However, since the saline-alkali land returned to alkali after suppression and the sand land returned to plate after suppression, the saline-alkali land and sand land were not suppressed.

Nutritional value of wheat

Wheat is rich in starch, protein, fat, minerals, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin A. Because of the variety and environmental conditions, the difference of nutrient composition is large. From the protein content, wheat grains grown in continental arid climate areas are hard and transparent, with high protein content of 14~20%, gluten is strong and elastic, suitable for baking bread; wheat grains born in humid conditions contain protein 8~10%, wheat grains are soft, gluten is poor, it can be seen that geographical climate has a very important effect on the product formation process.

In addition to human consumption, flour is only used in small quantities to produce starch, alcohol, gluten, etc. After processing, by-products are high-quality feed for livestock. Eating whole wheat reduces circulating estrogen levels, which may help prevent breast cancer, and for menopausal women, eating unrefined wheat may also ease menopausal symptoms.

The soft and hard texture of wheat grain is an important index to evaluate the processing quality and eating quality of wheat, and is closely related to wheat breeding and trade price. Hardness is one of the most important criteria for wheat market classification and pricing at home and abroad, and it is also one of the important breeding objectives of breeders in various countries.