
seals Learn more about seals

  • Small seal and great learning

    Small seal and great learning

    Seal, as an art category with national historical and cultural characteristics, is like a wonderful flower, which continuously exudes a unique fragrance in the broad and profound Chinese art garden, attracting people to enter this inch world. The art of seals.

  • What do seals eat?

    What do seals eat?

    What do seals eat?

  • How to raise seal blisters

    How to raise seal blisters

    Seal blisters and leaves above the spots, shaped like seals, belong to succulent plants, is a popular flower plant in recent years. So, how to raise seal blisters? 1. The roots of succulent seal blisters in loose soil are more developed, and it needs to grow in loose soil.

    2020-11-11 Seals blisters how raise seals shape and leaves
  • Wu Qiao Liao Peng's Seal Engraving Love: Inheriting the Beauty of Traditional Culture

    Wu Qiao Liao Peng's Seal Engraving Love: Inheriting the Beauty of Traditional Culture

    Wu Qiao Liao Peng's Seal Engraving Love: Inheriting the Beauty of Traditional Culture

  • Wax sealing technology of scion of planting jujube

    Wax sealing technology of scion of planting jujube

    First, wax seal benefits 1. The wax seal scion forms a thin wax film on the surface of the scion, seals the epidermis stomata and the incisions at both ends of the scion, reduces water evaporation by more than 90% compared with the ordinary scion, and has the effect of protecting the scion. two。 The grafting time is long, and the branch grafting of jujube is general.

    2020-11-08 Planting jujube scion wax seal technology one benefit
  • What natural enemies do seals have?

    What natural enemies do seals have?

    What natural enemies do seals have?

  • See blood seal throat? Can save people as well! See what effect and effect does blood seal throat (arrow poison wood) have?

    See blood seal throat? Can save people as well! See what effect and effect does blood seal throat (arrow poison wood) have?

    There is indeed a tree species in the world called blood seal throat, which is known as the most poisonous plant. Blood seal throat is also called arrow poison wood. Because the white milk sweat from its trunk is highly toxic, ethnic minorities in Xishuangbanna are used to paint arrowheads to hunt animals. After being shot, blood seals throat.

    2020-11-09 See blood seal throat can can also save lives curare poison wood there are
  • How toxic is the latest blood seal throat?

    How toxic is the latest blood seal throat?

    It is a highly poisonous plant and medicinal plant of Moraceae, with milky sap, gray bark, spring flowering and high toxicity, so it should avoid cutting branches as far as possible in the process of cultivation.

    2020-11-10 The latest see blood seal throat toxic much strong
  • Selection of Scion of Fruit Tree and Wax-sealing Technique

    Selection of Scion of Fruit Tree and Wax-sealing Technique

    Scion selection and wax sealing scion selection of fruit trees. The grafted varieties must be excellent, of high economic value, and adapted to the local climate. The scion must be collected from a good seed tree. A good seed picking mother tree is one that has been tuned for many years.

  • See how toxic is the blood seal throat?

    See how toxic is the blood seal throat?

    See how toxic is the blood seal throat?

  • She, who built her own shanzhai "city government" in Henan, was released from prison.

    She, who built her own shanzhai

    She, who built her own shanzhai "city government" in Henan, was released from prison.

  • Safe Transportation of Live Fish Act

    Safe Transportation of Live Fish Act

    Sealed transport: Sealed transport Fish and water are transported in sealed oxygenated containers. It is characterized by small size, convenient transportation, general adult fish transportation, within 8 hours, no need to change water midway, large shipping sealing degree, high survival rate, one-time oxygenation can make fry survive in containers for more than 20 hours, more convenient in long-distance transportation of large numbers of fry, plastic bag oxygenation and plastic bucket oxygenation sealing transportation methods can be used. 1, plastic bags oxygenated sealed transport: plastic bags filled with clean water, its water accounted for the total volume of the bag

  • Sealed composting is the most suitable method for home gardening. As for the smell, the director will solve it for you.

    Sealed composting is the most suitable method for home gardening. As for the smell, the director will solve it for you.

    Many people who have done kitchen waste composting are frightened by its smell and get cold feet. More than 90% of them choose the sealed composting method, but do not know the main points of its method. Sealed composting is the only reactor that uses anaerobic fermentation.

  • How to seal the soil with Acetochlor?

    How to seal the soil with Acetochlor?

    How to seal the soil with Acetochlor? Please introduce Acetochlor as a selective pre-bud herbicide, which should be used as a soil sealing agent before weeds are unearthed. The above-mentioned weeds are in the needle-setting stage, and the use of thiosulfonate Acetochlor has a good weeding effect when the soil moisture is suitable, but it is best to choose different.

  • Cabbage planting: what herbicides should be used to seal cabbage?

    Cabbage planting: what herbicides should be used to seal cabbage?

    What kind of herbicide should be used to seal cabbage? Please introduce that cabbage can use more soil sealing agents before transplanting, such as trifluralin, Acetochlor, diachlor, pendimethalin, dioxinone and other single agents and mixtures, and the corresponding herbicides can be selected according to the grass phase in the field. Among them trifluralin,.

  • Temporary storage method of wet wheat

    Temporary storage method of wet wheat

    1. Physical preservation method, also known as plastic film sealing preservation method or sealing method for short. According to the test, using this method, it can be safely preserved for 7-8 days. There are two specific methods: (1) choose non-toxic, non-leaking plastic bags (or porcelain jars) filled with wet wheat, and then tie the mouth to seal. (2) according to the number of wet wheat, choose a moderate-sized plastic film to cover the wheat pile, compacted and sealed with soil around. In order to further improve the anti-mildew effect, it can also be used in the wheat pile according to the proportion of 1Ru 500.

  • Treatment of sheep mastitis, how to give breast sealing injection

    Treatment of sheep mastitis, how to give breast sealing injection

    The treatment of sheep mastitis is as follows: dandelion in the early stage, antler cream in the middle stage, safflower and antler cream in the later stage, and systemic treatment with antibiotics in sheep with systemic infection with high fever. How to get a breast closure injection?

    2020-11-08 Sheep mastitis treatment how hit breast seal needle
  • Simple production process of all kinds of tea drinks

    Simple production process of all kinds of tea drinks

    Technological process of selenium-enriched tea beverage → extraction of tea → rough filtration → fine filtration → modulation → ultra-high temperature sterilization → filling → high pressure sterilization (115 ℃ 20min) Ultra high temperature sterilization → aseptic filling → labeling, inspection of filling black tea beverage process black tea → extraction → precision filtration → blending → heating → filling → sealing → sterilization → canned oolong tea beverage process tea roasting → extraction → filtration → blending → heating → canned → nitrogen filled → sealed → sterilization → cooling inspection finished product filling black tea beverage process

  • Processing method of canned jujube

    Processing method of canned jujube

    Canned jujube is processed with high-quality red jujube and white granulated sugar as raw materials, and its specific steps are as follows: (1) material selection: choose moderate-sized, disease-free, insect-free, damage-free and deformed fruit. (2) wash and soak for 24 hours (warm water), then rinse with running water. (3) canning. Put the washed jujube fruit into a clean can and add 25% sugar and 0.1% citric acid. (4) exhaust seal: seal with a vacuum sealing machine when the central temperature of the can reaches more than 70 ℃.

  • Do polar bears hibernate? What do you like to eat?

    Do polar bears hibernate? What do you like to eat?

    Polar bears are bears, the world's largest land carnivores, mainly living in the Arctic Ocean near the sea ice. Many animals have the habit of hibernating, then, polar bears hibernate? What do you like to eat? What does a polar bear look like?

    2020-11-11 "Ursidae " polar bear hibernate like eat