
Wu Qiao Liao Peng's Seal Engraving Love: Inheriting the Beauty of Traditional Culture

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Wu Qiao Liao Peng's Seal Engraving Love: Inheriting the Beauty of Traditional Culture

According to the Cangzhou Daily, the aphoristic seals of more than 100 Analects of Confucius, such as "the gentleman is in a hurry to help the rich", "the gentleman does not use the instrument", "act faithfully" and "think of innocence", are grouped into one episode. These wonderful and familiar sentences are engraved on one side of the exquisite seal, which perfectly combines calligraphy and engraving, showing the natural beauty of Chinese characters and stone. These seals were made by Liao Peng, a "post-80s" youth in Wuqiao County. A few days ago, the collection of seal cutting with the theme of the Analects of Confucius was officially published by the Chinese Culture Publishing House.

Liao Peng, 27, was born in Wuqiao Liyuan family and was influenced by his grandfather to play, play and learn calligraphy and painting from an early age. At the age of 6, when he came to Wuqiao acrobatic World soon after his grandfather was completed, Jianghu Cultural City specially set up a "Child Star Theater" for him. His grandfather played the piano, he sang, and alarmed four, and he was nicknamed "six-year-old Hong". For more than 20 years, Liao Peng devoted himself to studying calligraphy, painting and opera. In 2005, he held a personal exhibition of calligraphy and painting. Last year, he created a collection of calligraphy and paintings, "Wuqiao acrobatics," which recorded 12 ancient acrobatic shows on the verge of extinction. He is also a member of the Provincial calligraphy Association and a member of Canghai Printing Society, actively participated in calligraphy, painting and seal cutting competitions at all levels, and won the championship in the competition. He is a seal cutting teacher from Xiong Boqi, a disciple of his closed door, and a student of a famous advanced research class of Xileng Printing Society.

The aphorism works of the Analects of Confucius carefully created by Liao Peng are full of writing style and knife interest, as a whole, they are muddy, high and simple, and seem to have the flavor of Qin and Han dynasties. The calligraphy is coordinated, and the knife is bold and sharp. The method of the chapter is dense and appropriate, and the printing surface is very dynamic, showing a school of vitality. The Analects of Confucius is a classic work of our country and the core work of Confucianism. " Liao Peng said that seal cutting the Analects of Confucius is his early idea, which is intended to explore the roots of Confucianism and carry forward the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

It took Liao Peng more than three months to create this work. Select sentences from the Analects of Confucius, and then look up the ancient writing of each word in the seal cutting dictionary, prepare for stone printing and heart-to-heart seal cutting, and finally leave prints, take photos, gather and publish. Seal cutting requires patience. For more than 100 nights, Liao Peng carved it calmly and one knife at a time.

According to Liao Peng, these seals with motto, verse, and famous quotes are called idle seals, and the seals between square inches should hold dozens of words, and calligraphy, seal, and chapter are all very important. At the scene, when he clenched his fingers on the engraving knife and "galloped" on a stone, he could obviously feel the aura and passion under his quiet appearance. From time to time, he stopped his engraving knife and observed and thought about the square-inch-sized stone. The stubborn stone where the sharp seal cutting knife fell blossomed into lines, and the collision between the knife and the stone made a pleasant rustling sound.

After putting forward the idea of creating the seal cutting collection of the Analects of Confucius, he got the guidance and help of many teachers. The artistic text of seal cutting must be correct. " Liao Peng said: it is necessary to strive for perfection in seals, edge styles, prints, square circles, virtual reality, and other skills. after the teacher puts forward suggestions for revision, he will re-cut the seal to ensure that there is nothing wrong with each side of the seal.

Enjoy the pleasure of seal cutting art creation, Liao Peng's understanding of traditional culture also has a deeper understanding and improvement. "you can only achieve great things if you can stand loneliness, put aside temptations and focus on yourself." Liao Peng said with emotion that he will continue to devote himself to studying, carrying forward and inheriting traditional culture.