
re-adjustment Learn more about re-adjustment

  • Prevention and control of edible fungus diseases, what to do if the leaves of Cymbidium are scorched in winter?

    Prevention and control of edible fungus diseases, what to do if the leaves of Cymbidium are scorched in winter?

    What if the leaves of Cymbidium are scorched in winter?

  • What if the leaves of Cymbidium are scorched in winter?

    What if the leaves of Cymbidium are scorched in winter?

    What if the leaves of Cymbidium are scorched in winter?

  • Ask for help: the granulation rate of big chicken feed is too low.

    Ask for help: the granulation rate of big chicken feed is too low.

    Ask for help: the granulation rate of big chicken feed is too low.

  • Causes and Control methods of mycelium shrinkage of Edible Fungi

    Causes and Control methods of mycelium shrinkage of Edible Fungi

    Causes and Control methods of mycelium shrinkage of Edible Fungi

  • Causes and control methods of mycelium atrophy of mushroom

    Causes and control methods of mycelium atrophy of mushroom

    The cultivation method of mushroom is not difficult, but every step must be strict. Once there are omissions, it is easy to appear miscellaneous bacteria, diseases and even mycelium shrinkage, which is fatal to mushrooms and will affect the harvest of growers. So we

    2020-11-08 Mushrooms hyphae atrophy causes and control methods mushrooms
  • Causes and control methods of mycelium atrophy of the latest edible fungi

    Causes and control methods of mycelium atrophy of the latest edible fungi

    Now the cultivation technology of edible mushroom is not difficult, but every step must be strict, there must be omissions, there will be miscellaneous bacteria, diseases and mycelium shrinkage, which is extremely fatal to the cultivation of edible mushroom, seriously affecting the economic income of growers. that

    2020-11-10 The latest edible fungi hyphae atrophy causes and control methods
  • Huizhou Bonsai ~ Flower Selling Fishing Village

    Huizhou Bonsai ~ Flower Selling Fishing Village

    Huizhou bonsai used to be Huizhou, galloping for hundreds of years has formed a number of fields of glory and influence, today I want to talk to you about our Huizhou bonsai art. ...

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Penglai pine

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Penglai pine

    Penglai pine is native to Natal, South Africa, Penglai pine plant erect, 3060 cm high, is a perennial shrubby herb of Liliaceae. The cultivation and management of Penglai pine is relatively simple. It is generally fertilized every half a month in spring and summer, mainly nitrogen and potassium, and usually pay attention to the basin soil not to accumulate water.

  • Key points of Jujube-Cotton intercropping cultivation in Garden Construction

    Key points of Jujube-Cotton intercropping cultivation in Garden Construction

    The three-dimensional planting mode of jujube-cotton interplanting in Aksu area can not only promote the growth of jujube trees in the young stage, but also ensure the yield of interplanting cotton, which is a better cultivation mode to improve the economic benefits of planting. First, cultivation index 1. The suitable cotton variety is Zhongmian 35, with an average harvest number of 1.1 ~ 12000 plants / 667m2, 5.5 bolls per plant, 5.0g boll weight per plant, 38% lint percentage and ≥ 85% lint yield before frost.

  • Occurrence regularity and integrated control techniques of fleshy bacteria in Pleurotus ostreatus and walnut

    Occurrence regularity and integrated control techniques of fleshy bacteria in Pleurotus ostreatus and walnut

    Recently, many netizens have reported the harm of walnut fleshy bacteria in their cultivated Pleurotus ostreatus, and now reprint an article entitled "occurrence regularity and control techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus and walnut fleshy bacteria" published by Yang Yong an Xiurong, Agricultural Science Research Institute of Taian City, Shandong Province. for growers' reference: in recent years, Taian City and Zhou.

  • Technical Guide for Production of Cut Lily

    Technical Guide for Production of Cut Lily

    Lily roots prefer substrates with good drainage, air permeability and water retention. The sticky substrate is not suitable for lily cultivation, and this substrate is easy to harden. The drainage, permeability and water holding capacity of the matrix can be improved obviously by increasing the content of organic matter in matrix. Lily likes to grow in medium with moderate organic matter content. It is ideal to add fermented cow dung or rice husk into the cultivation medium. The mixed cow dung or rice husk must be decomposed for more than one year. Undecomposed or other animals such as chickens, horses and pig manure should not be used as much as possible.

  • Control of Common physiological Diseases of Edible Fungi

    Control of Common physiological Diseases of Edible Fungi

    1. After inoculation, the vegetative growth of edible fungi is too prosperous, and the villous hyphae grow densely. After covering the soil, they often "drill" out of the ground and form a fungal quilt. The occurrence of this situation is related to the characteristics of bacteria and environmental conditions. low water content in soil layer, high nitrogen content in culture materials, poor ventilation and excessive air humidity are easy to cause mycelium overgrowth and "false mycelium" phenomenon. Common prevention and control methods: select high-quality bacteria, pry loose and destroy the consolidated bacteria, cover fine soil, increase ventilation, reduce air relative humidity, and promote bacteria by spraying heavy water.

  • The distribution system should be readjusted before confirming the right of land transfer.

    The distribution system should be readjusted before confirming the right of land transfer.

    For 12 consecutive years, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee has once again locked in agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization, focusing on modern agriculture, increasing farmers' income, building a new countryside, rural reform and agriculture.

    2016-03-20 Land transfer confirmation of rights previous response re-adjustment distribution system
  • Flowers and the treatment of female Diseases

    Flowers and the treatment of female Diseases

    You often lose your hair, your scalp is greasy, you love dandruff, and your skin is prone to petechiae or bruises. Sometimes the gums will bleed, while upset, thirsty, constipation, excessive menstruation, these are the symptoms of blood heat in traditional Chinese medicine. You need: cool blood to stop bleeding health rose: taste sweet and warm. It can activate blood circulation and regulate menstruation, detumescence and detoxification.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Penglai pine

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Penglai pine

    Penglai Penglai pine alias Hydrangea pine, water pine, pine leaf asparagus, pine leaf asparagus, pine bamboo grass, etc., is a perennial shrub-like herb belonging to the asparagus family. The plant height of Penglai is 30-150cm, the stem is erect or slightly scattered, and the Lignification is shrub-like. With white hypertrophic fleshy roots. The plant has a large number of tufted stems

  • Culture method of Penglai pine

    Culture method of Penglai pine

    The suitable growth temperature of Penglai pine under temperature and light is between 20 and 30 ℃, and the winter temperature can be kept above 3 ℃. Make sure Penglai has plenty of light in winter. Penglai pine should be moved to a well-ventilated semi-shady place for maintenance in summer high temperature season, so as to avoid scorched leaves and fallen leaves caused by strong light.

  • Maintenance method of Penglai pine

    Maintenance method of Penglai pine

    Penglai pine is a perennial shrubby herb of Liliaceae, also known as hydrangea pine, water pine, pine leaf asparagus and so on. Penglai is now a major material for making bonsai, if properly maintained, Penglai bonsai will be very beautiful. So, how on earth should Penglai pine be raised?

  • How to raise Penglai fluffy? Maintenance skills of Penglai pine

    How to raise Penglai fluffy? Maintenance skills of Penglai pine

    Penglai pine alias Hydrangea pine, water pine, pine leaf asparagus, pine leaf asparagus, pine bamboo grass and so on, especially suitable for potted ornamental. Let's take a look at the cultivation and maintenance techniques of Penglai bonsai.

  • Introduction to maintenance and Management of Ginkgo Biloba and Cinnamomum camphora in Shanghai

    Introduction to maintenance and Management of Ginkgo Biloba and Cinnamomum camphora in Shanghai

    Shanghai ginkgo biloba conservation, camphor conservation related knowledge: first of all, ginkgo biloba is a kind of deciduous tree, the best season for transplanting is after falling leaves in autumn and winter and before sprouting in spring. You transplant 5 or 6 transplants after sprouting leaves, which is a non-seasonal transplant. Transplant trees out of season

  • When is the better time to change the stump bonsai? Introduction to the method of changing bonsai with tree stump

    When is the better time to change the stump bonsai? Introduction to the method of changing bonsai with tree stump

    April is a good time for bonsai to change pots: potted trees grow in limited potted soil, after a certain number of years, the fertility is exhausted, the soil layer is hardened, the roots are dense, they squeeze each other, and it is difficult for new roots to grow. It is best to use a larger basin and fill it with new soil (it is OK to change soil without changing pots) to ensure the normal growth of potted trees.
