
The distribution system should be readjusted before confirming the right of land transfer.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, For 12 consecutive years, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee has once again locked in agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization, focusing on modern agriculture, increasing farmers' income, building a new countryside, rural reform and agriculture.

For 12 years in a row, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee has once again locked in "agriculture, rural areas and farmers." The CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization, focusing on five parts: modern agriculture, increasing farmers' income, building a new countryside, rural reform, and the rule of law in rural areas. Among them, it is clearly pointed out that for land and other resource assets, the key point is to pay close attention to the registration and certification of the right to confirm the right of land contractual management, expand the scope of pilot projects in the whole province, on the whole, accurately reach households, and strictly grasp the scope of uncertainty in the determination of rights and shares.

As the pilot work of rural collective property rights system reform and rural land system reform, which has always been concerned by the market, strengthening reform and innovation and speeding up the construction of agricultural modernization has undoubtedly become the top priority of rural work. How to ensure that the nature of public ownership of land will not change, the red line of cultivated land will not be broken, and the interests of farmers will not be damaged in the process of reform? Combined with the actual situation at the grass-roots level, Ha Mingjiang, deputy to the National people's Congress and secretary of the party branch of Zhongjie Village, Huai Town, Xianxian County, Hebei Province, said frankly in an interview with the legal Daily recently that before the transfer of rural land rights, we should first adjust the existing land contracting system and redistribute the land, and then carry out power confirmation work on this basis, so that the broad masses of farmers can truly share the fair and reasonable reform dividend.

"what the peasants are most concerned about is the land problem, which is the root of the peasants. At present, the main problem in rural areas is the land problem, the contradiction caused by the land problem will bring social instability and bring great disharmony to some families. This is a huge hidden danger, especially it will affect the further deepening of rural land reform. " Ha Mingjiang told reporters that the current rural land contract and distribution system has been implemented for more than 30 years, and over the years, the vast majority of villages have not been adjusted, and people who have not been allocated land now account for 45% of the total agricultural population. there is basically no change, but the change in the rural population is quite large. "take my village as an example, it has continued to this day since the land was divided in 1982. Young people under the age of 32 in the village have no land in their hands because they were not born in time to divide the land. Now these children are also grown up, married and have children. But their children still have no land to divide." Ha Mingjiang said.

Ha Mingjiang broke his finger and began to settle with the reporter. For example, the couple who divided the land at the beginning usually have two sons on average after marriage, marry two more daughter-in-law and have two children on average. This is 10 people, but only grandparents have land for these 10 people. In this way, affected by some old customs and personal reasons, due to uneven distribution, it is easy to cause conflicts among family members. At the same time, when the land was divided, some farmers had a large population in their families, especially those who had many daughters. At that time, they all distributed the land in accordance with the policy. Later, due to distant marriage or other reasons, people are no longer in the village. This gives rise to the situation that there is no human race in the land, but after the unified circulation, these people will certainly enjoy a lot of rights and interests. This will also be unfair.

"when the economic situation was OK a few years ago, these landless farmers earned a good income by going out to work. But now the economic situation is not very good, it is more and more difficult to work, many people have returned to the village, and their desire for land is getting higher and higher. But if there is no land, what should we do? Now there is a contradiction in many places that the children of the family are fighting for the land of the elderly, and this situation is very serious. " Ha Mingjiang, a deputy to the National people's Congress, is very worried.

Those who have no land want to cultivate land, but they do not, and those who have land do not have the ability to plant it. For this reason, many farmers continue to find village cadres to reflect the problems, and the contradictions are becoming more and more intense, but the village cadres are also at a loss. "if this development continues, in another 20 years, nearly 80% of China's agricultural population will have no land to grow. In other words, the land is in the hands of 20% of the elderly, who can neither farm nor distribute it, which will bring great conflicts to his family. Therefore, before I came to the meeting this time, several village branch secretaries repeatedly told me that this problem must be reflected when I went to Beijing. " Ha Mingjiang said.

In fact, Ha Mingjiang has been making suggestions on the issue of land contracting. "but I am not satisfied with the reply from the Ministry of Agriculture." Ha Mingjiang told reporters that in his reply to him at that time, the relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture put forward several solutions to this problem: for these people who do not have land, they should first supplement them with reserved land, and if there is no reserved land to be divided, then they should solve the employment problem of these people by running enterprises and other ways, and if employment cannot be solved, then they will be given relief by eating minimum security.

"but the problem is that in reality, there is no reserved land in some villages, and it is impossible for some villages to set up their own enterprises to solve the problem of employment. As for eating the minimum living standard, it is even more unrealistic. Because young people who have no land to grow do not meet the minimum security requirements of the Ministry of Civil Affairs at all. In particular, in 2013, we also concentrated on cleaning up the minimum security, and the conditions were even more stringent, and the conditions had to be met in order to enjoy. It is obviously impossible for 40% of the people who have no land to eat the minimum living standard. " Ha Mingjiang said.

There is a reason why Ha Mingjiang is so impatient now. "now the work of confirming land rights is about to be carried out in an all-round way, and the rural reform has entered another stage at a deep level. The determination of power is not the same as distribution. Whether it is large-scale land transfer or collective farming, it is a good thing. However, there are also some problems. as the saying goes, there are all kinds of people, and the ideas of some villagers are not consistent with those of others. He just does not want to participate in the land transfer. In fact, such signs have already appeared. Some villagers who have land in their hands have made it clear that they do not want to participate in the transfer, even if the land is left there. Confirming the right of this kind of land can not guarantee and promote the land transfer at all. "

With regard to the determination of land rights and land transfer, last year, in his capacity as a deputy to the National people's Congress, Ha Mingjiang participated in research activities and went to several pilot villages at the national, provincial, and municipal levels. "as the confirmation of power will affect the survival and development for a long time in the future, everyone attaches great importance to it. It can be said that at present, the state's investment in this work is quite large, with the cost of ascertaining the right of one mu of land as high as more than 130 yuan and as low as more than 80 yuan. Therefore, we must not let this part of the investment fail to see the actual effect, and we must do a good job in confirming the power so as to lay a good foundation for land transfer. But before the confirmation of power, if there is no redistribution of land, then the rights and interests of landless farmers in rural areas can not be protected, survival will become a problem, which will affect the stability and development of the whole society. Now we have more than 800 million farmers. If the current land distribution policy is not adjusted, then in another 20 years, 80% of the farmers will have no land. " Ha Mingjiang said.

In order to resolve this prominent contradiction, Ha Mingjiang suggested that according to the existing legal population in rural areas, that is, the legal population in line with the national family planning policy, excluding those who exceed birth control, can re-participate in the distribution of land, otherwise they do not enjoy this qualification. On this basis, the land is distributed evenly according to the population.