
Maintenance method of Penglai pine

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Penglai pine is a perennial shrubby herb of Liliaceae, also known as hydrangea pine, water pine, pine leaf asparagus and so on. Penglai is now a major material for making bonsai, if properly maintained, Penglai bonsai will be very beautiful. So, how on earth should Penglai pine be raised?

Penglai pine is a perennial shrubby herb of Liliaceae, also known as hydrangea pine, water pine, pine leaf asparagus and so on. Penglai is now a major material for making bonsai, if properly maintained, Penglai bonsai will be very beautiful. So, how on earth should Penglai pine be raised?

Penglai pine

Penglai likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment, which is more resistant to drought and cold. It is not strict to the soil, like the sandy loam with good aeration and drainage and rich in humus. Potted plants are often mixed with rotten leaf soil, land and river sand as substrates, and slightly mature base fertilizer is added when planting. Spring and summer is its peak growing season, which needs sufficient water, but it is not suitable to make the basin soil stagnant water, so as to avoid root rot; after the end of autumn, the amount of watering should be gradually reduced to make the basin soil slightly wet.

The temperature of Penglai pine began to grow above 15 ℃, and 20 ℃ was the most suitable for its growth. When the high temperature exceeded 35 ℃, the growth stopped and the leaves yellowed. Pay attention to proper shading in summer to prevent sunlight exposure, and often spray water to avoid burns or yellowing of branches and leaves.

Sufficient sunshine is needed in winter, loose and fertile rotten leaf soil is better, cold resistance is strong, and winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ can survive the winter safely.

The cultivation and management of Penglai pine is relatively simple, generally fertilizing every half a month in spring and summer, mainly nitrogen and potassium, usually pay attention to basin soil can not accumulate water, otherwise it will cause rotten roots and yellow leaves, watering should be gradually reduced in autumn.

Penglai pine has fewer diseases and insect pests, but red spiders and shell insects may occur when it is hot and dry, which can be sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC.

Culture method of Penglai pine

Penglai pine alias Hydrangea pine, water pine, pine leaf asparagus, pine leaf asparagus, etc., is a perennial shrub-like herb belonging to the asparagus family. The plant height is about 1.5 m, the stem is erect or slightly scattered, and the Lignification is shrub-like. With white hypertrophic fleshy roots. Penglai pine branchlets slender, leaves are short pine needle-like, clusters, very similar to five-needle pine leaves. new leaves are emerald green and old leaves are dark green. Flowers are white and berries are black. With small roots, with numerous tufted stems, much branched, gray-white, base Lignified, leaf flake or spiny. The new leaves are bright green and the old ones are white. The Thallus of Penglai pine is flat linear, tufted, spherical, born on Lignification branches, dark green. The flowers are light red to white with fragrance, and the florescence is from July to August.

Ecological habits of Penglai pine

Penglai likes a warm, moist and shady environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should be above 3 ℃. Penglai likes warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, is not resistant to cold, is afraid of long-term exposure to strong light and high temperature, and is not resistant to drought and stagnant water. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-25 ℃; if the temperature in winter is not lower than 10 ℃ or 5 ℃, it is easy to be frozen; when the high temperature in summer exceeds 35 ℃, the growth stops and the leafy stem turns yellow. It is better to use loose and fertile rotten leaf soil. Penglai likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment, which is more resistant to drought and cold. It is not strict to the soil, like the sandy loam with good aeration and drainage and rich in humus. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 3 min. When the summer temperature exceeds 35 ℃, the growth stops and the leaves turn yellow. it is necessary to give proper shade to prevent sunlight exposure, and often spray water to keep the plants green and beautiful. Sex likes warm and humid environment, afraid of strong light and low temperature; shade in summer and sufficient sunshine in winter; loose and fertile rotten leaf soil is better; cold resistance is strong, winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ can safely survive the winter.

Cultivation techniques of Penglai pine

Penglai pine needs sufficient water in spring and summer, but the basin soil can not accumulate water, otherwise it is easy to rot roots and leaves. The basin soil is too dry, and the leaves are yellowed, resulting in withered or withered leaves. Fertilize once a month, apply more nitrogen and potassium fertilizer or Huiyou 20-80-20 use high potassium nitrate fertilizer in four seasons. In the midsummer of high temperature, strong light or lack of light, the leaves will also cause yellowing, withering and falling leaves, and the temperature will drop after autumn and gradually reduce watering. The potted plants were changed in spring after 2-3 years. Cut off dense plants and long branches to facilitate ventilation and light. Cut off dead branches and yellow leaves at any time during the growing period to make the plant shape symmetrical and beautiful. Multi-row plant propagation can also be sowed, but the growth is slow at seedling stage. The growing season should be fully watered, the temperature decreases after autumn, and watering should be reduced gradually. In order to make the branches and leaves luxuriant, more nitrogen and potash fertilizer can be applied, about once every 15 days.

Cultivation management Penglai pine cultivation management is relatively simple, spring and summer growth period every half a month fertilization, mainly nitrogen, potassium, usually pay attention to basin soil can not accumulate water, otherwise it will cause rotten roots, yellow leaves, autumn should gradually reduce watering. In order to maintain the shape of the plant, it needs to be pruned frequently. In case of whitefly or scale insect damage, it can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC. Penglai potted plant is often mixed with rotten leaf soil, land and river sand as substrate, and slightly mature base fertilizer is added when planting. Spring and summer is its peak growing season, which needs sufficient water, but it is not suitable to make the basin soil stagnant water, so as to avoid root rot; after the end of autumn, the amount of watering should be gradually reduced to make the basin soil slightly wet. In order to make the branches and leaves grow luxuriantly, we should pay attention to supplement nutrients in the growing season, and generally apply liquid fertilizer 1 Mel twice a month. It likes semi-shade, hot summer should pay attention to shade, to prevent the sun exposure, so as to avoid branches and leaves burning or yellowing.

The cultivation and maintenance of Penglai pine began to grow when the temperature was above 15 ℃, and 20-30 ℃ was the most suitable for its growth. Potted plants in summer should be placed in a ventilated semi-cool place to avoid direct light, otherwise it is easy to cause scorched leaves and affect the ornamental value. Spring and summer growth season, need sufficient water, but the basin soil can not accumulate water, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and fallen leaves. Fertilize once a month and apply more nitrogen and potash fertilizer. After autumn, the temperature drops and the growth weakens, so watering should be reduced gradually. To beautify the shape of the plant. It needs to be trimmed frequently. Put in more than 5 ℃ indoor maintenance in winter, as long as you keep the basin soil moist. The basin should be changed once a year in spring, so that the stems and branches of Penglai pine can be tall and straight, green and luxuriant.

Culture method of Penglai pine

Mountain mining from the mountain woodland, choose to find rod-shaped stout small wild seedlings of Penglai, with stone gaps, cliffs, ditches next to the growth of small old tree stumps. When digging, pay attention to protect the accessory root and fibrous root, and then raise the embryo in the lower ground, and then put on the basin shape again after the next spring.

In the process of basin selection, purple sand pottery basin or glazed pottery basin should be used for Penglaisong. Just put on the pot cultivation, can first use the plain burning tile basin with good air permeability, and then change it into the elegant purple sand shallow basin after taking the basin. In addition to the cliff type with deep thousand-barrel basin or deeper square and round basin, generally rectangular medium-shallow basin is appropriate. The shape of the basin can also be determined according to the tree shape, such as the curved dry type can use a drum-shaped shallow round basin, the basin color can choose purple or light yellow.

Penglai pine can adapt to many kinds of soil, but it is not resistant to salt and alkali, and it is better to use deep, moist, loose and slightly acidic sandy loam soil. Potted with mature pastoral soil, rotten leaf soil, appropriate amount mixed with sandy soil.

Planting Penglai pine in pot is the best before sprouting in March, and it can also be planted in autumn, but it is disadvantageous to root. When digging saplings, you should take shelter soil. You can cut short the overextended straight roots and cut off the withered roots. If planted in a shallow basin, you should pay attention to the fixation of the trunk, put the iron rod along the bottom hole of the basin, tie it to the thicker root with a slightly thicker wire, get out of the pot hole, and then tie it tightly on the iron rod, so as not to shake in the wind and loosen the root system, affecting survival. Planting techniques can refer to Huangshan pine.

Pose technology processing Penglai loose processing modeling can be mainly climbing and pruning as a supplement. Climbing with wire or brown wire. Penglai pine branches are relatively soft, easy to climb with wire, flexion and extension freely. If the saplings of 2 ~ 3 years old are taken as materials, the trunk is bent to a certain extent, the branches hindered by the shape are cut off, and then the retained lateral branches are tied into a horizontal or slightly drooping shape, and then the wire is removed after growing for one year, the angle is re-adjusted, and then climbing, it can be formed in a few years. For example, Penglai pine stumps excavated in the mountains can be processed in pots only after raising embryos for a year. Pose modeling must be due to material treatment, make full use of the natural form of raw materials, a little artificial climbing, so that it has a natural wild interest. Tree-shaped Penglai bonsai can be made into straight dry type, oblique dry type, curved dry type, cliff type and so on, each with its own charm. Straight dry type, vigorous tall and straight simple; oblique dry type, chic and healthy and vigorous; qu dry type, "meandering and bending back to flat potential, meandering and undulating dragon shape"; cliff type, gully cliff ancient pine, dangerous, Canglong probe head, want to dive all over the world.

The breeding mode of Penglai pine

Penglai pine can be propagated in multiple rows and can also be sown, but it grows slowly at seedling stage. Penglai pine should be fully watered in the growing season, the temperature decreases after autumn, and watering should be reduced gradually. In order to make the branches and leaves luxuriant, more nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer can be applied, about once every 15 days. Artificial reproduction likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment, which is more resistant to drought and cold. It is not strict to the soil, like the sandy loam with good aeration and drainage and rich in humus. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 3 min. Artificial propagation of Penglai pine uses seeds to raise seedlings and propagate, and the germination rate can be as high as 90%. It can be picked back in time from mid-September to mid-October when the cones are ripe, first stacked for 5-7 days, then exposed to the sun for 3-4 days, beating and turning, seeds protruding, timely water separation, removal of empty sundries, and bag storage after drying for the winter. Penglai pine has thick seed coat and slow germination, so it is suitable for early sowing. The slightly acidic soil with good drainage is selected in the nursery, and sufficient base fertilizer is applied when preparing the soil. Sprouting was carried out before sowing. Soak the seeds in cold water for 3-7 days (change the water during soaking), mix the seeds with hydrated lime after soaking, and sow the seeds after the seed coat is cracked. It began to sprout and unearthed in the middle and last ten days of April, and the seedlings of that year could reach 812 cm.

Disease control of Penglai pine

Penglai pine diseases and insect pests are less, but red spiders and shell insects may occur in hot and dry, so we must pay attention to spraying control. Multi-row plant propagation can also be sowed, but the growth is slow at seedling stage. The growing season should be fully watered, the temperature decreases after autumn, and watering should be reduced gradually. In order to make the branches and leaves luxuriant, more nitrogen and potash fertilizer can be applied, about once every 15 days. Penglai pine diseases and insect pests are less, but red spiders and shell insects may occur in hot and dry, so we must pay attention to spraying control. Penglai regular plant shape, upright branches; leaves are spherical and soft, green, rigid and soft, deeply loved by people. It is mainly harmful to leaf blight and can be sprayed with 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder. Insect pests include whitefly and scale insects, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of oxidized Dongguo milk. In case of whitefly or scale insect damage, it can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC. Penglai potted plant is often mixed with rotten leaf soil, land and river sand as substrate, and slightly mature base fertilizer is added when planting. Spring and summer is its peak growing season, which needs sufficient water, but it is not suitable to make the basin soil stagnant water, so as to avoid root rot; after the end of autumn, the amount of watering should be gradually reduced to make the basin soil slightly wet. In order to make the branches and leaves grow luxuriantly, we should pay attention to supplement nutrients in the growing season, and generally apply liquid fertilizer 1 Mel twice a month. It likes semi-shade, hot summer should pay attention to shade, to prevent the sun exposure, so as to avoid branches and leaves burning or yellowing. Penglai pine diseases and insect pests are less, but red spiders and shell insects may occur in hot and dry, so we must pay attention to spraying control. Multi-row plant propagation can also be sowed, but the growth is slow at seedling stage. The growing season should be fully watered, the temperature decreases after autumn, and watering should be reduced gradually.

The distribution area of Penglai pine

Penglai pine is native to Natal, South Africa and is widely cultivated all over the world.

The function and use of Penglai pine

Potted ornamental Penglai pine is very suitable for potted ornamental plants, and flower beds can also be arranged in warm places. The utility model has the advantages of simple cultivation and management and good shade tolerance, so it is suitable for planting in small and medium-sized pots and for indoor arrangement; at the same time, it is also an excellent material for flower arrangement. The family potted plant Penglai pine is very popular because of its beautiful plant shape and verdant leaves. Potted plants are displayed on the coffee table and desk, adding a bit of elegance to the room.

The floral language of Penglai

The flower language of Penglai is: longevity. Flower bouquet (basket) meaning: wish Junfu, such as the East China Sea, the life span is longer than Nanshan. Choose flowers: chrysanthemum, carnation, crane orchid, one-leaf orchid, fragrant pea, Penglai, all over the sky. Flower language: chrysanthemum: longevity, nobility. Hewang orchid: longevity, happiness, freedom. Penglaisong: longevity.

The Culture method of Penglai Penglai points for attention

The name of Penglaisong is very special, and it is also common in hotels, halls and other places. Penglai decorated interior shows atmosphere, so that the real air appears very concise and neat. For those who like Penglai fluffy, let's take a look at the culture methods and points for attention shared below.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Penglai pine

I. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Penglai pine-- light

Penglai pine can not accept sun exposure, so it is very necessary to shade it in summer. The strong light directly caused the leaves of Penglai to lose their lustre and even scorch. If you have received burns, put Penglai pine in a cool environment, the growth of Penglai pine will gradually improve.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Penglai pine-watering

Penglai pine needs a lot of watering, at the same time, the basin soil should always remain moist, and the lack of water in summer will cause the leaves of Penglai to droop and dry up. In the peak growing season, it is more necessary to master the principle of not drying and not watering, properly control watering and avoid stagnant water in the basin soil.

III. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Penglai pine-fertilization

Penglai should be fertilized once or twice every 2 months, so that the leaves of Penglai will be bigger and healthier, and the leaves will be more shiny and good-looking. Penglai pine is suitable to use nitrogen fertilizer as fertilizer, but it is not suitable to use nitrogen fertilizer after autumn, so we can consider changing fertilizer into potash fertilizer, so as to enhance the cold resistance of Penglai pine and pass the winter smoothly. No more fertilizing in winter.