
pu peach Learn more about pu peach

  • What are the effects and functions of pu peach? How can I eat it?

    What are the effects and functions of pu peach? How can I eat it?

    Although the name is Putao, it is not a string of fruit growing on a vine, but a fruit on a tree. Fruit trees can be used as windbreak plants and courtyard greening trees, and the fruits on the trees have many functions. What are the effects and effects of that peach? How can I eat it?

    2020-11-09 Pu peach have what efficacy and effect can how eat
  • This fruit rotted on the tree before it ripened in June. No one wants it now. It costs 15 yuan a catty. It only eats skin, not meat.

    This fruit rotted on the tree before it ripened in June. No one wants it now. It costs 15 yuan a catty. It only eats skin, not meat.

    Every year after June, farmers are busy, before the arrival of the ear planting season, farmers are busy receiving crops, and then planting the next season's crops. For fruit growers, June is also very...

  • Pu peach (Shuipu peach)

    Pu peach (Shuipu peach)

    Pudao (Shuipu peach) is an evergreen tree of the family Magnoliaceae, 612 m high. The bark is smooth, grayish brown, the branch is low, the height under the branch is 1.5 × 3m, and the crown is oblate. Leaves opposite, leathery, lanceolate or long elliptic, long 11~20cm, broadly 3~5cm, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate, entire, leaf surface shiny, with transparent glandular spots and marginal veins; petiole long 7~10mm. Cymes terminal; flowers white, 3cm in diam.; stamens numerous, ca. 25cm, fragrant. Drupe pulp

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Peach

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Peach

    Pu peach is a good fruit tree and garden greening tree in the humid tropics, also known as water peach, fragrant fruit, bell fruit and so on. It is an evergreen tree plant of the family Myrtle, native to Southeast Asia, wild in Hainan and artificially cultivated in South China.

    2020-11-10 The latest pu peach planting technology methods tutorials is
  • The difference between Hainan Pudao and Yangpu Peach

    The difference between Hainan Pudao and Yangpu Peach

    Leaf difference: Hainan pu peach leaves leathery, broad or narrowly oval, apex obtuse; Yangpu peach leaves thin leathery, oval or oblong, apex obtuse or slightly pointed. Flower difference: Hainan Pu peach panicle axillary, white flowers, 4 petals; yangpu peach cymose terminal or axillary, white flowers.

  • This kind of fruit is rich in nutrition and strong kidney in the treatment of diabetes. It's a pity that we don't have it. Do you have it?

    This kind of fruit is rich in nutrition and strong kidney in the treatment of diabetes. It's a pity that we don't have it. Do you have it?

    Have you ever seen this kind of fruit? we don't have it here. We have a lot of benefits from eating it. Let's learn about it. Is there any in your hometown? The edible rate of peach fruit is more than 80%, and has a certain nutritional value. The fruit is not only fresh, but also.

  • Cultivation techniques of Peach

    Cultivation techniques of Peach

    Pu peach has strong adaptability, can be planted in all kinds of soil, grows mostly in waterside and river valley wetlands, and grows well on sandy soil, preferably in fertile, deep and moist soil. First, the region chooses the environment with sufficient light, high temperature and humidity, and the soil is fertile, loose,

    2020-11-08 Pu peach cultivation techniques pu peach adaptation strong sex all kinds of soil
  • Main pesticides of peach leaf shrinking disease

    Main pesticides of peach leaf shrinking disease

    Pesticides for the control of peach leaf shrinking disease. There are mainly stone-sulfur mixture, Bordeaux liquid, bacillus, Pudkin, Baojiaxin, Antaisheng, Dafeng, Penfulu, Yi Bao, Dasheng M145, Xinwansheng, Miaosheng, Pu Haiyin, Dasheng Fu, Teha, carbendazim, Nanxin,

    2020-11-09 Peach trees shrinking leaves disease main pesticides control peach shrinking leaves diseased
  • Planting techniques of Peach

    Planting techniques of Peach

    Planting techniques of Peach

  • Smoked eggs with peach kernel

    Smoked eggs with peach kernel

    Raw materials: 3 eggs, 50 grams of walnut kernel. Seasoning: 200 grams of red brine, smoking raw materials (30 grams of Pu'er tea, 20 grams of glutinous rice, 15 grams of sugar), 15 grams of sesame oil, 20 grams of minced ham. Making method: 1. First, boil the egg in a boiling water pan for 6 minutes, then peel the egg, then soak the egg in red brine for 30 minutes to taste it. 2. Put the smoking raw materials in the fumigator until the smoke begins, then put the flavored eggs in the fumigator over low heat for 10 minutes and brush with sesame oil.

  • Zhang Jiehan, Director of Information of Taoyuan City: more than 4.97 million people visited the Agricultural Expo during successive holidays.

    Zhang Jiehan, Director of Information of Taoyuan City: more than 4.97 million people visited the Agricultural Expo during successive holidays.

    Zhang Yihan, director of information of Taoyuan City, said on the 1st that thank you for your participation and support. During the three-day holiday from April 29 to May 1, the number of visitors to each exhibition area of the "2017 Taoyuan Agricultural Expo" reached 4.97 million 27.

  • 65 traditional Chinese paintings 65 national treasures

    65 traditional Chinese paintings 65 national treasures

    Guan Shanyue works Liu Zigu works Lou Shibai works Pu Zuo works Huang Fengwu Spring to Jiangnan Bai Xueshi Xiyu Shen Quan. Crane Shoutu Huang Junbi works Lu Zhuanshao works Feng Dazhong. Hu Guo Ruyu's works Xiao Lang's works Zhang Shuqi's Su Baozhen. The works of Eagle Puzo.

  • How to produce good seedlings of improved Cotton varieties

    How to produce good seedlings of improved Cotton varieties

    Now, nutrition bowl is used to raise seedlings in most cotton areas of our country. Generally evaluate whether the emergence of cotton seed is good or poor, one should see the seedling rate, and the other should be regarded as the seedling rate. The reason for the low emergence rate is that in some cotton species, the proportion of autumn peach or late autumn peach is too large, which reduces the germination rate. However, the germination rate of peach or mid-flower selected as seeds is more than 80%; second, in the process of cotton seed processing, the broken seeds exceed the standard; third, before or after sowing, the soil and soil are not disinfected with medicament. or the selected disinfectant is not the right way; fourth, cotton seed this year.

  • Myrtle, Sida, Sida

    Myrtle, Sida, Sida

    Alias: Nindo, Shan Ren, Gang Ren, commonly known as "mountain milk" morphological characteristics: plant short, 1-2 meters high, leaves opposite, petiole short, 4-6mm, leaves leathery, elliptic or obovate, 3- 6 cm long, 1.5- 3 cm wide, apex blunt, base wedge, surface dark green, glabrous, back grayish green, densely velutinous. Cymes axillary, flowers 1-3, about 2 cm in diameter, red, pink, white, "> rose

  • Is it easy to grow elm leaf plum?

    Is it easy to grow elm leaf plum?

    Yuyemei, which has been cultivated in China for hundreds of years, has been cultivated in most parks all over the country, mainly for people to watch and watch, and blossoms relatively early. Let's introduce some relevant information about Yuyemei.

  • The planting conditions of the latest lotus flower

    The planting conditions of the latest lotus flower

    Lianwu, also known as Yangpu peach, its shape is pear-shaped or conical, fleshy bright red, nutritious, as well as heat-clearing, diuretic and sedative effect. it has therapeutic effect on cough and asthma and has been planted in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan. It's only here.

    2020-11-10 The latest lotus planting conditions also known as foreign pu peach
  • Inventory of the 20 most expensive fruits in China

    Inventory of the 20 most expensive fruits in China

    With the continuous improvement of everyone's living standards, many friends will often buy fruit to eat, fruit is not only rich in vitamins and nutrients, but also can promote digestion, often eating is of great benefit to the body. But the prices of some fruits in our country are also wrong.

    2020-11-27 China the most expensive 20 kinds fruit inventory along with now everyone
  • Lovesickness without words-- A textual Research on Ditang, Chang Di and Tang Di

    Lovesickness without words-- A textual Research on Ditang, Chang Di and Tang Di

    I met Ditang when I took part in the phenological observation of the Green Association of Peking University for the third time. "that's what Ditang looks like! Is it the one who uses it to describe brothers in the Book of songs? " Later found that the memory is wrong! The Book of songs says "Chang Di", and ".

  • A group of bonsai works appreciating pomegranate flowers should laugh and wake up alone without wine.

    A group of bonsai works appreciating pomegranate flowers should laugh and wake up alone without wine.

    In addition to zongzi, there are also calamus wine poems and bonsai during the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival Dynasty: Tang Dynasty author: Yin Yaofan original text: young festive times affectionate, old who knows feeling life; do not follow Ai Fu to the custom, but pray pu wine words Shengping. The sideburns are added every day.

  • A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    The Chinese characters of green flowers, the number of the market is very small, the smell of flowers is strong, and the green stem and green flowers found in Tangkou. Leaf posture in the thin thick semi-vertical leaves (large plants are semi-drooping leaves) the posture is dark green and elegant. The flower volume three petals are horn daffodil petals, the color is clean and light green, the flower flesh is thick and soft, and the flower is more than two inches in diameter.
