
Inventory of the 20 most expensive fruits in China

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With the continuous improvement of everyone's living standards, many friends will often buy fruit to eat, fruit is not only rich in vitamins and nutrients, but also can promote digestion, often eating is of great benefit to the body. But the prices of some fruits in our country are also wrong.

With the continuous improvement of everyone's living standards, many friends will often buy fruit to eat, fruit is not only rich in vitamins and nutrients, but also can promote digestion, often eating is of great benefit to the body. But the price of some fruits in our country is also very expensive, generally, we can only buy some and try it. So what are the 20 most expensive fruits in China? The editor will take an inventory next.

1. Huanglongguo

Huanglongguo is a precious variety of dragon fruit. Its skin color is yellow, the flesh is white, compared with other dragon fruit varieties, the taste is more crisp, and the sugar content is higher. Due to the scarcity of output, the unit price is very expensive.

2. Guilu litchi

Guilu litchi was auctioned at a price of 555000, with a single sky-high price, breaking the Guinness World record. The meat is particularly crisp, sweet and fragrant, and the quality is excellent.

3. Elvis Durian

Durian, known as the king of fruit, belongs to Dabu fruit. Ordinary durian costs more than 100 yuan each. And Elvis Durian market price of more than 100 / jin, a few hundred yuan, the price is worthy of the name of the "king of fruit".

4. Rambutan

Rambutan is also known as maochi. Rambutan on the market is generally imported from Thailand and belongs to a variety of litchi. Its market price is as high as 50 yuan per jin, which is very expensive in fruit, and most people are reluctant to eat it.

5. Soft jujube

Soft jujube is small, the market price is nearly 50 yuan / jin, the fruit skin is green, very smooth, bite open the meat and kiwifruit is similar, the skin can be eaten directly, this thing is rare, but rich in nutrition.

6. Pu peach

Pu peach looks similar to pomegranate, but it is not very delicious, but it is extremely expensive, with a market price of 45-48 yuan per jin. It ranks among the top 10 most expensive fruits on the mainland. This kind of fruit has high medicinal value and is a common fruit in the south.

7. Sapphire grapes

The sapphire grape is lovely in appearance, it is the aristocracy of grape varieties, its market price is as high as 40 yuan / jin, some first-tier cities are more expensive, a bunch of grapes weigh about 2 jin, it is really fruit that aristocrats can afford to eat.

8. Cream strawberries

Cream strawberry is rich in nutrition, with pure and delicate milk flavor in the taste, the taste is better than the common grass beauty, its market price is 30 to 35 yuan / jin, it is also regarded as a more expensive fruit in China.

9. Lotus Flower

Lotus fog generally grows in the south, it is nutritious, the taste is very common, but the price is very high, the market price is about 30 yuan / jin. Not to mention whether it is good to eat or not, it looks very cute.

10. Snake skin fruit

Snake skin fruit is originally a fruit of Southeast Asia, now there is a kind of value in western Yunnan, the market price is about 40 yuan / jin, the fruit is snakeskin-like, potassium, pectin is rich, eating more helps to improve people's memory, it is called "the fruit of memory".

11. Xianju Dongkui Yangmei

Xianju Dongkui Waxberry is produced in Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. it is one of the specialties of Xianju County, with the characteristics of early maturity, beautiful color, sweet taste, small nucleus, high and stable yield and so on. Xianju Dongkui bayberry are all big table tennis balls, red and black, and they are full of meat.

12. Panzhihua mango

Panzhihua mango is a famous fruit of Panzhihua in Sichuan Province. it has the advantages of low fiber, sweet aroma, smooth texture, pleasant aroma, fine organization, rich nutrition and so on. Mango is known as the "king of tropical fruits".

13. Meilong melon

Meilong honeydew melon is a rare high-end fruit, is the aristocracy of reticulated melon, full of juice, sweet and sweet, cut honeydew melon, fruit aroma accompanied by juice overflow, emitting a light and pleasant mixed aroma, it is still more expensive in the Chinese market.

14. Baiyu Loquat

Suzhou Dongshan Baiyu loquat is the best loquat. Dongshan Baiyu has very little output per season, the production period is very short, only two weeks on the market, and basically only sent to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. The price is so expensive that even the ordinary quality of roadside stalls have to be sold for dozens of yuan per jin.

15. Cherry

Cherry is high in iron and its nutrition is the first of all fruits. Its market price is 70 to 80 yuan per jin, which is the most expensive among many fruit varieties. Cherry is so expensive, it is mainly from Chile and New Zealand, it is an imported variety, so the price is very high in the mainland.

16. Guizhou six Horse Honeybee Plum

Guizhou six horses honey plums talk about yellow, but the skin is thin and the flesh is thick, the pulp juice is full, the taste is very sweet and small, it tastes like honey, and it can be sold for 60 yuan per jin on the market.

17. Xinjiang Korla fragrant pear

Korla sunshine 15 hours a day, day and night temperature difference, the sun can be called the "king of pears", juicy, fruit flavor, crisp throat, crisp, sweet and juicy, in the market for more than 10 yuan a jin.

18. Fragrance as honey

Incense, such as honey, grows like sausage. At present, few people grow it on the market, and there are not many people who sell it. Because the quantity is small and delicious, its price is not cheap. It is said that its seed is 2 yuan each, and the ripe fruit sells for more than 30 yuan per jin.

19. Human pistachio

People may think that this fruit looks like a human heart, in fact, it is, and it is a tropical fruit, and the shape is very similar to persimmon. People who may have eaten this fruit know that the taste of this fruit is not acceptable to everyone. Although the flesh is sweet and soft, it tastes like chewing gum, so we are not used to it when we swallow it. This fruit also has high nutrients, so it is a "sky-high price" fruit.

20. Longgong fruit

This kind of fruit is rarely seen outside. It looks a bit like longan, but it has a higher price and sweeter taste than longan. Many people prefer to eat after eating, and some people prefer to eat after eating, the pulp inside is as full as litchi, this kind of fruit is dragon palace fruit, only need to eat one is tuhao.

These are the 20 most expensive fruits in China. Fruits are rich in nutrients and play an important role in our daily life. When you are choosing fruit, you should choose ripe fruit in season. It is best to eat 2-3 kinds of fruit every day. Of course, there are more than the above expensive fruits in our country. Have you ever eaten all of the 20 most expensive fruits?

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