
A group of bonsai works appreciating pomegranate flowers should laugh and wake up alone without wine.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, In addition to zongzi, there are also calamus wine poems and bonsai during the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival Dynasty: Tang Dynasty author: Yin Yaofan original text: young festive times affectionate, old who knows feeling life; do not follow Ai Fu to the custom, but pray pu wine words Shengping. The sideburns are added every day.

Dragon Boat Festival

Except for zongzi.


Acorus calamus

Fine wine


And bonsai.


Dragon Boat Festival

Dynasty: Tang Dynasty

Author: Yin Yaofan

Original text:

The youth is affectionate during the festive season, who knows how to feel the life when he grows old; he does not follow the custom of Ai Fu, but he prays for pu wine and words for peace. Sideburns add white head every day, pomegranate brocade every year according to the eyes; thousands of years of Yin Yu with the instant, several people annihilate a few names.

Has been the Dragon Boat Festival

Dynasty: yuan Dynasty

Author: Bei Qiong

Original text:

Wind and rain, the sun is dark, Miluo has nowhere to hang Yingling. Pomegranate flowers should laugh at each other and wake up alone without wine.

Qu Yuan Tower

Dynasty: song Dynasty

Author: Su Shi

Original text:

The people of Chu mourned qu Yuan and never stopped for thousands of years. Where the soul is floating, the elders are choked up. So far, food has been thrown to save hunger and thirst on the Cangjiang River. The legacy of the race, crying Chushan split. Qu Yuan, an ancient strong man, had a strong intention to die. Secular Ann learned that the family could not bear to decide. Nanbin used to belong to Chu, and there are pagodas on the mountain. If they should be Buddhists, the phobias will perish. Although there is no evidence in this matter, this intention has already been cut. The ancients who did not die, there is no need to test. The fame is endless, and the wealth is also hot for the time being. The doctor knows this, so he holds the festival of death.

Three Dragon Boat Festival songs

Dynasty: song Dynasty

Author: Zhao Fan

Original text:

Please don't forget to write a poem to pay tribute to the Miluo River. Taste the taste of Fukuki, try to wish the Ai people.

There is no need for good advice to sink to death. What does it mean to be more "prosperous" wine, a long song for the King's Festival.

The Dragon Boat Festival wind and rain every year seems to be the grievance of qu Yuan. With whom I want to talk about everything, give up the south and the north to talk to each other.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a matter.

Dynasty: song Dynasty

Author: Wen Tianxiang

Original text:

In the afternoon of May 5th, I was given a piece of moxa. The old friend is invisible, and the new knowledge is thousands of miles away. My heart shines in the past, and the hair at the temples has changed. I want to go from Lingjun, Sanxiang to Liaohai.

Huanxi sand

Dynasty: song Dynasty

Author: Chen Ke

Original text:

Shallow painting ointment brush purple cotton, peony heavy green cloud side, hand plum and long shoulder. The mood of illness is always timid, sleepy look can not help but pity, spin needle and thread in front of the small window.

The window of Huanxi sand courtyard is dark in spring.

Dynasty: song Dynasty

Author: Li Qingzhao

Original text:

Spring is already late in the idle window of the small courtyard. The heavy curtain is heavy without rolling shadows. Leaning on the floor, the Yaoqin is irrational. Far away from the mountain to hasten the dusk, the fine wind and rain make it light. I can't help it if I want to thank the pear flowers.

Dragon Boat Festival

Dynasty: Tang Dynasty

Author: Li Longji

Original text:

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching mid-summer, and the days of the Qing Dynasty are growing again. The salt plum has been tripod, and the song has spread. The ancients left their traces and grew up over the years. When Xuan knows Geun Mao, he feels the fragrance of Reed to the water. Hundreds of millions of millions of people return to life together, and group public security is prosperous. If loyalty is not replaced, Kunfang will be convulsed.

And Dragon Boat Festival

Dynasty: song Dynasty

Author: Zhang Xun

Original text:

After thousands of years of grievance, the loyal soul will be able to return it. There is no such thing as the death of the country today, leaving only Lisao in the world.

Yujiaao May pomegranate flowers are flirtatious.

Dynasty: song Dynasty

Author: Ouyang Xiu

The May pomegranate flowers are flirtatious. The green poplar brings heavy rain. Colorful new silk-entangled rice dumplings. Gold plate. Shengfu painted fan plate Shuangfeng. It is the bath orchid that moves in season. The wine of calamus is beautiful and respectful. The leaves are yellow from time to time. It's still bleary. I was surprised to break the dream of screen window.

Qilu Dragon Boat Festival (Lao she)

The Dragon Boat Festival is full of wind and rain, and the village children still wear old clothes; they invite each other to carry coir hats and dare to fall in love with the thatched cottage; some guests are of one heart and one mind, but they have no money to buy wine and sell articles. At that time, the meeting was three feet of fish, which is not like the smell of beans today.

On May 5th (Mei Yaochen) qu died, and the people of Chu did not tolerate it. He Changnai slandered, only wanted to Jiaolong. Not devoid of hatred, but lost track of it. Yuan Xiang Bitan water should take care of Qianfeng.

Noon view race (Bian Gong) A group of horror groups on the upper reaches of the dragon water, I do not know that it was originally a magnolia boat. The cloud flag hunts the young man, and the thunder drum noises Yin and blue stream. The unjust soul of qu Zi lived in ancient times, and the customs of Chu Township remain today. Jiangting is worthy of a high meeting every day, intoxicated and sarcastic and unable to solve his worries.

In the afternoon, the state banned the race (Tang Xianzu) only wrote the calamus bamboo leaf cup, Pengcheng fragrant grass stepped back for the first time. If you don't know how to die in Oujiang, why do you bother to come here?

Qilu Dragon Boat Festival (Tang Yin Yaofan) the youth festival is affectionate, who knows how to feel the life; does not follow the custom of Ai Fu, but Qipu wine words Shengping. Sideburns add white head every day, pomegranate brocade every year according to the eyes; thousands of years of Yin Yu with the instant, several people annihilate a few names.

Choose one (Chen Zilong) on the 5th (Chen Zilong) Wu Tian has a leisurely water in May. Pick up Cui, some people Lu Nu Yan, tide several A Tong Tour. Bead curtain pillow Fu Rong Pu, draw paddle piano and zither boat. It is intended to peep at the foot of the temple to the Dragon Tower, but at the west end of the Beihai River.

Dragon Boat Festival gives clothes (Tang du Fu) the palace clothes are also famous, the Dragon Boat Festival is gracious. The bougainvillea contains soft wind, and the fragrant Luo stack snow is light. When the sky is wet, when the summer comes, it will be clear. It is said to be long or short in meaning, and it is full of holy love for life.

Yi Mao heavy five poems (Southern Song Dynasty Lu you) heavy five mountain villages are good, pomegranate flowers have suddenly become numerous. The zongbao is divided into two buns, and Ai wears a dangerous crown. The old custom prescription stores medicine, and the emaciated body also points Dan. When the sun slanted and I finished, I smiled to the cup and plate.

Dragon Boat Festival: the beauty of calamus wine

The end of the Dragon Boat Festival is upright, and man is the heart of heaven and earth and the end of the five elements, so the end is the beginning. Noon is in the middle, "one vertical and one horizontal for noon", crisscross is in the middle, crisscross for the struggle between yin and yang, so the Meridian Gate is decapitated at 3: 15 noon for purge and correction. Therefore, the original intention of Dragon Boat Festival is the crisscross of yin and yang standing at attention. Girls' Day Dragon Boat Festival, every family beautifully dresses up the little girl, pomegranate flowers in the bun, so it is also called "Girls' Day". "the red apricot shirt is full of flowers, and the color fan sachet is always in hand."

△ Jiangmi jujube zongzi

In addition to eating zongzi, there are cherries, mulberries, water chestnuts, peaches, apricots and five poison cakes and rose cakes. Old Beijing also ate garlic at noon and crossed the water, hawking mulberries, big cherries, puffs, moxa seeds, and Jiangmier jujube, cool zongzi.

△ five poison cakes.

The five poison cakes are actually rose cakes, but they are engraved with the images of scorpions, toads, geckos, centipedes and snakes.

The imprint is just on the pastry rose cake. According to ancient records, Dragon Boat Festival dumplings have various shapes: "there are horn rice dumplings, cone rice dumplings, Zizania rice dumplings, tube rice dumplings, weighing hammer rice dumplings, and Jiuzi rice dumplings."

△ Jiuzi rice dumplings

What is Jiuzi rice dumplings? Is to string nine small zongzi into a string. When I was a child, my mother made small zongzi with hard paper, each wound with various colored silk threads, several in each string, and finally a net bag with one head of garlic, each hanging a string on the hook of the mosquito net.

Realgar wine made from rice dumplings twisted with △ silk thread.

Realgar was called "Golden Stone" by the ancients and was named after "Dan Zhixiong". The ancients said that it can kill all kinds of poisons and ward off all evil spirits. When it is worn on the body, ghosts and spirits dare not come near; when entering mountains and forests, tigers and wolves lie low; when they wade across rivers and rivers, poisons dare not be hurt.

The custom of smearing children's forehead with realgar on △ Dragon Boat Festival is believed to ward off poisonous insects.

A typical method is to use realgar wine to draw the word "king" on the forehead of children. But this substance is poisonous, so realgar wine is not for drinking, but from the first day of May, a little realgar is used to soak the wine, and after it is cooked in the sun, it is applied to the forehead and ears of the child to ward off the poison. Medical herbs pick moxa soak wine, drink the ability to "dispel evil", moxa grass is the bitter aroma of Artemisia argyi. Dragon Boat Festival to Bulong Aihu hanging door (r á ng) poison gas, Pucao tie Jackie Chan, Artemisia for the tiger.

△ Artemisia Artemisia can cure all kinds of diseases, so it is called "herb", which is burned by acupuncture and moxibustion.

Ai is used by the poor with vanilla, elegant with orchid, and poor with moxa. Beauty is called "Shao Ai", but most people don't know it. Mencius said, "if you know lust, you will admire Shaoai." in the Peach Blossom Fan, there is "accumulating some wealth and gathering some spoiled wormwood." Acacia once a year, close to the midsummer season, the branches of the acacia are fragrant and green, and the bright red velvet balls are clustered in the green shade.

△ Albizzia Flower "Don't worry about Xu Hehuan in the curtain, Qingxian fifty is the king's play.

Play the sound of Yan Chun to get your bones, and Gu Xing leads people to the saddle. "forced to smile, after all, it is still a sentimental flower. It's time for litchi to taste the new season around the Dragon Boat Festival. According to the quarter, it should be "litchi day in May". It is only in the fifth month of the lunar calendar that litchi ripens. But Yang Wanli in the Southern Song Dynasty had a wonderful taste of the new litchi poem on the eighth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar in his time: "next to a little rouge, it suddenly became popular all over the green clothes." Ziqiong has thin lilac bones and cool skin in the afternoon and summer. " It's mouth-watering.

The above excerpt is from "Micro Reading Solar terms" (by Zhu Wei). The custom of eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is "Zongzi fragrant, fragrant kitchen. Ai Ye Xiang, the hall is full of incense. Peach sticks in the gate, go out to see the wheat yellow. Duanyang here, there, Duanyang everywhere. " This is a popular folk song about Dragon Boat Festival in the old days. Generally speaking, the customs of people around the country to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival are more or less the same, while eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival has been the same all over China since ancient times.

Today's zongzi is even more varied and brilliant. Nowadays, glutinous rice is generally wrapped in Ruo shell, but the design and color is determined according to local specialties and customs. the famous ones are longan dumplings, meat dumplings, crystal dumplings, lotus dumplings, candied dumplings, chestnut dumplings, spicy dumplings, sauerkraut dumplings, ham dumplings, salted egg dumplings and so on. Dragon boat racing is the main custom of Dragon Boat Festival. Legend has it that in ancient times, the people of Chu were reluctant to give up their virtuous minister qu Yuan to throw themselves into the river to die, and many people rowed a boat to chase and save. They competed with each other and there was no trace when they chased to Dongting Lake. After that, he rowed a dragon boat on May 5 every year to commemorate it. Use a dragon boat to disperse the fish in the river so as not to eat qu Yuan's body.

The habit of racing is popular in Wu, Yue and Chu.

People carve dragon-shaped canoes to the sound of drums to do racing games to entertain gods and people, which is a semi-religious and semi-entertaining program in rituals. Sachet Dragon Boat Festival children wear sachet, it is said that there is a meaning to ward off evil spirits and distemper, is actually used for flap embellishment decoration.

There are cinnabar, realgar and fragrance in the sachet, wrapped in silk cloth, overflowing with fragrance, and then buckled into a rope with five-colored silk strings to form a string of different shapes, all kinds of, exquisite and lovely. Hanging Acorus calamus folk saying: "Qingming Festival insert willow, Dragon Boat Festival insert Ai." In the Dragon Boat Festival, people take the insertion of moxa and calamus as one of the important contents. Every family sweeps the courtyard and inserts calamus and moxa sticks into the eyebrow, hanging in the hall. And with calamus, moxa leaves, pomegranate flowers, garlic, dragon boat flowers, made of human or tiger shape, called moxa, moxa tiger; made of wreaths, ornaments, beautiful and fragrant, women scramble to wear, to drive.

Ai, also known as Artemisia argyi and Artemisia argyi. Its stems and leaves contain volatile aromatic oils. Its peculiar fragrance can dispel mosquitoes, flies, insects and ants and purify the air. Ai is used as medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, which has the functions of rational qi and blood, warming uterus, dispelling cold and dampness. The processing of moxa leaves into "moxa velvet" is an important medicine for moxibustion treatment.

Acorus calamus is a perennial aquatic herb, and its long and narrow leaves also contain volatile aromatic oils, which are refreshing, invigorating bones, relieving stagnation, insecticidal and sterilization.