
mouth pressure Learn more about mouth pressure

  • The best time for larks to press their mouths

    The best time for larks to press their mouths

    The best time for the lark to press the mouth is after the first molting, that is, in the spring of the following year, it is best to train in the early morning and two hours before dark in the afternoon, usually for a continuous period of 1-2 months or about half a year, according to the specific time of the lark.

    2020-11-11 Lark mouth pressure best time lark
  • High pressure Propagation of Camellia

    High pressure Propagation of Camellia

    Camellia is also known as Camellia, Evening Camellia, Datura, Camellia and so on. It can blossom from mid-October to mid-April next year, but most of them blossom from February to April. The colors are red, pink, white and other colors, which are deeply loved by urban and rural residents.

  • Novice flower cultivation: 1 disposable cup + 1 piece of cling film makes you succulent plant without pressure.

    Novice flower cultivation: 1 disposable cup + 1 piece of cling film makes you succulent plant without pressure.

    The basin of succulent plants may be the first small pass for some novice friends, if you don't pay attention to it, the meat may not wake up again. The reason is that meat can not produce new roots for various reasons.

  • Cultivation techniques of Flammulina velutipes

    Cultivation techniques of Flammulina velutipes

    Cultivation techniques of Flammulina velutipes

  • Analysis on the causes of pollution in Ganoderma lucidum seed production

    Analysis on the causes of pollution in Ganoderma lucidum seed production

    1. Damage and pollution (1) broken container, sub-packing, sterilization, inoculation; mechanical damage caused by failure to handle or put lightly in the process of transportation and cultivation. (2) sudden heating, pressure rise or sudden cooling during gas damage and sterilization; exhaust speed is too fast, so that the bag gas is damaged. two。 Cotton plug contamination (1) the mouth of the test tube contaminated with cotton plug is stained with the culture medium or the mouth of the bottle (bag) is not clean or the medium is in contact with the cotton plug. (2) improper stacking of cotton plugs when sterilized by moisture, excessive addition of water, unreasonable masonry of sterilized stoves or cultivation

  • Introduction to physical methods of disinfection and sterilization of Ganoderma lucidum

    Introduction to physical methods of disinfection and sterilization of Ganoderma lucidum

    Introduction to physical methods of disinfection and sterilization of Ganoderma lucidum

  • How to grow Flammulina velutipes

    How to grow Flammulina velutipes

    Whether the cultivation and management techniques of Flammulina velutipes are proper or not determines the yield and quality of Flammulina velutipes: 1. Change wide bag cultivation to narrow bag cultivation. Many people think that it is better to cultivate Flammulina velutipes with plastic bags of 25cm and 50cm. But in fact, wide bags are easy to be infected with miscellaneous bacteria.

    2020-11-08 Flammulina velutipes how plant cultivation management technology
  • The method of collecting snake venom

    The method of collecting snake venom

    There are two ways to collect snake venom: "dead mining" and "living mining". "Dead picking" is a special * destructive method to cut off venomous glands from the head of venomous snakes cut off by processing units or to anaesthetize rear trench venomous snakes and sea snakes that produce less poison, and it is only used occasionally in special circumstances. The "live mining" method is generally used in order to eat snake resources for free. The following is a brief introduction to several "live mining" methods. The method of collecting poison by ⑴ electrical stimulation uses weak electrical stimulation tools such as "acupuncture anaesthesia instrument" to stimulate the mouth of snakes with special electrodes.

  • New techniques for cultivation of hericium Erinaceus with waste bacteria

    New techniques for cultivation of hericium Erinaceus with waste bacteria

    Hericium Erinaceus gets its name because it looks like hericium Erinaceus and tastes delicious. It is known as "Shanzhen hericium Erinaceus, seafood bird's nest". In the process of strain production or transfer, sometimes contaminated bacteria will appear due to carelessness in sterilization, disinfection, inoculation, culture and so on. If the contaminated bacteria are abandoned in the wild, it will cause environmental pollution; if you take out the culture medium and wash the bacteria bottle for use, it will be labor-consuming and time-consuming. However, if we use polluted bacteria to cultivate hericium Erinaceus, we can turn waste into treasure and get twice the result with half the effort. The specific methods are as follows: 1. Collect contaminated bacteria and sterilize. Put the contaminated bacteria in time

  • Cultivation techniques of hericium Erinaceus in Changshan

    Cultivation techniques of hericium Erinaceus in Changshan

    As early as the eighties of the last century, Changshan hericium Erinaceus was famous all over the country, and its output ranked first in the world. The fruiting body of hericium Erinaceus was cultured in bottles before the 1990s, and then cultivated in plastic bags after 1990s, that is, the culture materials were packed in plastic bags, sterilized, inoculated, cultured, and then grew into fruiting bodies under controlled cultivation conditions.

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum

  • How to cultivate high yield

    How to cultivate high yield

    The scientific name of Flammulina velutipes is Enoki Mushroom, also known as Enoki Mushroom, etc. Flammulina velutiper (Fr.) Sing。Because of its slender stalk, like day lily, so

    2020-11-08 Flammulina velutipes how cultivation energy high yield scientific name hairy stalk
  • How to use wide mouth bottle to cultivate Gastrodia elata

    How to use wide mouth bottle to cultivate Gastrodia elata

    Bed frame requirements: bed frame and indoor cultivation of Gastrodia elata bed frame form is basically the same, but each bed frame distance of 30 cm, put 10-12 layers, do not need to do hoarding around. The bottom layer can be made of wood or straw curtains. The jar is 18 cm high, 8 cm in diameter and 4 cm in diameter. Cultivation method: the culture materials for the culture of secondary solid bacteria were packed in a wide-mouth bottle, filled to a little more than 3% of the bottle volume, sterilized under high pressure, cooled, and cultured in a 19-22 ℃ greenhouse for 30 days to become Armillaria mellea.

  • In the new technology of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation, the culture medium should be prepared, and bagging and sterilization should not be careless.

    In the new technology of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation, the culture medium should be prepared, and bagging and sterilization should not be careless.

    Culture medium: using cotton husk and rice straw, the formula of cultivation materials in spring and summer is different from that in autumn and winter. Bag sterilization: the material bag should be placed in the shape of a well, high pressure sterilization for about 2.5 hours, atmospheric pressure sterilization and heat preservation for about 8-10 hours. Vaccination: finish within 1 day as much as possible

    2020-11-08 Pleurotus ostreatus planting new technology culture medium to preparation good bagging
  • Cultivation of mushroom with raw material

    Cultivation of mushroom with raw material

    Flammulina velutipes, or Flammulina velutipes, is a kind of fungus that can grow in the severe winter. The fruiting body of Flammulina velutipes is small and beautiful and nutritious. Winter mushroom is a kind of high-grade edible fungus, but its seed production and cultivation are not complicated. At present, clinker cultivation is mostly adopted in China. In order to save energy, reduce and simplify the process of cooking base materials under high pressure or low pressure, the relevant experts have successfully carried out long-term cultivation experiments on raw materials. The new method of cultivating mushroom with raw material is briefly introduced as follows. 1. The cultivation and sowing time of winter mushroom is a kind of low temperature fungus, and the temperature of mushroom production is mostly between 5 and 15 ℃.

  • Sterilization, inoculation and Culture of Lentinus edodes medium

    Sterilization, inoculation and Culture of Lentinus edodes medium

    The sterilization of a strain culture medium is the key to the success or failure of strain production. There are a large number of microorganisms in the unsterilized medium, which often lead to bacteria pollution and loss to production. At present, atmospheric steam sterilization is commonly used by mushroom farmers. The atmospheric pressure sterilization stove of atmospheric pressure steam sterilization is made of brick. choose an iron pot with a diameter of 110 centimeters, a drum with a height of 100 centimeters and a diameter of 120 centimeters with brick, and smooth it with cement inside and outside. After loading the culture medium into the sterilizing pot, use thicker plastic.

  • Seed Production Techniques of Auricularia auricula

    Seed Production Techniques of Auricularia auricula

    Black fungus hanging bag cultivation 2-3 tide ear, due to the bag nutrition, lack of water no longer out of the ear, generally discarded waste material. In practice, we adopt sand coating treatment, after many tests can still produce 3-4 ears, the specific methods are as follows: take off the bacteria bag, bacteria material placed in nutrient solution soaked for a day, let it absorb enough water (nutrition).

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants? Dental implants have always been an eye-catching way to repair missing teeth in the neighborhood, because of missing teeth, chewing food is very hard, teeth.

  • How do you grow Flammulina velutipes at home?

    How do you grow Flammulina velutipes at home?

    Flammulina velutipes is a kind of edible mushroom cultivated in autumn, winter and early spring. it is famous for its slippery cover, crisp handle, rich nutrition and delicious taste. It not only has good edible value, but also has high medicinal value, so it is favored by people. So how do you grow gold needles at home?

    2020-11-09 Myself at home how to grow Flammulina velutipes Flammulina velutipes is
  • How can the mushroom be planted with high yield? What about abnormal mushrooms?

    How can the mushroom be planted with high yield? What about abnormal mushrooms?

    Flammulina velutipes scientific name hairy stem money fungus, also known as hairy stem small fire mushroom. It is not only a delicious food, but also a good health food. The domestic and foreign markets of Flammulina velutipes are increasingly broad. The artificial cultivation technique of Flammulina velutipes is not complicated, as long as the environmental conditions can be controlled well, it is easy.

    2020-11-09 Hairy stalk small fire mushroom Flammulina velutipes how seed energy high yield appearance