
High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum

Ganoderma lucidum, alias Wannian mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum grass, Sanxiu and so on. The fruiting body and spores are used for medicine, which has the effects of nourishing, strengthening, invigorating the brain, strengthening the stomach, anti-inflammation and diuresis. It mainly treats chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease, neurasthenia, insomnia, acute and chronic hepatitis, leukopenia, atrophic ankylosis, hypertension, myocarditis, rheumatoid arthritis, concussion sequelae, migraine, pneumosilicosis, yang fistula, spermatorrhea, lumbar acid, tinnitus and so on. The main producing areas are Jilin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian and other provinces.

The morphological characteristics are Ganoderma lucidum in the family Ganoderma lucidum. It is composed of mycelium and fruiting body. The hyphae are colorless, transparent, septate, branched, white or brown, 1-3 microns in diameter. The mycelium is white and fluffy. The fruiting body consists of a cap, a stalk and a fruiting layer. The cap is semicircular or reniform, 4-12 cm × 3-20 cm, 0.5-2 cm thick, corky, yellow, gradually reddish brown, shiny, ringed ribs and radial wrinkles. Stipe lateral, rarely biased, dark reddish brown or purplish brown. The fungus is nearly white to light brown, and the bacterial tube is up to 0.2-1 cm long, nearly white, and then becomes light brown. The mouth of the tube is white at the beginning and brown at the later stage. The spores are reddish brown, ovate, one end is truncated, the outer spore wall is smooth, the inner spore wall is rough, and there is a large oil drop in the center.

1. Growth habits: Ganoderma lucidum is a high-temperature saprophytic fungus, and the suitable temperature for mycelial growth is 2430 ℃. The suitable temperature for fruiting body growth is 24-28 ℃. Light requires a certain amount of scattered light, spore germination and mycelium growth do not need light to be positive and aerobic. The relative humidity of the air requires 85.95%. Ganoderma lucidum likes partial acid, and the ph value of culture medium is 4: 6.

2. Seed production:

1. Formula and preparation of mother culture medium. Potato (peeled) 200g, glucose 20g, Agar 20g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 3g, magnesium sulfate 1.5g, vitamin B1112tablets, water 1000 g. When preparing, the potato is cut into thin slices and boiled in 1000 grams of water for half an hour, the filtrate is filtered with double-layer gauze, and then Agar is added to the filtrate by boiling and stirring to dissolve it. After melting, add glucose, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, magnesium sulfate, vitamin B1 tablets, and add water to 1000 ml. That is, the dissolved liquid medium. Then the liquid medium was loaded into the test tube while it was hot, and the volume was 1/4 of the length of the test tube. Plug the mouth of the test tube with cotton, wrap it with double Kraft paper and put it into a pressure cooker for sterilization. When sterilizing, first put an appropriate amount of water in the interlayer, and then put the test tube packed with the culture medium into the pot, cover it tightly and heat it: first discharge the cold air, then close the exhaust valve and heat up the pressure. When the air pressure reaches 1.1kg / cm 2 and the temperature in the pot is 121℃, keep it for 30 minutes to achieve the effect of sterilization. Stop heating, slowly open the exhaust valve, when the air pressure pointer drops to 00:00, you can take out the test tube, while the test tube will be placed on the bevel, cooling and solidification, that is, the adult bevel medium.

2. Isolation of pure bacteria: organized isolation and spore isolation.

In tissue isolation method, fresh and mature Ganoderma lucidum was selected under aseptic condition, and a piece of tissue the size of soybean grains was cut from the inside of the cap or stalk. Inoculate on the bevel medium. When the white hyphae covered the slope, the mother seed was obtained, and then the mother seed was expanded and cultured into the original species and cultivated species, and then Ganoderma lucidum production could be carried out.

In the method of spore isolation, fresh and mature Ganoderma lucidum was taken under aseptic condition and put on liquid medium. (Agar was removed from the above formula) and cultured at 24: 26 ℃. After a certain period of time, the surface of the culture medium is similar to the fruiting body, but the individual is small, or the bacterial tube is formed close to the tube wall, and the spore powder is emitted from the mouth of the bacterial tube, and the pure spores are obtained. Then a layer of lichen-like vegetative hyphae was obtained by inoculating on the culture medium.

3. Cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum: bottle cultivation and Linden cultivation

Before bottle planting, the culture material was mixed evenly according to sawdust (broadleaf tree) 75%, wheat bran 25% or cottonseed shell 80%, skin 16%, sucrose 1%, gypsum powder 3%. The humidity of the culture material is that there are water droplets in the fingers without leakage, and then put the culture material into a bacteria bottle (or canned bottle), 0.5 cm away from the bottle mouth. After loading, punch an air hole from the middle of the material with a pointed log stick, and then carry out high-pressure sterilization. Inoculation can be carried out when the temperature of the sterilized culture material is reduced to 30 ℃. When inoculating, the steam inoculation method is used, and it can also be inoculated in the inoculation box and inoculation room. First, 75% alcohol cotton balls are used to wipe the mouth of the strain, the inoculation ditch and other appliances are sterilized and sterilized by the alcohol lamp flame, and then the strain is inoculated on the culture material, and after the flame is sterilized, the bottle mouth is wrapped with Kraft paper. Put it into indoor culture at 20: 26 ℃. The mycelium can be full of bacteria bottle in about 30 days. If you continue to cultivate, the fruiting body will grow. At this time, the room temperature should be controlled at 26: 28 ℃, the air relative humidity should be 90%, and the air should be kept fresh and given a certain amount of scattered light to facilitate the growth of fruit bodies.

In the method of Linden cultivation, broad-leaved trees such as peach, poplar, willow and locust are selected in autumn. the trunk with a diameter of 5 cm and 15 cm is cut into Linden wood 1 m long, and an electric drill with a diameter of 1 cm is used to make a zigzag hole with a distance of 20 × 20 cm, with a depth of 1 cm. As soon as the hole is punched, the bacteria are gently stuffed into the hole, pressed slightly, covered with bark, and gently hammered flat with a small wooden hammer. (the inoculation period should be carried out when the air temperature is 20: 26 ℃ and the relative air temperature is below 60%. About 30 days after inoculation, the hyphae were immersed in Linden, and brown bacteria circles were formed around the pores, indicating that the inoculation was successful. When the mycelium is covered with the bark cover, it will be picked up. At this time, Linden can be buried in the soil, pay attention to moisturizing, avoid stagnant water and control diseases and insect pests. When the bacteria are covered with Linden and the pores watch the buds, dig out the Linden immediately, cut off the small Linden, which is 17 to 20 centimeters long, and then obliquely bury it in the acid gravel soil, with the upper end exposed about 3 centimeters from the ground. And cover with weeds and shade, and sprinkle water once a few days to keep the land moist. Zhi Lei began to grow after 7 days and 10 days. At this time, the relative temperature of the air should be kept at about 90%. Too dry and wet will lead to the death of Zhi Bud.

Fourth, harvest and processing after the spores in the lid of Ganoderma lucidum are released, the cap changes from soft to hard, and the color changes from yellowish to reddish brown, which can be harvested when it is not thick. The harvested Ganoderma lucidum can be dried in the shade in time or dried at a temperature of 40-45 ℃. Every 100 kg of culture material can receive 2-3 kg of dried Ganoderma lucidum. To dry, large, reddish brown, lacquer-like luster as a good product.