
midwifery Learn more about midwifery

  • A brief discussion on the artificial midwifery technique of raccoon dog delivery

    A brief discussion on the artificial midwifery technique of raccoon dog delivery

    The pregnancy and delivery of raccoon dogs has a certain seasonality, which is generally delivered from March to May. The artificial midwifery technology can be used to solve the general dystocia in the process of delivery and ensure the normal delivery of pregnant mother raccoon raccoons. The phenomenon of false death of young raccoon dogs can be dealt with in time. The author introduces the delivery and midwifery technology of raccoon dogs for reference. 1 Prenatal preparation of mother raccoon dogs 5 days before the due date, choose dry, warm and wind-free, sufficient light, quiet environment, do a good job of cage disinfection, cleaning and hygiene for delivery;

  • On the Prevention and Control of Deer Disease in China

    On the Prevention and Control of Deer Disease in China

    Over the past half a century, with the development of the deer industry, the number of deer is increasing, deer have more extensive contact with the external environment, and the types of deer diseases are also increasing. The mortality rate of some deer farms is as high as more than 10% (including deer that should be eliminated but not eliminated). Deer disease has become one of the important risks in deer production. 1 Historical review the understanding of deer disease is advanced and improved with the development of deer production. China has a history of raising deer for thousands of years, and the real prosperity was after the founding of New China. In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, there were not many deer, and there were few deer diseases.

  • Artificial midwifery dog birth

    Artificial midwifery dog birth

    1. The essentials of midwifery are that not all bitches can give birth smoothly without the help of their owners. Especially some pure pedigree and over-protected bitches, all of their diet is under the special care of their owners, so they are highly dependent, even when giving birth. In particular, usually spoiled bitches, in labor pains, after delivery will not bite the fetal membrane, resulting in puppies suffocated to death. So the delicate Pomeranian, the owner has to take great pains to help it when giving birth.

  • What about dystocia in sows?

    What about dystocia in sows?

    1. Prevention of dystocia in sows (1) strengthening the feeding and management of sows to ensure that the full price of feed for pregnant sows is of high quality and appropriate nutrition level, with special attention to meeting the needs of vitamins and minerals closely related to reproductive function, and according to pig size and parity.

    2020-11-08 Sows dystocia how to do one sows prevention
  • How to help a sow give birth too slowly? 5 practical solutions

    How to help a sow give birth too slowly? 5 practical solutions

    Normal posture: gently extend the hand into the birth canal of the sow and pull the piglet out of the uterus correctly. Head in the birth mouth: put the index finger into the mouth of the piglet until the canine teeth and pull the piglet out. Two out at the same time: grab one piglet and pull it out and then pull the second one. Back first out

    2020-11-08 Sow give birth too slow how midwifery 5 real use solve
  • When do sows usually give birth? What are the key points of feeding and management?

    When do sows usually give birth? What are the key points of feeding and management?

    Childbirth, especially the period and process during which the fetus breaks away from the mother and becomes an independent individual. Pigs are born as well as humans, so when do sows give birth? What are the key points of feeding and management? When do sows usually give birth? There are many births in sows

    2020-11-11 Sows parturition general in when feeding management key points
  • How to tell if a cow is pregnant? How many calves are born pregnant? What are the signs of prenatal delivery? What about dystocia?

    How to tell if a cow is pregnant? How many calves are born pregnant? What are the signs of prenatal delivery? What about dystocia?

    In breeding cattle, the early pregnancy diagnosis of cows has been perplexing the majority of farmers. To judge whether the cows are pregnant as soon as possible is of great significance to reduce empty pregnancy, improve production efficiency and increase economic benefits. So how to tell if a cow is pregnant? How much is pregnant?

    2020-11-11 How judge cow whether pregnant how many days calf
  • Causes and treatment of dystocia in goats

    Causes and treatment of dystocia in goats

    Causes and treatment of dystocia in goats

  • Breeding Technology of Pitland Pig

    Breeding Technology of Pitland Pig

    Breeding Technology of Pitland Pig

  • Symptoms and comprehensive prevention and treatment of porcine endometritis

    Symptoms and comprehensive prevention and treatment of porcine endometritis

    When sows are in breeding, artificial insemination, delivery, midwifery and abortion, if they do not pay attention to hygiene or disinfection is not strict, bacteria will be brought into the uterus, resulting in reproductive infection of sows, including Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and so on, leading to endometritis. During delivery, the operation of the birth canal or part of the placenta remains in the uterus, which can also cause endometritis. Bacteria can also enter through the vulva when the floor of the barracks is poorly sanitary, or when sows are active in a sewerage playground.

  • "Sow Triad", how to put an end to it

    "Sow Triad", how to put an end to it

  • Causes of death and preventive measures of newborn calves

    Causes of death and preventive measures of newborn calves

    Causes of death and preventive measures of newborn calves

  • How to prevent the death of chicken embryos before shell pecking

    How to prevent the death of chicken embryos before shell pecking

    In the process of hatching, it is common for normal chicken embryos to be suffocated before shell pecking due to various factors, such as excellent eggshell, limited movement space of chicken embryo head or far mouth tip from eggshell. So, how to prevent this kind of phenomenon from happening? 1. Turn the eggs. The first 10 days of incubation is the key period for the location of the blastocyst. In order to make the embryo's eye spot and head develop along the blunt end shell edge of the breeding egg, in order to facilitate the chick's mouth tip to peck the shell, the egg should be turned frequently at this stage. The blunt end of the egg should be kept upward during operation.

  • Techniques of raising deer to improve the survival rate of young deer

    Techniques of raising deer to improve the survival rate of young deer

    The survival rate of young deer is one of the important indicators of reproductive performance of deer herds. After a survey of five deer farms in Ning'an Farm, the survival rate of young deer is as high as 75%, but in low years it is less than 60%, with an average level of about 65%. Now the investigation materials are classified and counted to find out the influence on the survival rate of young deer.

    2020-11-08 Breeding deer raising young deer survival rate technology
  • Management of parturient sows

    Management of parturient sows

    Management of parturient sows

  • Key points for attention in sow delivery

    Key points for attention in sow delivery

    Key points for attention in sow delivery

  • What about sows with less milk?

    What about sows with less milk?

    What about sows with less milk?

  • Key points of sow feeding management

    Key points of sow feeding management

    Key points of sow feeding management

  • Pig farmers must see! How to make sows prolific?

    Pig farmers must see! How to make sows prolific?

    Among pigs, female pigs of any age who have given birth are called sows. There are many kinds of sows, including black sows, white sows and spotted sows. There are also some differences in their living habits. For pig farmers, sows give birth to more babies.

    2020-11-11 Pigs farmers must see how let sows many give birth in
  • General knowledge of disinfection in dairy farm

    General knowledge of disinfection in dairy farm

    General knowledge of disinfection in dairy farm
