
garland Learn more about garland

  • When will the garland chrysanthemum be sown

    When will the garland chrysanthemum be sown

    Garland chrysanthemum is native to Morocco in North Africa. It is generally used to decorate flower beds and can also be used as potted plants or cut flowers to watch. When is the better time to sow garland chrysanthemum? When to sow garland chrysanthemum sow in spring and autumn, the best sowing time in spring is

    2020-11-09 Wreath chrysanthemum when sowing wreath produced in North Africa
  • Reason analysis and treatment of why garland chrysanthemum does not blossom

    Reason analysis and treatment of why garland chrysanthemum does not blossom

    Chrysanthemum morifolium is a herb of Compositae. It gets its name because the flower has three rings of color. The flowers are rich in colors and have a long flowering period. And deeply liked by everyone, it is often arranged in flower beds or potted plants to watch. The problem of non-flowering often occurs in the process of garland chrysanthemum culture, how to deal with it?

  • Can the planting method of garland chrysanthemum be cultivated in an air-conditioned room?

    Can the planting method of garland chrysanthemum be cultivated in an air-conditioned room?

    There are also many kinds of chrysanthemum plants, here to talk about garland chrysanthemum, this garland chrysanthemum is very gorgeous, is very good-looking, what is the planting method of garland chrysanthemum? Can I breed it in an air-conditioned room? The planting method of garland chrysanthemum: temperature, the most suitable growth temperature is 15-30 ℃.

  • Garland chrysanthemum

    Garland chrysanthemum

    Garland chrysanthemum is an annual or biennial herb of Compositae and Artemisia annua. Stems erect and much branched, plant height 30 cm to 70 cm, leaves bipinnatifid. Head, Corolla has red, pink, yellow, white, purple and other colors, often two, three colors are complex ring, florescence from June to September. Garland chrysanthemum is native to Morocco in North Africa. It likes cool climate and its suitable temperature is 15 ℃ to 25 ℃. It can grow in pastoral soil, slightly acidic soil and sandy loam regardless of soil. Sowing and reproducing can be sown in spring or autumn. After the seeds are harvested, dry them first to remove impurities.

  • Flaming lilies "how to raise Garland?

    Flaming lilies

    Garland is a symbol of glory, the magic created by nature, Jialan with its beauty to capture the hearts of how many people ah. So, how does Garland raise it? Let's take a look at it. Temperature and environment Jialan Xi was born in a warm, humid and sunny environment.

    2020-11-09 Flame Lily " " Garland how raise Garland Yes Glory
  • Succulent plant wreath DIY production guide gift to friends is good

    Succulent plant wreath DIY production guide gift to friends is good

    Garlands made of succulent plants are common in Europe to decorate outdoor gates, and even in cold winter, garlands made of pine branches and cones are beautiful. Other seasons, garlands made with succulents and bulbous flowers are very...

  • How to DIY succulent garland

    How to DIY succulent garland

    The succulent wreath is a kind of combination platter of succulent plants, which is very suitable for hanging in a corner of the garden or balcony to enjoy, with rich colors and varieties. The first step is to prepare materials and tools 1 main materials: succulent, water moss,.

  • I Pingdong I am proud that "Cross-ethnic small Farmers cooperate with 185 Farmers' Market, friendly fruits and vegetables, garland headdress

    I Pingdong I am proud that

    I Pingdong I am proud that "Cross-ethnic small Farmers cooperate with 185 Farmers' Market, friendly fruits and vegetables, garland headdress

  • Is it easy to grow Garland?

    Is it easy to grow Garland?

    Jialan is a rhizomatous plant, belonging to the family Liliaceae. It has gorgeous flowers and is often used to make corsage. Domesticated plants can be watched in pots, like flames.

  • The beautiful garland florist starts to learn.

    The beautiful garland florist starts to learn.

    THE END-- "Flower Wild Nature" Flower Communication: zouzaidalulogo Design: zouzaidalu Flower Aesthetics | Plant Aesthetics | Life Aesthetics | Plant & Flower.

  • Jialan, the national flower of the Republic of Zimbabwe

    Jialan, the national flower of the Republic of Zimbabwe

    A climbing plant of the order Liliaceae, it is the national flower of Zimbabwe; its petals curl backward is an important feature, with wavy petals. Like warm, humid climate and rich in organic matter, good drainage, ventilation, strong water retention.

  • The culture method of Jialan

    The culture method of Jialan

    1. The growth of soil Jialan needs to be cultured in sandy loam with rich humus, loose and fertile soil and good drainage. two。 Moisture Jialan likes a humid environment, and its growing period needs sufficient moisture, but the soil should not be too wet so as not to cause rotten roots; if it enters a dormant state in winter, it is necessary to reduce watering.

  • The leaves of jasmine are yellow and black. What should we do with them?

    The leaves of jasmine are yellow and black. What should we do with them?

    The flowers are blooming all over the garden, but the fragrance is nothing but it. It is a jasmine flower that can smoke a room of fragrance. Jasmine has emerald green leaves, white flowers and strong fragrance. It is a common garden and potted ornamental fragrant flowers. Multi-purpose potted plants, decorated with room volume, elegant and pleasant, but also can be processed into garlands and other ornaments

  • The cultivation of lily

    The cultivation of lily

    Planting Jialan lily, it is best to choose humus-rich sandy loam planting, and control the temperature at 22~24 degrees, if lower than 22 degrees or higher than 32 degrees, growth will stagnate, generally winter temperature above 18 degrees best. In addition, it is not suitable for direct sun, generally apply some every month.

    2020-11-09 garland lily of planting best picking rot
  • Master these conservation methods to make your Jialan flowers blossom when potted.

    Master these conservation methods to make your Jialan flowers blossom when potted.

    When potted maintenance of Jialan, master these maintenance methods to make your Jialan blossom beautiful! Introduction: Jialan is a climbing plant of Liliaceae. Let's not underestimate this plant. It is the national flower of Zimbabwe.

  • Jialan Jialan lily flame lily trailing lily

    Jialan Jialan lily flame lily trailing lily

    English name: LovelyGloriosa family name: Liliaceae Jialan genus alias: Jialan lily, flame lily, trailing lily origin: southern Yunnan, Hainan and tropical Asia and Africa. There are wild sporadic distribution below 1200m above sea level in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Plant species: perennial climbing herbaceous flowers biological characteristics and ecological habits: Jialan has a transverse rhizome, about 2cm in diameter, yellowish brown, often emerging from the terminal bud. Aboveground stems slender, trailing, up to 3m high, green

  • Planting of Jialan Lilium

    Planting of Jialan Lilium

    In late April, Jialan lily can plant its rhizome in suitable soil, covering soil 3cm or so, and if it is potted, it can plant 2 rhizomes in each pot. Around June, seedlings will sprout. At this time, scaffolds need to be set up for rock climbing growth, and the breeding process needs to be maintained.

    2020-11-08 Garland Lily planting Abstract available in April
  • Breeding methods of Jialan

    Breeding methods of Jialan

    Ramet cuttings Jialan before sprouting in spring, take off its meristematic rhizome, each stem with bud eyes, transplant to a new flowerpot, cover about 3 cm of soil. Sowing Jialan seeds can be sowed after they are collected in autumn or sown in the following spring. Sow the seeds on the culture soil to keep them moist and ventilated.

  • Potted jasmine cultivation methods and precautions

    Potted jasmine cultivation methods and precautions

    Jasmine flowers of evergreen shrubs have green leaves, white colors and strong fragrance, which are common garden and potted ornamental fragrant flowers; potted plants are used for decoration, elegant and pleasant, and can also be processed into garlands and other decorations; while most of deciduous vines are yellow and fragrant white flowers.

  • It is too practical for these four kinds of plants to make your house free of mosquitoes.

    It is too practical for these four kinds of plants to make your house free of mosquitoes.

    Bamboo and cypress mosquito repellent the leaves and bark of small potted bamboo and cypress can give off a strong smell of cloves all the year round.
