
Flame Learn more about Flame

  • Culture method of Flame Tree

    Culture method of Flame Tree

    1. Sunshine and temperature. Flame tree originated in Africa, is a positive plant, can withstand drought and high temperature, not afraid of strong light, suitable for growth temperature between 20 and 30 degrees. It should be noted that when the flame tree blossoms, it will blossom less if the temperature is not high. 2. Soil. The flame tree has strong adaptability.

  • Sacred flame Jian Lan

    Sacred flame Jian Lan

    The source of the sacred flame: at that time, a Wang surnamed Lanyou went to the home of the mountain people in Bazi Township of Qingshen River to buy bluegrass. I didn't get it. Before leaving, Wang suddenly saw a flower bud in the broken basin in the corner of his hospital dam. So the king did not make a deal on the grounds that he had to buy some grass and the mountain people agreed. She was the later sacred flame. The sacred flame is being cultivated.

  • How to plant flame tree planting methods and matters needing attention

    How to plant flame tree planting methods and matters needing attention

    The flame tree is a very beautiful plant, the shape of the tree is tall, and the flowers are bright red and magnificent. The flower is in the shape of a cup, the flower shape is large, and the petal has a golden ring pattern on the edge. The flame tree has a large exhibition area, which is very suitable for garden planting. So, the Flame Tree

    2020-11-08 Flames trees how planting methods and precautions flames
  • Cultivation and Management techniques and Pest and Pest Control of Flame Tree in Australia

    Cultivation and Management techniques and Pest and Pest Control of Flame Tree in Australia

    Australian flame tree is a kind of non-beautiful plant. Many places want to introduce Australian flame tree for ornamental greening application. Today, the editor of Huinong Network has brought you the cultivation techniques of Australian flame tree propagation and pest control.

  • Introduction to the Propagation method of Flame Orchid

    Introduction to the Propagation method of Flame Orchid

    Fire orchid likes the sunny environment and is cold-resistant, so it can survive the winter in the open field in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. Flame orchid has high horticultural value and is deeply loved by orchid lovers. Artificial propagation of Cymbidium can be done by means of ramet and cuttage. The editor will introduce to you these two propagation methods.

  • The Flame Tree can also be called it.

    The Flame Tree can also be called it.

    Flame tree is a beautiful ornamental plant, the shape of the tree is relatively tall, when flowering is very brilliant.

  • Maintenance technology of autumn flame of American red maple and pest control of longicorn beetles

    Maintenance technology of autumn flame of American red maple and pest control of longicorn beetles

    Maintenance technology of autumn flame of American red maple and pest control of longicorn beetles

  • Five blessings sacred flame Jianlan

    Five blessings sacred flame Jianlan

    The Wufu sacred flame is also called the strange butterfly flower in southern Fujian, which is large and colorful.

  • A new Samsung VS sacred flame

    A new Samsung VS sacred flame

    A new Samsung VS sacred flame

  • Cultivation and Management Techniques of Martian Flower (Flame Orchid)

    Cultivation and Management Techniques of Martian Flower (Flame Orchid)

    Mars flower (flame orchid) scientific name: crocosmiacrocosmiflora alias: realgar orchid family: iridaceae realgar orchid morphological characteristics: bulb flat round like water chestnut, plant height about 50 cm, leaves linear sword shape, the base has leaf sheath holding stem and born

  • What does moth to flame mean? Why put out the fire? What's next?

    What does moth to flame mean? Why put out the fire? What's next?

    Moths belong to the order Lepidoptera, mostly active at night, like to gather in the light, so there is a folk saying that moths burn themselves to the flame. What does moth to flame mean? Why put out the fire? What's next? moths

    2020-11-11 moth to flame what is it meaning why want
  • Jialan Jialan lily flame lily trailing lily

    Jialan Jialan lily flame lily trailing lily

    English name: LovelyGloriosa family name: Liliaceae Jialan genus alias: Jialan lily, flame lily, trailing lily origin: southern Yunnan, Hainan and tropical Asia and Africa. There are wild sporadic distribution below 1200m above sea level in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Plant species: perennial climbing herbaceous flowers biological characteristics and ecological habits: Jialan has a transverse rhizome, about 2cm in diameter, yellowish brown, often emerging from the terminal bud. Aboveground stems slender, trailing, up to 3m high, green

  • What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of succulent plant Tia (Green Flame)? What do you do after flowering?

    What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of succulent plant Tia (Green Flame)? What do you do after flowering?

    Tia's nickname is Green Flame, which is named because its shape is similar to that of a burning green flame. Its fleshy leaves are small and exquisite, showing a handstand goose egg shape. What are the breeding methods and points for attention of Tia? What do you do after flowering?

    2020-11-11 Succulent plant Tia green flame culture method and
  • What are the identification methods of potash fertilizer?

    What are the identification methods of potash fertilizer?

    How to use irrigating fertilizer in greenhouse? Is there any way to learn from it? First, the combination of topdressing and flushing fertilization to select high-quality fertilizer, mainly multi-component compound fertilizer, the combination of topdressing and flushing application can not only solve the problem of surface root fertilizer, but also activate the soil layer through topdressing, increase root activity and slow down.

  • Sacred flame spring orchid

    Sacred flame spring orchid

    With the advent of the new century, Luo Ping and Wang Yong, two Ailan people from Dazhu County, Sichuan Province, braved the wind and snow with two grass diggers on December 27, 2001. embarked on a journey north to Dabashan (Wanyuan). The four of them passed through the day.

  • What are the potash fertilizers? What are the characteristics?

    What are the potash fertilizers? What are the characteristics?

    What are the potash fertilizers? What are the characteristics and how to identify the true and false? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the varieties of potash fertilizer commonly seen in the market, such as simple potash fertilizer, potassium sulfate, potassium silicate and so on. The following farming network lists its characteristics and identification methods in detail for netizens' reference. First, common types of potash fertilizer:.

  • Technical regulation for production of edible bacteria

    Technical regulation for production of edible bacteria

    Edible strains refer to artificially cultured pure mycelium of edible fungi, which are usually divided into mother species, original species and cultivated species. Mother species are pure mycelia identified as valuable for production through strict screening. The mother seed is cultured with test tube slant medium, which is also called test tube species or first-class species. The mother seed is propagated and transferred to sawdust or grain culture medium to obtain the strain, which is called the original seed or secondary species. The culture container is mostly a can bottle or a strain bottle. The strain propagated from the original seed is called cultivated species or tertiary species, which can be directly used for production and cultivation. 1. Preparation of mother seed 1. Preparation of mother seed

  • The time of flowering of the golden flame spiraea.

    The time of flowering of the golden flame spiraea.

    The time of flowering of the golden flame spiraea.

  • What is the flower language of 21 red roses

    What is the flower language of 21 red roses

    What is the flower language of 21 red roses

  • What are the varieties of Douyu in China? 2019 China Douyu's latest price reference

    What are the varieties of Douyu in China? 2019 China Douyu's latest price reference

    There are many kinds of fish, specifically can be divided into edible and ornamental two categories, and ornamental fish, China Douyu believes that many people are not strange, its unique shape, beautiful color, many people can breed. Do you know which variety of Chinese Douyu is the most expensive? And at present.

    2020-11-27 China Douyu have which varieties 2019 latest price reference