
discrimination Learn more about discrimination

  • The method of sex discrimination of ducks

    The method of sex discrimination of ducks

    The method of sex discrimination of ducks

  • Simple and rough flower discrimination of peach blossom, apricot blossom and cherry blossom

    Simple and rough flower discrimination of peach blossom, apricot blossom and cherry blossom

    Spring returns to the earth, blossoms everywhere, plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, apricot blossoms, peach blossoms are very similar, how to tell? I believe that with the following detailed introduction, my mother no longer has to worry about being silly and confused, simple and rough flower discrimination ~ Step 1.

  • Discrimination of true and false water-soluble fertilizer

    Discrimination of true and false water-soluble fertilizer

    Discrimination of true and false water-soluble fertilizer

  • Discrimination of spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea

    Discrimination of spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea

    Spring tea: due to moderate temperature and abundant rainfall in spring, coupled with the recuperation of tea trees in autumn and winter, spring tea buds and leaves are fat, emerald-green, soft, fresh and fragrant. In the literature of all previous dynasties in China, there are records of "spring tea is the most expensive". Summer tea: due to the hot weather, tea buds and leaves grow rapidly, and the extracts that can be dissolved in the tea soup are relatively reduced, so that the tea taste is not as fresh as spring tea, the aroma is not as strong as spring tea, and the taste is more bitter. But summer tea is high in theanine and caffeine, so it is suitable for

  • Discrimination of female and male in brocade carp

    Discrimination of female and male in brocade carp

    After brocade carp grows to adult fish, there is a difference between male and female, and we can distinguish them from head, body shape, abdomen, pectoral fin, anus, spawning movements and so on. 1. The head of the female fish is slightly narrower and longer; the head of the male fish is wide and short, and the forehead is slightly raised. two。 The body of the female fish is short, thick and plump, and the abdomen is enlarged, the closer it is to labor, the more obvious the abdominal swelling is; the male fish is longer and thinner. 3. The tip of the pectoral fin of the female is round and larger; the male.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of dental implant self-discrimination between the advantages and disadvantages of artificial implantation of good teeth

    Advantages and disadvantages of dental implant self-discrimination between the advantages and disadvantages of artificial implantation of good teeth

    It can only be delicious with a mouthful of healthy teeth, and a good bite of teeth can also brush a good sense ~ but eat and drink well regardless of the bearing capacity of the teeth, it is inevitable that there will be problems with the teeth.

  • Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

    Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

    Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

  • Why is "rural people" still synonymous with backwardness?

    Why is

    A recent survey by the Economic Survey Center of China Youth Daily shows that over the years, 51.2% of the respondents' impression of rural people has changed a lot. However, 40.3% of the respondents believe that the name of rural people is still ambiguous, and 53.9% of the respondents think that rural people and urban people

    2016-01-10 " rural people " why or after pronoun
  • Discrimination between "Community" and "Administrative Village" in Rural China

    Discrimination between

    First, realistic chaos: the upsurge of rural community construction accompanied by large-scale public services to the countryside. According to the scale and spatial distribution of villages, three construction models have been adopted, namely, one village and one community, several villages and one community. On the National University

    2016-03-20 China rural " community and administrative village discrimination one
  • This is highly poisonous. Check your kitchen and find it. Throw it away.

    This is highly poisonous. Check your kitchen and find it. Throw it away.

    Star anise, also known as "spice", is a commonly used cooking seasoning in our lives. But the commonly used star anise is also fake and highly poisonous! "false star anise" Mangcao, also known as false star anise or wild star anise, is similar in shape to star anise. There is a play.

  • The liberalization of household registration in small cities is of little significance.

    The liberalization of household registration in small cities is of little significance.

    In order to help farmers obtain equal rights, it is necessary to abolish identity discrimination specifically against farmers, which is a kind of progress. In order to support agricultural development more effectively, it is necessary to identify farmers, which is a greater progress. The reform of the household registration system is to establish a kind of exercise.

    2016-03-20 Small cities household registration openness significance not much in order to help farmers
  • Variety characteristics of Wuyi Rock Tea

    Variety characteristics of Wuyi Rock Tea

    There are many varieties of Wuyi rock tea with different characteristics, some of which are obvious and some have little difference. Therefore, it is not easy to distinguish between varieties, and it takes long-term observation, discrimination and comparison to make the difference clear. The method of discrimination is mainly from the branches, stems and leaves of tea trees, the shape and flavor of finished tea, and the taste of tea. The differences in tea branches and leaves are relatively easy to distinguish, and the differences in aroma types are distinguished by the sense of smell. Zhang Yuan of the Ming Dynasty said in the record of Tea: incense has true fragrance, orchid fragrance, delicate fragrance and pure fragrance.

  • How to identify Hai Jinsha

    How to identify Hai Jinsha

    Shape discrimination: Hai Jinsha is a perennial herb, its height is about 1 to 5 meters, the lower rhizome grows horizontally, and the texture is relatively tough. Leaf identification: symmetrically distributed on both sides of the short branches above the stem, and the leaf rachis is sparsely covered with short hairs. In the summer, tassel-like spikelets grow at the lower edge of the leaf.

  • How to distinguish between seven leaves and a flower

    How to distinguish between seven leaves and a flower

    Shape discrimination: the plant height of one flower with seven leaves is 35 to 100 cm, and the color is purplish red. Leaf identification: its leaf is rectangular, oval or Obovate-lanceolate, and the petiole is more obvious. Flower identification: the perianth on the outside is green, the pedicel is about 5 to 16 cm long, and the anther inside is shorter.

  • How to tell the difference between Pueraria lobata

    How to tell the difference between Pueraria lobata

    Shape discrimination: Pueraria lobata is a perennial herbaceous flower, the stem is slender, the distribution is striped, the color is yellowish brown or black-brown, the branchlets are slender cylindrical, the appearance is green. Leaf identification: leaves alternate, showing a kidney-shaped or oval shape, with 3 to 7 shallow fissures at the edge.

  • Is it embarrassing to let migrant workers "mean"?

    Is it embarrassing to let migrant workers

    Recently, the media reported that the principal of a public primary school in Nanjing asked the parents of some migrant workers' children to ask for gift money, "I'm sorry, you have to give us meaning." After being complained, the headmaster has been dismissed on the spot by the local education bureau. To the students

    2016-01-10 Let migrant workers "meaning " excuse me recently there are
  • How to distinguish the quality of compound fertilizer?

    How to distinguish the quality of compound fertilizer?

    How to distinguish the quality of compound fertilizer? Please introduce the discrimination method to identify the quality of compound fertilizer can refer to the following methods: look at the standard outer packaging of the products of regular manufacturers, printed with product name, trademark, national standard, production license number, general compound fertilizer ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, total nutrient content, net.

  • How does Yuanbao pigeon divide male and female?

    How does Yuanbao pigeon divide male and female?

    How does Yuanbao pigeon divide male and female?

  • What is the difference between lime and lemon? What are the characteristics of lime lime?

    What is the difference between lime and lemon? What are the characteristics of lime lime?

    Lemons, limes, stupid, confused? Imported yellow lemon is "lime", domestic green lemon is "lemon", look at the color discrimination is actually wrong! Lemon and lime fruit according to different maturity, there are green and yellow skin, so can not only look at the skin color

    2019-05-31 lime and lemon of difference where how distinguish green
  • How do Brazilian turtles distinguish between male and female?

    How do Brazilian turtles distinguish between male and female?

    How do Brazilian turtles distinguish between male and female?
