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  • Bonsai appreciation: either straight or curved or dense or simple, every bonsai looks good.

    Bonsai appreciation: either straight or curved or dense or simple, every bonsai looks good.

    Bonsai appreciation: either straight or curved, or dense or simple, in a variety of ways, each bonsai is beautiful. We need to use our own eyes to find beauty to seriously appreciate the different aesthetic feelings. ...

  • Usage and dosage of Bacillus thuringiensis

    Usage and dosage of Bacillus thuringiensis

    Bacillus thuringiensis can be sprayed and spread. Among them, the spray is used from the initial stage of the occurrence of pests or the peak incubation period of eggs, and 600-800 milliliters per mu is generally used on vegetables, beans and sweet potatoes. Sashi is mainly used to control Ostrinia furnacalis.

    2020-11-09 Bacillus thuringiensis
  • Rose is really all kinds of super beautiful

    Rose is really all kinds of super beautiful

    Whether potted plants or planted on the ground; climbing on the wall or hanging on the flower stand; planting lollipops or combining them into flower borders... are all beautiful places in the garden that make people unable to take their eyes off! Whether potted or planted; climbing on walls,...

  • Pest control of Plutella xylostella

    Pest control of Plutella xylostella

    Phoenix wood is known as one of the most colorful trees in the world. Its name comes from bright red or orange flowers with bright green pinnately compound leaves. It is often planted in Guangdong, Fujian, Sichuan and other places. Phoenix wood has fewer diseases and insect pests, but night moth pests are more common.

  • Accidentally bought fake orchids for 1000 yuan and taught you how to look at leaves and identify valuable orchids.

    Accidentally bought fake orchids for 1000 yuan and taught you how to look at leaves and identify valuable orchids.

    Today's orchid market is hot, all kinds of valuable flowers emerge in endlessly, there are many bright colors, exuberant seedlings, the price is still very cheap, it is necessary to pay more attention to the possibility of fake grass, recently, some orchids inadvertently bought fake orchids, 1.

  • Detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China

    Detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China

    (approved by the State Council on February 10, 1989, the Ministry of Health issued on March 6, 1989, in accordance with the decision of the State Council on amending the detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China on April 24, 2010.

    2015-12-26 People's Republic of China Frontier Health and Quarantine Law detailed rules for implementation
  • How to control the white silk disease of tulips

    How to control the white silk disease of tulips

    White silk disease of tulip is a common disease that does great damage to tulips and often causes plant death. In breeding, attention should be paid to prevention and control. Symptoms: the whole plant withered, the stem base wrapped around white fungus or rapeseed tea brown sclerotia, the affected part became brown and rotten. A large number of white and tea-brown fungi can be seen on the soil surface.

  • Post-seedling herbicide of chrysanthemum

    Post-seedling herbicide of chrysanthemum

    Chrysanthemum is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. In addition to making tea, chrysanthemum is also a famous traditional Chinese medicine. Planting can bring good economic benefits, but chrysanthemum fields are easy to grow weeds. So, what kind of herbicides can be used after chrysanthemum seedlings? 1. Herbicides after chrysanthemum seedlings

    2020-11-08 Chrysanthemum flower seedlings queen herbicide chrysanthemum yes China top ten famous flowers
  • Matters needing attention in Pig Immunization

    Matters needing attention in Pig Immunization

    Pig farmers vaccinate pigs once, twice or more times every year, but pigs still have immunized infectious diseases, resulting in great losses. What's the reason? This has a lot to do with the matters needing attention that do not pay attention to immunization. As a result, we give a reminder to the vast number of pig farmers. First, pay attention to buying vaccines from reliable departments. Vaccines or vaccines need to be managed in a special way so that they do not fail. Before purchasing a vaccine or vaccine, it is necessary to confirm whether the department that sells the vaccine has a certain technical strength to ensure the epidemic.

  • How much is the profit of a bag of chemical fertilizer? How can you tell if it's true or false?

    How much is the profit of a bag of chemical fertilizer? How can you tell if it's true or false?

    Chemical fertilizer generally refers to chemical fertilizer, which is made by chemical and / or physical methods and contains one or more nutrients needed for the growth of crops. What is the profit of that bag of fertilizer? How can you tell if it's true or false? What is the profit of a bag of chemical fertilizer?

    2020-11-09 Usually a bag of fertilizer profit is how much true or false how to identify
  • Sycamore family

    Sycamore family

    Latin name: Sterculiaceae English name: introduction to SterculiaFamily: trees or shrubs, sparse herbs or vines; often covered with stellate hairs; stem bark rich in fiber, often mucus. Leaves simple, palmately compound, alternate, sparsely opposite, stipules caducous. Inflorescences axillary, sparsely terminal, panicle, Cymes, racemes or corymbs, sparse flowers solitary; flowers unisexual, polygamous or bisexual; sepals 5 (3-4), slightly connate or separated, valvate; petals 5 or absent, separate or basally connate with androgynophore.

  • What are the causes of yellowing and slow growing diseases in rice leaves at seedling stage? How to govern effectively?

    What are the causes of yellowing and slow growing diseases in rice leaves at seedling stage? How to govern effectively?

    Rice is the second largest food crop in China, so the high yield of rice is a common concern. Due to the weak resistance of rice at seedling stage, it is easy to cause diseases. So what are the causes of these diseases? How to govern effectively? one。 Deficiency of element

    2020-11-09 Rice seedling stage leaf yellowing growing slow disease
  • What are the causes of yellowing and slow growing diseases in rice leaves at seedling stage? How to govern effectively?

    What are the causes of yellowing and slow growing diseases in rice leaves at seedling stage? How to govern effectively?

    Rice is the second largest food crop in China, so the high yield of rice is a common concern. Due to the weak resistance of rice at seedling stage, it is easy to cause diseases. So what are the causes of these diseases? How to govern effectively? one。 Element deficiency affects a. Nitrogen deficiency begins to yellowing from the tip of the old leaf.

  • Distribution of producing area of chrysanthemum

    Distribution of producing area of chrysanthemum

    Distribution of producing area of chrysanthemum

  • What are the producing areas of chrysanthemums?

    What are the producing areas of chrysanthemums?

    Chrysanthemums have been the four gentlemen of flowers since ancient times, and the history of cultivating chrysanthemums in China is also very long. There are chrysanthemums in major cities and towns and rural areas. So what are the producing areas of chrysanthemums? 1. Distribution of Chrysanthemum the producing areas of chrysanthemums are all over cities and villages in China, especially

    2020-11-08 Chrysanthemum origin have which chrysanthemum since ancient times that is in the flower
  • What are the bonsai production and maintenance methods of Euonymus paniculata? What's the difference between holly and holly? What's the effect?

    What are the bonsai production and maintenance methods of Euonymus paniculata? What's the difference between holly and holly? What's the effect?

    Wei spear branch wing peculiar, autumn leaves red dazzling, fruit split is also red, very beautiful, can also be made into bonsai, can be called ornamental wood. So do you know the bonsai production and maintenance methods of Wei Spear? What's the difference between holly and holly? What is the effect and effect? Bonsai production and maintenance methods of Wei Spear

  • Taxodiaceae


    Latin name: Taxaceae English name: YewFamily,TaxusFamily introduction: evergreen trees or shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged or crossed opposite, striate or lanceolate. Male cones solitary leaf axils or bract axils, or spikes concentrated at the top of branches, stamens numerous, each with 3-9 anthers, locules longitudinally lobed, pollen without air sac; female globules solitary or paired to leaf axils or bract axils, with numerous imbricate or cross-opposite bracts at base, ovules 1, erect, borne.

  • Symptoms and Control of White Silk Disease of Tulip

    Symptoms and Control of White Silk Disease of Tulip

    Although it is not very difficult to cultivate tulips, they are still prone to disease if they are not cared for. White silk disease is one of the more common diseases of tulips, which will lead to the withering of the whole tulip plant. The editor will introduce the symptoms, etiology, prevention and treatment of this disease to you in detail.

  • Disease control of pollution-free muskmelon

    Disease control of pollution-free muskmelon

    The main pests harmful to muskmelon are maggots, mole crickets, small tigers, grubs, leaf miners, yellow melons, aphids and red spiders. (1) ground maggot: also called root maggot or melon maggot. It's the larva of a fly. The body is about 5 mm long and shaped like maggots, harming the young roots, buds and stems of melon seedlings. The common prevention and control methods are as follows:.

  • Main diseases of Welsh onion

    Main diseases of Welsh onion

    After entering the prosperous period of green onion growth, the harm of diseases and insect pests also entered the high incidence period. The main diseases and insect pests are purple spot, downy mildew, soft rot, onion maggots, onion thrips, onion leafminer, beet armyworm. 1. Purple spot disease: spraying 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500-600 times, 58% metalaxyl manganese.
