
diced Learn more about diced

  • Eight treasures crab rice

    Eight treasures crab rice

    Fujian cuisine: 2 green crabs, 4 cups of glutinous rice, 2 tablespoons each of diced mushrooms, dried shrimp, diced bamboo shoots, diced ham, 1 tablespoon wine, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 5 cups soup, 3 tablespoons raw peanut (peeled), 2 green onions, 1 tablespoon onions and 4 slices of ginger. Production process: ① hot oil pan, stir-fry diced mushrooms, dried shrimps, diced bamboo shoots, ham, peanuts, etc., sprinkle wine and season with soy sauce and salt, then add 1 cup of soup and bring to a boil. After flameout, add the cooked glutinous rice and mix evenly.

  • White shrimp pine

    White shrimp pine

    [Features] This dish is colorful, crispy and delicious, especially suitable for the elderly to taste. [Ingredients] Main and auxiliary materials: 250g fresh shrimp, 25g net winter bamboo shoots, 1 white onion, 1 mushroom, half green pepper, 25g carrot. Adjust ingredients: half egg white, garlic 2 cloves, dry starch 10 grams, wet starch 5 grams, white sugar, salt amount, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, pepper a little, bone soup 75, 500 grams of oil (consumption 75 grams). [Production process] 1. Wash and shell fresh shrimps and remove intestinal mud; remove stems from winter mushrooms

  • Preparation of Lentinus edodes paste

    Preparation of Lentinus edodes paste

    ① chooses fresh and flavored noodle sauce (or bean paste), hot oil, pork, shiitake mushrooms, peanuts, spring shoots and dried bean paste. ② will wash the pork, cut into diced meat; wash, drain, cut into small pieces, stir-fry with diced meat in the pan, ready for use; stir-fry the peanuts in the pan; peel the bamboo shoots, cut into small pieces, and stir-fry the dried bean curd together with small pieces in the pan. ③ stir-fry noodle sauce (or bean paste) in an oil pan for 15 minutes, then pour in the above ingredients and stir with monosodium glutamate, salt, etc.

  • How to eat cantaloupe?

    How to eat cantaloupe?

    How to eat cantaloupe?

  • Flavor preserved potato

    Flavor preserved potato

    Technological process: potato → washing → peeling → finishing → dicing or strips → pre-boiling → cooling → disulfide solution treatment → dry → puffing → adding flavor enhancer → packaging → finished products. Operation points: ① peeling: using lye peeling or infrared radiation peeling, the effect is better. ② molding: cut it into dice, strips or other shapes according to the requirements of the product. ③ drying: the moisture content of the raw material should be strictly controlled, and the drying can be stopped when the moisture content of the raw material is reduced to 2.8-3.5%. ④ puffing: using gas

  • Yellow eel

    Yellow eel

    Raw material / seasoning: 750 grams of live eel, 15 grams of agaric, 20 grams of cooked bamboo shoots, 12 grams of diced pig oil, 35 grams of vegetable oil, 60 grams of cooked lard, 10 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of Shao wine, 3 grams of refined salt, 450 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of spring onions, 5 grams of ginger slices, 15 grams of garlic head, 10 grams of Monascus rice water, 15 grams of water starch, 750 grams of pork soup, 10 grams of sugar, 250 grams of rock sugar, 5 grams of sesame oil. Production process: 1. Cut across the head of the carp

  • Nine Vegetables Salad family practices are economical and affordable.

    Nine Vegetables Salad family practices are economical and affordable.

    1. Wash all kinds of vegetables and soak them in cold water and salt for 15 minutes. 2. Asparagus is slightly steamed in boiling water.

  • Potato food processing-protein fortified potato chips

    Potato food processing-protein fortified potato chips

    Process flow: potato → washing → peeling → finishing → dicing or strip → precooking → cooling → disulfide solution treatment → drying → puffing → adding flavor enhancer → packaging → finished product. Operation points: ① peeling: peeling with alkali solution or infrared radiation, the effect is better. 2 molding: according to the requirements of the product cut into small, strip or other shapes. Drying: The moisture content of raw materials should be strictly controlled, and when the moisture content of raw materials drops to 2.8 - 3.5%, drying can be stopped.④ Puffing: using

  • What are the calories of a boiled sweet corn? Is it genetically modified? How do you cook it? What are the cultivation techniques?

    What are the calories of a boiled sweet corn? Is it genetically modified? How do you cook it? What are the cultivation techniques?

    Sweet corn is a kind of corn, also known as vegetable corn. Ultra-sweet corn is widely planted because of its high sugar content and long harvest time. How many calories does that boiled sweet corn have? Is it genetically modified? How do you cook it? What are the cultivation techniques?

    2020-11-09 One boiled sweet corn calorie about how much yes
  • Three fresh bony fish

    Three fresh bony fish

    Main ingredients: a live carp (weighing about 750 grams) excipients: 75 grams of pig sandwich meat, 25 grams of shrimp, 30 grams of chicken chicken, 25 grams of winter bamboo shoots, 15 grams of watery mushrooms, 20 grams of Shao wine, 2 grams of salt. The production process: 1, put the carp flat on the chopping board, cut a knife across the anus, and the knife breaks the spine. Use a long, thin sharp knife to reach in from the two cuts, gently cut off the bones and flesh along the spine, remove the spine and viscera from the Gill, wash and drain. 2. Chop the pork into minced meat and put it in a bowl.

  • How much is the Pomfret per jin?

    How much is the Pomfret per jin?

    How much is the Pomfret per jin?

  • What kind of bait is used for fishing mandarin fish

    What kind of bait is used for fishing mandarin fish

    Mandarin fish is a freshwater fish that usually lives in slow-flowing freshwater, especially in lakes and downstream rivers. So, what bait do you use to catch mandarin fish? What are their habits? 1. What bait does Ding mandarin fish use? Fish fishing can be done with fish.

    2020-11-11 fishing for diced mandarin fish with what bait diced mandarin fish yes
  • Do you know that these four humble herbs are good medicine for relieving cough and resolving phlegm, as well as antihypertensive and expelling wind?

    Do you know that these four humble herbs are good medicine for relieving cough and resolving phlegm, as well as antihypertensive and expelling wind?

    There are thousands of different kinds of weeds in our rural land, few of which we can call by name, but we often see them in the fields. Don't underestimate these humble weeds, some of them are good medicine for coughing. ...

  • Processing technology of canned Lentinus edodes sauce

    Processing technology of canned Lentinus edodes sauce

    Canned shiitake mushroom sauce is a new type of health food welcomed by the market. It is rich in nutrition and unique in flavor. It is a good food on the family table. Its processing technology is as follows: 1, raw materials and auxiliary materials. Lentinus edodes: choose dried Lentinus edodes with strong flavor and thick cover or fresh Lentinus edodes of good quality. Pork: choose small packages with qualification certificate to divide the meat (should be cooled to remove acid). Bean paste: selected broad bean or soybean fermented sauce, normal color, moderate viscosity, no impurities, no peculiar smell, salt content 12% Mel 15%, water content not more than 16%.

  • Can pregnant women eat chrysanthemum?

    Can pregnant women eat chrysanthemum?

    Can pregnant women eat chrysanthemum?

  • What are the taboos about eating carambola? What are the effects of flowers?

    What are the taboos about eating carambola? What are the effects of flowers?

    Carambola, alias: five cumulus, carambola, peach, three Lian Zi, such as angiosperms, five cumulus. In life we often because do not pay attention to food phase grams and lead to poisoning and so on, then how should carambola eat? What are the taboos for eating carambola? I. Yang

    2020-11-09 Carambola how eat have what taboo branches and leaves flowers which
  • "King of Nutrition" can pumpkins and eggs be eaten together? How do you eat it? Will you get fat?

    Pumpkin, also known as pumpkin, north melon, rice melon and so on, is a common trailing herb in China. It is deeply loved by people because of its sweet taste, various eating methods and its effects of aiding digestion and lowering blood sugar. But pumpkins, like other foods, have similar foods.

    2020-11-09 "King of Nutrition " pumpkin and eggs can we eat together?
  • Is the butter crab a river crab or a sea crab? When will it be good to eat? How do you eat it?

    Is the butter crab a river crab or a sea crab? When will it be good to eat? How do you eat it?

    Butter crab is a kind of crab that is more expensive. It is famous for the large amount of yellow oil in the joints such as crab claws and lid. Its price is calculated on the basis of two, so most people cannot afford it. Is it a sea crab or a river crab? When will it be good to eat? How do you eat it? Yellow

    2020-11-11 "the best crab " butter crab yes river crab or sea crab
  • Where is the main producing area of black beans? What is the nutritional value?

    Where is the main producing area of black beans? What is the nutritional value?

    Black beans are the black seeds of legume soybeans, also known as soybeans, black soybeans, horse beans and so on. So, where is the main producing area of black beans? What is the nutritional value of black beans? How do you eat black beans? I. the main producing area of black beans black beans are planted everywhere in our country from south to north

    2020-11-09 Black beans main origin where have what nutrition value
  • Come and see how to make potted cupcakes.

    Come and see how to make potted cupcakes.

    simple! Studious! To the family! For a friend! For my boyfriend! Such a virtuous you! Preparation materials: small flowerpot, cream, diced fruit (you can like all kinds of fruit), Oreo powder, chocolate powder, as well as small shovel and floret.
