
Do you know that these four humble herbs are good medicine for relieving cough and resolving phlegm, as well as antihypertensive and expelling wind?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are thousands of different kinds of weeds in our rural land, few of which we can call by name, but we often see them in the fields. Don't underestimate these humble weeds, some of them are good medicine for coughing. ...

There are thousands of different kinds of weeds in our rural land, few of which we can call by name, but we often see them in the fields. Don't underestimate these humble weeds, some of them are good medicine for coughing. Qingming grass its scientific name is rat ju grass, there are also called rat grass, rat grass, the sound is the same, but the word "ju" is written differently. Mouse jue grass, commonly known as Qingming grass, also known as Saxifraga, Qingming vegetables, cold food vegetables, cotton vegetables, rice vegetables, shepherd's purse, local vegetables, celery mother. The whole plant has white woolly, leaves such as chrysanthemum leaves and small, catkins-like small yellow flowers, annual vegetation, Qingming Festival, sprouting white hairy leaves. It has the effect of resolving phlegm, relieving cough, reducing blood pressure and dispelling wind.

Qingming vegetable picked its tender seedlings cooked, kneaded into rice noodles to make a ball, fragrant and delicious. Oral administration can lower blood pressure, treat peptic ulcer, as well as expectorant, antitussive, analgesic and so on. Qingming fruit practice is divided into sweet and salty two. With Qingming grass and appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour, add white sugar water and easy to knead into cakes or processed into skins, wrapped in sesame, sweet-scented osmanthus sugar, bean paste stuffing, pressed into a round mold steamed into sweet Qingming fruit; wrapped in diced bacon, diced winter bamboo shoots, diced mushrooms, diced red peppers, dried tofu, pickles, bean sprouts stuffing, etc., to make dumplings in the shape of salty Qingming fruit. Sanming people make Qingming fruit by grinding Qingming grass, rice and glutinous rice into powder to make leather. The white rice noodle plus the green juice of Qingming grass immediately becomes turquoise, and then it is wrapped in bean paste stuffing. At this time, you also need a wooden mold with round carved flowers. Press the wrapped Qingming fruit into the mold, and when you take it out, there will be a beautiful pattern printed on one side. Generally speaking, there will be three molds with different patterns on a piece of wood, and the good Qingming fruit will have its own characteristics. The Qingming fruit steamed on the pot is green like a pie, and the unprinted side is covered with a round bamboo leaf. The small snack smells fragrant and looks more like a fine piece of jade. Eating in the mouth is more fragrant and slippery.

Grinding plate grass is also known as Golden Flower Grass and Tang blocking Grass. Annual perennial, erect, branched, subshrubby herbs, 0.5-2.5 m high, all gray pubescent. Born in sand, in the wilderness, or by the side of the road. Fruit obround-shaped, ca. 1.5 cm in diam., black, mericarp 15-20, apex truncate, shortly Awned, stellate hirsute; seeds reniform, stellate sparsely pilose. The florescence is from July to October. Grind grass is particularly common in rural areas, with small yellow flowers, this inconspicuous fruit is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, can reduce phlegm and cough, detumescence and detoxification, and has a certain effect on injury.

If the patient shows symptoms such as cough and chest pain, cold and fever, cough and vomiting fishy and purulent sputum, dry stool, red tongue and dry mouth, Fritillaria thunbergii should be selected, because the effect of purging fire of Fritillaria thunbergii is stronger than that of Fritillaria. And good at clearing fire and dispelling knots, it is a good medicine for the treatment of lung abscess. The most commonly used method of Fritillaria thunbergii is 3mur10g, once a day, fried with water. Therefore, for patients with wind-heat cough with cough, unfavorable expectoration, yellow and sticky phlegm, dry mouth and red tongue fur, we can choose both Fritillaria thunbergii and Fritillaria thunbergii. Because the medicine of Fritillaria thunbergii is mild and the smell is not strong, it is more suitable for the elderly and frail. For children and young people who are very hot, it is best to choose Fritillaria thunbergii.

Euphorbia asiatica is a kind of plant of the genus Urticaceae, which is widely distributed, and it is a common traditional Chinese medicine, all of which are covered with a layer of fine fluff. The heroine in the TV series, Xuejian, is the embodiment of Euphorbia asiatica, in which she is good at poison, so it accords with people's character of "strong in appearance but weak in heart". The substances rich in viscous fiber are effective in improving chronic constipation, adjusting intestinal environment, antidiarrheal, antitussive, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, etc., especially for constipation, and are widely used as expansive relaxants all over the world. The root is bitter, pungent, cool and non-toxic. It can promote blood circulation, eliminate carbuncle swelling, stop vomiting and bleeding, and treat sore poison with whole herb. Dosage: root 3-7 yuan, whole grass 5-12 taels. External use is not quantitative.