
depilation Learn more about depilation

  • What about abnormal depilation of sheep?

    What about abnormal depilation of sheep?

    What about abnormal depilation of sheep?

  • Causes and control methods of depilation in laying hens

    Causes and control methods of depilation in laying hens

    Causes and control methods of depilation in laying hens

  • What is the reason for goat depilation?

    What is the reason for goat depilation?

    What is the reason for goat depilation?

  • Causes and control methods of sheep depilation in winter

    Causes and control methods of sheep depilation in winter

    Causes and control methods of sheep depilation in winter

  • Sow depilation. What's going on?

    Sow depilation. What's going on?

    The feeding of sows is related to the development of the whole herd, but in this process, if there are no proper management measures, there will be a lot of complex problems. How does sow depilate return a responsibility? 1. How is sow depilation? the reason for sow depilation may be pig scabies,

    2020-11-11 Sow depilation what's going on sow feed close tie
  • Prevention and treatment of fungal depilation in rabbits

    Prevention and treatment of fungal depilation in rabbits

    Prevention and treatment of fungal depilation in rabbits

  • Causes and prevention of dog hair loss

    Causes and prevention of dog hair loss

    Pet dog hair loss refers to the local or systemic hair pathological shedding, often accompanied by other symptoms. Hair loss not only affects the dog's aesthetics, but may also spread diseases to the owner. Causes of hair loss and performance 1, scabies mite disease: caused by scabies mite or demodex mite. Sarcoptes occur mainly on the head (nose, orbit, auricle and its root), sometimes also in the chest, abdomen, armpit, thigh inner and tail, and even spread to the whole body. The skin surface is flushed, with rash nodules, subcutaneous tissue thickening, and the skin of the affected part is often scratched.

  • Prevention and treatment of trichiasis in rabbits with depilation, inflammation and scab hyperplasia

    Prevention and treatment of trichiasis in rabbits with depilation, inflammation and scab hyperplasia

    Prevention and treatment of trichiasis in rabbits with depilation, inflammation and scab hyperplasia

  • Reasons for depilation and bite of farmed rabbits

    Reasons for depilation and bite of farmed rabbits

    1. Rabbits raised in cages with too much density live very crowded. in this limited space, the behavior of rabbits will be reduced a lot, and their life is very monotonous. This rabbit is both boring and bored. Biting hair has become a bad habit for them to get rid of boredom. Reasonable

    2020-11-08 Breeding rabbit depilation bite cause breeding density
  • How many ingredients do laying hens eat a day? How to calculate (including formula)

    How many ingredients do laying hens eat a day? How to calculate (including formula)

    It is about 12 grams a day at 10 days old, 21 grams at 20 days old, 50 grams at 50 days old, 100 grams at 150 days old, and 100-120 grams at 150 days old. The weight of feed eaten by different kinds of chickens

    2020-11-08 Laying hens one day eat how much material how calculate contain formula abstract
  • Prevention and treatment of pruritus, hair loss and depilation of fox skin

    Prevention and treatment of pruritus, hair loss and depilation of fox skin

    In various animal farms, fur animals can often be found scratching with their claws, gnawing with their mouths or rubbing their own quilts and skin with the help of cage nets and corners, resulting in local hair loss, depilation, skin inflammation, and even ulcers, and some die. Most of these diseased animals are hindered by their growth and development, which seriously affects the quality of fur and brings great economic losses to production. 1 etiological analysis: according to the investigation and analysis, there are four reasons. ① suffers from in vitro parasites such as scale mites, demodex or hair lice. ② is caused by

  • The cause of feathering in breeder chickens

    The cause of feathering in breeder chickens

    The cause of feathering in breeder chickens

  • The reason for the loss of fur in pet dogs

    The reason for the loss of fur in pet dogs

    One is seasonal hair loss. Most dogs depilate and change their hair in spring and autumn, such as sheepdogs, pine lion dogs, Peking dogs and so on. There is not much hair needed in summer, so when the weather gets warmer, you will take off some of the old hair to regulate your body temperature. When it is about to enter the winter, it will take off the coarse hair and change the fluff to spend the cold winter. These are all normal phenomena. Second, if the dog suffers from diseases such as folliculitis and eczema, or parasitic with dog lice and fleas, it will also cause a large number of depilation. The dog uses its claws because of itching

  • Treatment of dog red scabies

    Treatment of dog red scabies

    Red mange is a common contagious disease of animals, also known as demodicidosis. Symptoms: hair loss and itching in a small area of the face or ear in the early stage of the disease. To the middle of the abdomen and limbs local depilation, often have itching phenomenon. In the later stage, there was lethargy, loss of appetite, exposure of eye droppings, erythema, inflammation and herpes in the depilated areas, boredom, severe itching and scratching the skin in the affected dogs. Treatment: (1) choose trichlorfon, 5% ratio, add the right amount of lard, adjust

  • Clinical symptoms of scabies in pigs

    Clinical symptoms of scabies in pigs

    Clinical symptoms of scabies in pigs

  • What are the costs and profits of black dolphin farming? How to prevent and cure diseases?

    What are the costs and profits of black dolphin farming? How to prevent and cure diseases?

    Black dolphin is not only a delicacy on the dinner table, but also can be used in medicine for health care. It is long used to treat diseases such as weakness, postpartum anemia, kidney deficiency in old age, and because there are fewer people currently farmed, the market price of black dolphin is high and the profit margin is very large. So black dolphin farming

    2020-11-11 Black dolphin farming cost and profit yes how much how black
  • Dermatomycosis of dogs and cats

    Dermatomycosis of dogs and cats

    Dermatomycosis is also called ringworm, commonly known as ringworm. It is a chronic, contagious disease caused by fungi and a common zoonotic skin disease. 1, the disease points dogs and cats infected with this disease, the clinical manifestations are basically the same, but cats are more common than dogs, more susceptible. Early disease is not easy to find, a few days later the affected part hair area, showing scattered alopecia areata, and more round or oval. Lesions first appeared in the face, ears, mandible and other head and neck and limbs, and then gradually spread to the whole body. The depilation area begins to redden and desquamate, followed by

  • Matters needing attention for plucking of long-haired rabbits

    Matters needing attention for plucking of long-haired rabbits

    Matters needing attention for plucking of long-haired rabbits

  • Feeding and management of cultured nutria during lactation

    Feeding and management of cultured nutria during lactation

    The focus of feeding and management during lactation is to ensure the normal milk secretion of mother rats and the normal growth and development of offspring, and to improve the survival rate of offspring. The main results are as follows: (1) to promote milk production of female rats, artificial breast plucking and Chinese herbal medicine can be used to promote breast milk secretion. Artificial

    2020-11-08 Breeding sea nutria lactation feeding management
  • Prevention and treatment of common poisoning diseases in farmed meat ducks

    Prevention and treatment of common poisoning diseases in farmed meat ducks

    First, aflatoxin poisoning (1) the cause of the disease: meat ducks eat feed containing aflatoxin, that is, cause the disease. (2) Clinical symptoms: the disease is mainly characterized by damage to the liver of meat ducks. the diseased ducks gradually lose their appetite, grow slowly, depilate and limp.

    2020-11-08 Breeding meat ducks common poisoning disease prevention and control