
castration Learn more about castration

  • Castration techniques of pigs

    Castration techniques of pigs

    Pig castration is one of a variety of livestock, poultry and pet castration techniques, it occupies an important position in veterinary surgery, is an indispensable technology for pig production, this paper briefly describes the pig castration technology. The principle and purpose of pig castration the ancients called testes "potential", so the removal of testicles from male animals is also called castration, which has been used today. Of course, the castration of livestock and poultry includes not only male livestock and poultry, but also female livestock and poultry. Castration of livestock and poultry is the removal of the gonads, that is, removal of testicles or ovaries, castration

  • Matters needing attention in castration of piglets

    Matters needing attention in castration of piglets

    Matters needing attention in castration of piglets

  • Only when we really understand the seven points for attention of little boar castration, can farmers make money quickly!

    Only when we really understand the seven points for attention of little boar castration, can farmers make money quickly!

    Only when we really understand the seven points for attention of little boar castration, can farmers make money quickly!

  • Breeding technique of castrated chicken

    Breeding technique of castrated chicken

    First of all, it is necessary to select good varieties, such as Sanxian, Ma chicken, etc.; second, the breeding ground should be mainly orchard woodland, and the feeding density should be controlled at 8 pieces per square meter; third, strengthen the management of brooding and carry out castration at the right time; fourth, after castration, we should feed drugs and manage them carefully.

    2020-11-11 Eunuchs breeding techniques first choose good breeds such as
  • Commonly used castration methods for lambs

    Commonly used castration methods for lambs

    Commonly used castration methods for lambs

  • Castration of pigs

    Castration of pigs

    Surgical castration of vegetable pigs is a traditional method in our country, but the corresponding castration methods should be adopted according to different conditions in order to achieve ideal results. Based on years of clinical experience, the author introduces several common castration methods for reference. The castration method of boar lies on its back in Baoding, and the operation department is routinely disinfected. The operation chose to cut the skin backward along the midline from the last pair of nipples 2cm, and the size of the incision depended on the size of the testis. Bluntly peel off the subcutaneous tissue to expose one side of the total sheath and press the testis close to the incision with your fingers.

  • Castration method of male Xiang Pig raising Xiang Pig

    Castration method of male Xiang Pig raising Xiang Pig

    Xiang Pig castration is not reserved for breeding male and female Xiang Pig, in order to make its temperament docile, easy to breed and improve the quality of meat, generally at 2. 5%. Castration (castration) can be performed during 5-3 months. Castration method of ① male Xiang pig. Male fragrant pigs should generally be castrated early.

    2020-11-08 Breeding Xiang Pig of Gong Xiang Pig castration method
  • The male goose is castrated and fattened.

    The male goose is castrated and fattened.

    Except for a small number of male geese raised by the rural people according to the traditional feeding method, most of them are fattened and sold as meat geese. This old feeding method has the advantages of long feeding time, slow growth and development and low breeding efficiency. If the male goose is castrated and then fattened, not only the goose is docile and easy to manage, but also grows fast, has a large size and has high economic benefits. In order to further improve the breeding efficiency of goose farmers, the castration methods of male geese are introduced as follows: 1. Castration season

  • Methods and matters needing attention of Corn castration

    Methods and matters needing attention of Corn castration

    Methods and matters needing attention of Corn castration

  • The suitable period for castration of piglets

    The suitable period for castration of piglets

    The suitable period for castration of piglets

  • Effective implementation methods of chemical castrated pigs

    Effective implementation methods of chemical castrated pigs

    The little boar, which is used for fattening, grows to a certain weight and castrates its testicles. A chemical castration method is introduced below. This method is very simple. When a boar less than 10 days old is injected with a mixture of sodium chloride and formaldehyde solution, its testicles will begin to swell, and the swelling will decrease after 5 days. After about half a month, the testis will atrophy significantly and lose its sexual function. The specific method is: dissolve 10 grams of sodium chloride in 100 milliliters of distilled water, add 1 milliliter of formaldehyde solution, shake well and then filter to form a chemical castration solution, which can be put into a sterilized bottle. Injection

  • There is a simple way to castrate a rooster.

    There is a simple way to castrate a rooster.

    One is broiling castrated chicken. First, Baoding, pull out the feathers around the glandular fat hole, cut the protruding parts of adenyl ester flat with scissors, and then apply thermal stimulation to the quasi-adenyl ester point with ignited incense or red-hot round wire, the stimulation method is rhythmic intermittent stimulation, that is, stimulation, immediately leave, and then leave, so repeated, until the abdominal fat hole does not bleed, there is scorched skin. The other is castration with traditional Chinese medicine. Feed the rooster with Schisandra chinensis and white pepper. Weight 5

  • Practical techniques for castration of livestock and poultry

    Practical techniques for castration of livestock and poultry

    Practical techniques for castration of livestock and poultry

  • Key points of boar castration

    Key points of boar castration

    Key points of boar castration

  • Have you ever heard of corn going to male? There are few people who can increase production by emasculating corn.

    Have you ever heard of corn going to male? There are few people who can increase production by emasculating corn.

    Castration is also a commonly used technical means in agricultural production, especially in seed production; in addition, it will also be used in improving maize yield. It is easy to say about going to the male, but it still needs some operation skills.

  • How to castrate the sheep

    How to castrate the sheep

    Male lambs that are not used for breeding should be castrated 2-3 weeks after birth. There are generally four ways to castrate the sheep: 1. During the surgical resection, the male lamb is half-turned and half-squatted on the wooden stool, the left hand is used to squeeze the sheep's testicles to the bottom of its scrotum, and the right hand holds a sterilized scalpel to do everything at the bottom of the sheep's scrotum. The length of the incision is to squeeze out the testicles on both sides gently and tear off the spermatic cord. You can also make an incision under the side of the scrotum of the sheep, squeeze out one side of the testes, cut open the mediastinum of the scrotum from the inside, and then squeeze.

  • Castration and restricted exercise in feeding and management of fattening rabbits

    Castration and restricted exercise in feeding and management of fattening rabbits

    Castration and restricted exercise in feeding and management of fattening rabbits

  • The main factors affecting the fattening effect of fattening pigs

    The main factors affecting the fattening effect of fattening pigs

    There are many factors affecting pig fattening, which are not only related to each other but also influence each other. In essence, it can be divided into two aspects: heredity and environment. Varieties and types, law of growth and development, early maturity and so on belong to genetic factors, while feed and feed belong to environmental factors.

    2020-11-27 Influence fattening effect main factors influence
  • The type of piglets that cannot be castrated

    The type of piglets that cannot be castrated

    The type of piglets that cannot be castrated

  • Prevention and treatment of sudden stress reaction in Miao Pigs after castration

    Prevention and treatment of sudden stress reaction in Miao Pigs after castration

    First, symptoms. The body temperature of stress pigs suddenly rose to about 40 ℃, shortness of breath, vomiting and diarrhea; lying down and trembling, skin color purple, lying on the side, feet swinging, neurosis; serious death. Second, treatment. We used the following treatments: ⑴ subcutaneous injection of epinephrine hydrochloride 0.05mg / kg body weight, ⑵ intramuscular injection Kangfuxin injection 0.2mg / kg body weight, and ⑶ intramuscular injection compound sulfamethoxazole injection 0.2g / kg body weight.
