
Matters needing attention in castration of piglets

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Matters needing attention in castration of piglets

The purpose of castrating piglets is to promote the growth of piglets and improve the variety of pork. if piglets are not bred and castrated, not only will they grow slowly, but the meat quality of pork will also have a fishy taste, so castration will be performed on piglets during breeding. However, during the operation, piglets are infected or died due to some reasons, so there are a lot of precautions during castration. Let's take a look at the pro-farm network.

1. The timing of castration

The best time for castration is at the age of 7-10 days, when the piglets themselves already have a certain resistance, can resist the invasion of some bacteria, and some organs of the body have grown well. If castrated during this period, the testes of piglets are small and fragile and unsuitable for operation, while if castrated later, piglets are extremely sensitive to pain, not only bleeding, but also the wound after castration should not be healed. Castration during this period of time, antibodies can be obtained through breast milk, not easy to infect the disease, while castration later, breast milk antibody decreased, the wound is prone to infection.

2. During the period of high incidence of disease and rainy days, castration is not suitable.

Castration of piglets is a strong stress reaction, after castration, the body's resistance will be weakened, and the wound after castration must be healed. If the disease is in a high incidence period, germs can easily invade from the wound, resulting in piglets infected with disease. In addition, during the peak period of bacterial reproduction in cloudy and rainy days, castration at this time can easily lead to the invasion of bacteria, thus infecting the disease.

3. Vaccination and castration cannot be carried out at the same time

As mentioned earlier, castration of piglets is a strong stress response, and this stress response of piglets is often enhanced after vaccination, resulting in weakening of epidemic prevention effect and even failure of epidemic prevention.

4. Postpone castration of sick and weak piglets

For a period of time after castration, the resistance and immunity of piglets will decrease, while the physique of sick piglets is weak and the resistance is low. Castration with strong piglets may lead to its death. therefore, delayed castration of sick piglets is not only beneficial to the rapid recovery of physical fitness, but also can avoid infection or death.

5. Pay attention to hygiene and disinfection

The piggery should be cleaned and disinfected before castration, which can reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms, kill or inhibit the reproduction of bacteria to a certain extent, and reduce the chance of infection. In castration, we should first disinfect the skin into the knife, reduce the invasion of bacteria, surgical disinfection is also essential, in the postoperative application of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect to prevent the deterioration of the wound.

6. Postoperative observation

After the operation, we should observe carefully to see if there are any adverse reactions in the castrated piglets, paying special attention to whether there is bleeding in the wound, if a large amount of bleeding should be stopped in time, and if it is serious, we should suture the wound, and we should also pay attention to whether the excretion is normal or not. does it affect the intestines?

The above are the precautions of piglet castration brought by the pro-farm network. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about pig raising, please pay attention to the pro-farm network.