
asarum Learn more about asarum

  • What do you need to pay attention to when planting Asarum? how much is the price per jin in 2019?

    What do you need to pay attention to when planting Asarum? how much is the price per jin in 2019?

    Asarum, also known as sandalwood stove, tobacco bag pot flower. Asarum is a perennial herb of the family Euphorbiaceae. Asarum contains alkaloids and volatile oil, and 31 kinds of volatile oil have been identified. Wild Asarum is mostly born in coniferous forest, broad-leaved forest, mixed forest and shrub, forest edge,

    2020-11-09 Asarum planting need attention what 2019 price more
  • Varieties and varieties of Asarum

    Varieties and varieties of Asarum

    Asarum commodities are mostly divided into Liao Asarum and Chinese Asarum, Liao Asarum produced in the northeast of the North Asarum and Seoul Asarum, the two characters are similar, but there are wild cultivated products. Most of the wild Asarum is a small handful of more than ten trees, often rolled into a mass. The rhizome is irregularly cylindrical, long 1~10cm, with short branches, gray-brown surface, rough annular nodes, internode spacing about 2~3mm, and bowl-shaped stem scars at the top of the branches. Roots slender, dense at nodes, ca. 1mm in diam., long 10~20cm, surface grayish yellow, smooth or finely longitudinal

  • Asarum planting technique Asarum planting time and method

    Asarum planting technique Asarum planting time and method

    Asarum, also known as Xiaoxin, Shaoxin, belongs to aristolochaceae perennial herbs, is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine, has a certain medicinal value, can dispel wind and cold, treatment of headache, cough, rheumatism and other diseases. So how to plant Asarum? Next, let's get to know it with the editor.

    2020-11-08 Asarum planting technology time and method also known as Xiaoxin
  • What should be paid attention to in the latest planting of Asarum

    What should be paid attention to in the latest planting of Asarum

    Asarum, also known as Asarum, is a kind of perennial herb of dicotyledonous class and Asarum genus. It has the effects of dispelling wind, dispelling cold and opening orifices. it is often used in medicine to treat headache, nasal abyss, toothache and rheumatic paralysis and other diseases. Asarum planting in China

    2020-11-10 The latest Asarum planting need attention what also known as
  • Key techniques of Green cultivation of Asarum in farmland

    Key techniques of Green cultivation of Asarum in farmland

    Key techniques of Green cultivation of Asarum in farmland

  • How to cultivate and manage Asarum under forest

    How to cultivate and manage Asarum under forest

    Asarum sieboldii Miq. Aristolochiaceae, Asarum perennial herbs; rhizomes erect or transverse, 2-3 mm in diameter, internodes 1-2 cm long, with many fibrous roots. Leaves usually 2, leaf blade cordate or ovate

    2020-11-08 asarum forest how cultivation management alias huaxi xin
  • Asarum


    Asarum also known as fine ginseng, tobacco pot flower. Aristolochia is a family, perennial herbs. For commonly used Chinese medicine. "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" is listed as top grade. Because of its fine roots and pungent taste, it is named. Asarum rhizomes bear many slender roots, which are clustered. Rhizome top branches, each branch on the birth of 2 - 3 scales and 1 - 2 leaves with a long handle; scales round, membranous, 7 - 10 mm long, apex obtuse. Petiole 10 - 23 cm long, pubescent or glabrous; leaf blade cordate, 4 - 8 cm long, 5 - 10 cm wide

  • Key points of cultivation and Management techniques under Asarum Forest

    Key points of cultivation and Management techniques under Asarum Forest

    Asarum is a perennial herbal medicinal plant of Aristolochia family, which has antipyretic, wind-dispelling, sweating, expectorant and analgesic effects. Wild Asarum is mainly distributed in the forest areas of Liaoning and Jilin. Asarum is a shade-loving plant, but if the temperature under the wild forest is too low and the light is too weak, the growth is very slow. In general, under forest cultivation, it takes more than 6 years from seed to harvest, and the plant is short, each plant has only 2-3 leaves, and the yield is very low. Farmers are used to digging wild Asarum in May, when the seeds are not yet mature, seriously affecting the undergrowth of the forest.

  • Cultivation Techniques of Asarum in Field

    Cultivation Techniques of Asarum in Field

    Asarum sieboldii Miq. Aristolochiaceae, Asarum perennial herbs; rhizomes erect or transverse, 2-3 mm in diameter, internodes 1-2 cm long, with many fibrous roots. Leaves usually 2, leaf blade cordate or ovate

    2020-11-08 Asarum heterophyllum Asarum heterophyllum heterophyllum Asarum heterophyl
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Asarum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Asarum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Asarum

  • How to cultivate and manage Asarum

    How to cultivate and manage Asarum

    Asarum, alias: Asarum, Herba Asari, Latin name: Asarum sieboldii Miq. Perennial herbs of Aristolochaceae and Asarum; rhizome erect or transverse, 2-3 mm in diameter, 1-2 cm long internodes, with multiple fibrous roots. Leaves usually 2, leaf heart-shaped or ovate

    2020-11-08 Asarum how cultivation management alias Hua Xie Xin
  • What do you need to pay attention to when planting Asarum?

    What do you need to pay attention to when planting Asarum?

    What do you need to pay attention to when planting Asarum?

  • Artificial cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine Asarum

    Artificial cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine Asarum

    Asarum planted in Tieling area, called Liao Asarum, is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine native to Changbai Mountains. It mainly contains essential oil, asarone, palmitic acid, asarine, methyl eugenol and so on. The whole herb can be used as medicine. it is a good medicine for dispelling wind and cold and carrying water steam. it has the effects of analgesia, sedation, sweating, phlegm and so on. It is also used to extract insect repellents. The main results are as follows: (1) the life span of Asarum seeds is short, and the seeds germinated after sowing can take root quickly, but they will not be unearthed in the same year and will not emerge until the spring of the second year. The embryo of a naturally matured seed is not yet fully mature.

  • Artificial cultivation of Asarum liaoxii

    Artificial cultivation of Asarum liaoxii

    Artificial cultivation of Asarum liaoxii

  • Key techniques of Asarum Seedling raising

    Key techniques of Asarum Seedling raising

    Key techniques of Asarum Seedling raising

  • Harvest and processing of Asarum

    Harvest and processing of Asarum

    Direct seeding Asarum can be harvested after 3-4 years, transplanting Asarum, such as 2-year-old seedlings; 3-4 years after planting, 3-year-old seedlings, 2-3 years after planting, currently, in order to harvest seeds, it can be delayed for 5-6 years, more seeds can be collected to expand seed direct seeding, and wild seedlings can be harvested 3 years after transplanting. The harvest time of wild Asarum is from May to June, and the artificially cultivated Asarum has good harvest quality and high yield from August to September. After collecting and controlling Asarum, remove the soil, every 10 trees into a small handful, twist into braids with rope, and dry in a cool and ventilated place under the eaves.

  • The latest common disease control methods asarum

    The latest common disease control methods asarum

    Asarum is a kind of precious medicinal material. With the expansion of its demand and the development of undergrowth economy, its artificial cultivation develops rapidly and its planting area becomes larger and larger. It is one of the main economic industries in many rural areas. Although Asarum is a medicinal herb, it is cultivated.

    2020-11-10 latest asarum common disease control method is a kind
  • Seed propagation technology of Asarum

    Seed propagation technology of Asarum

    Asarum, alias: Asarum, Herba Asari, Latin name: Asarum sieboldii Miq. Perennial herbs of Aristolochaceae and Asarum; rhizome erect or transverse, 2-3 mm in diameter, 1-2 cm long internodes, with multiple fibrous roots. Leaves usually 2, leaf heart-shaped or ovate

    2020-11-08 Asarum seed Propagation Technology Alias
  • Botanical characteristics and growth habits of Herba Asari

    Botanical characteristics and growth habits of Herba Asari

    Asarum is a perennial medicinal plant belonging to Asarum of Malaria family. Wild species include Asarum (Aristolochiaceaehet-arotropoidesFr.) distributed in Northeast China and Asarum (A.sieboldiMiq.) distributed in Shaanxi Province. Asarum whole herb medicine has the function of soothing wind and dispelling cold, warming lungs and removing phlegm, opening orifices and dredging collaterals, and can treat wind-cold headache, rheumatism arthralgia, phlegm, cough and asthma, toothache and other diseases. The whole herb of Asarum has a special spicy fragrance. In addition to medicine, it is also a raw material and good for the spice industry.

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Asarum

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Asarum

    Asarum is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effects of relieving pain, dispelling wind and dispelling cold, and is deeply loved by doctors for the treatment of headache, cough, rheumatism and other diseases. With the expansion of market demand, artificial cultivation of Asarum has sprung up, and now it is in Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other places in China.

    2020-11-10 The latest Asarum planting techniques methods tutorials is