
antidote Learn more about antidote

  • Is asparagus an antidote?

    Is asparagus an antidote?

    Ipomoea aquatica generally refers to water spinach, which is cultivated all over our country and is a common vegetable. But some people say that when taking medicine, you can't eat asparagus, it has antidote. Is that asparagus an antidote? What are its effects? Is asparagus an antidote? Not at present.

    2020-11-08 Water spinach yes antidote water spinach in
  • Is asparagus antidote?

    Is asparagus antidote?

    Asparagus is a kind of vegetable stem is a hollow vegetable, vitality is very strong, can be seen in many places, some areas are also specially planted, is it antidote? Is asparagus antidote? At present, there is no data to explain whether the Chinese cabbage can cure the medicine.

    2020-11-08 Spinach yes antidote sexual Mo asparagus growing vegetables stems
  • Where is the place where the highly poisonous plant curare wood is produced? Is there an antidote?

    Where is the place where the highly poisonous plant curare wood is produced? Is there an antidote?

    The scientific name of arrow poison wood is blood seal throat, is a national third-class protected plant, is a highly toxic plant and medicinal plant, its milky white juice contains highly toxic, once contact with human and animal wounds, can make the poisoned person die within 20 minutes to 2 hours. So, the origin of arrow poison wood.

    2020-11-09 Highly toxic plant curare wood origin where is it is there an antidote?
  • Snake bite antidote of the immune system

    Snake bite antidote of the immune system

    New research suggests that immune cells called mast cells help protect mice from some poisonous snake bites and bee stings. Although the role of mast cells in helping to produce symptoms of anaphylactic shock, asthma and allergies is most clear, scientists also recognize that these cells play other auxiliary roles in the immune system in dealing with infection. The venom of many insects and reptiles contains chemicals that activate mast cells, so researchers generally believe that the role of mast cells worsen snake bites or insect stings

  • Do you know the two major functions and effects of the "antidote" Qiang Huo? How do you eat it? Which groups of people are not suitable to take?

    Do you know the two major functions and effects of the

    Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history. Now many people take traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate their bodies. Today, I would like to introduce a traditional Chinese medicine Notopterygium. This traditional Chinese medicine has a very good effect in dispelling rheumatism. What are the efficacy and effects of Notopterygium? How do you eat it? It is not suitable for which people to take.

    2020-11-09 " antidote " Qiang alive big effective and effect you.
  • There are 10 dietary taboos for pigs after taking medicine.

    There are 10 dietary taboos for pigs after taking medicine.

    1. Mung beans: mung beans can be used as antidotes and antidotes. Pigs should be fasted after taking medicine. 2. Sorghum: sorghum contains tannic acid, which has a strong convergence effect, which is prohibited when pigs take laxatives; in addition, tannic acid can denature iron preparations and cannot be eaten in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. 3. Soybeans and bean cakes: because soybeans contain calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals, such as taking tetracycline drugs (such as tetracycline, oxytetracycline, etc.) and feeding bean cakes at the same time, they can form water-insoluble complexes and reduce the curative effect, so they should be banned.

  • White tea can detoxify which one suits you?

    White tea can detoxify which one suits you?

    Tea is the antidote to all kinds of toxins. Different people drink different kinds of tea. Do you know? Tea is also the cheapest antidote to toxins such as alcohol, nicotine, exhaust gases and radiation. There are many kinds of tea, such as white tea, according to your own occupation.

  • Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

    Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

    Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

  • Over-selection to layer gout how to prevent and cure high calcium gout in laying hens

    Over-selection to layer gout how to prevent and cure high calcium gout in laying hens

    Over-selection to layer gout how to prevent and cure high calcium gout in laying hens

  • Rescue methods of pig feed poisoning or drug poisoning

    Rescue methods of pig feed poisoning or drug poisoning

    Rescue methods of pig feed poisoning or drug poisoning

  • How to rescue pig poisoning

    How to rescue pig poisoning

    The causes of pig poisoning are feed poisoning and drug poisoning. There are five common rescue methods: vomiting is generally used for organophosphorus and other drug poisoning. Can be subcutaneously injected with veratrine 0.01g to 0.03g, or oral emetic agent 1g to 3g (or potassium antimony tartrate 1g to 2g); if there is no emetic, you can also use sticks and hoses to gently wipe the throat mucosa to cause vomiting. Gastric lavage should be carried out 4 or 6 hours after the poison enters the pig. Hydrocyanic acid poisoning can be selected 1

  • Principles of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pig poisoning

    Principles of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pig poisoning

    The physiological disorder caused by poisoning can hinder the growth and development of pigs or even die, resulting in great economic losses. Understanding the principles of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pig poisoning is helpful to reduce the occurrence and loss of pig poisoning. (1) diagnosis of pig poisoning 1. Medical history investigation. To understand the type, storage and processing of feed, to analyze the possibility of mildew and deterioration of feed, and to investigate whether pigs have been exposed to or accidentally eaten toxic substances such as poisonous plants, rat poison, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, factory wastewater and so on.

  • How does pig poison first aid? What about pig poisoning? What is pig poisoning?

    How does pig poison first aid? What about pig poisoning? What is pig poisoning?

    How does pig poison first aid? What about pig poisoning? What is pig poisoning?

  • Edible cut incense snail (woven snail) is easy to be poisoned, and the sale is forbidden by the state. What are the symptoms of poisoning after eating?

    Edible cut incense snail (woven snail) is easy to be poisoned, and the sale is forbidden by the state. What are the symptoms of poisoning after eating?

    Incense snail, also known as sea lion snail and small yellow snail, is widely distributed in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other coastal areas. In recent years, poisoning caused by eating cut snails has been reported from time to time, but there are still many people come forward one after another every year. The symptoms of snail poisoning are

    2020-11-11 Edible cut incense snail weave easy poisoning country
  • What kind of medicine is used for pig diarrhea

    What kind of medicine is used for pig diarrhea

    Diarrhea caused by poisoning can be treated with detoxification agents such as atropine, glucose, antidote, methylene blue, etc. Diarrhea caused by internal worms in vitro can be treated with some anthelmintic drugs such as levamisole hydrochloride, albendazole ivermectin and Alfudin. Caused by pathogenic microorganisms

    2020-11-11 Pig diarrhea use what medicine poisoning cause
  • Ten kinds of Dietary Feed for Pigs after taking Medicine

    Ten kinds of Dietary Feed for Pigs after taking Medicine

    Ten kinds of Dietary Feed for Pigs after taking Medicine

  • High orchard chickens should pay attention to the safety of chickens

    High orchard chickens should pay attention to the safety of chickens

    High orchard chickens should pay attention to the safety of chickens

  • How to avoid drug damage caused by herbicides

    How to avoid drug damage caused by herbicides

    1. In order to select herbicide varieties correctly, it is best to do experiments on unfamiliar varieties or varieties that have not been used locally. two。 The use of safety agents to prevent drug damage. For example, corn field can be protected from sulfur by using NA (1 minute 8-naphthalene dicarboxylic acid ester) antidote before sowing and seed coating with 0.5% sodium chloride 1.0%.

  • Disinfection of chicken drinking water

    Disinfection of chicken drinking water

    1. Bleach: add 610 grams per ton of water, mix well for 30 minutes and then drink. two。 Antidotal vermicarb: 1Diluted to 5000 ratio, mix well and place for 2 hours to drink. 3. Potassium permanganate: 0.01% concentration with drink, 2-3 times a week, the drug can also be used as a manganese supplement. 4. Paroxysm: 50% of parathion is diluted to chickens with a ratio of 1, 000, 000 to 2000. 5. Peracetic acid: 20% peracetic acid, per 1

  • Main diseases and control of broccoli in seedling and growing period

    Main diseases and control of broccoli in seedling and growing period

    Main diseases and control of broccoli in seedling and growing period
