
sexual Learn more about sexual

  • Economic benefit and cost Accounting of sexual Reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Economic benefit and cost Accounting of sexual Reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Breeding and cultivation of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata (also known as sexual breeding of Gastrodia elata): we have successfully studied the new technology of sexual rapid growth of Gastrodia elata hybrids in summer. That is, using the "Yihongyou 1" Gastrodia elata hybrid capsule (pollen) seeds, germinating bacteria and Armillaria mellea species "synchronous cultivation", sowing 20 "Yihongyou 1" hybrid Gastrodia elata capsules per square meter, 2 bags of germinating bacteria, 3 bottles of Armillaria mellea, and half a bottle of insecticide. Half a package of auxin. Supplemented by the right amount of wood sticks, river sand planting. The original seed of 0 generation of sexual hybrid Gastrodia elata can be harvested in 4 months.

  • The effect of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata is good.

    The effect of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata is good.

    Gastrodia elata is the leading product of traditional Chinese medicine in our province. As the planting quality of Gastrodia elata deteriorates year by year and the disease is serious, the yield of Gastrodia elata is low and the benefit is poor. How to solve this problem, Fengcheng Yulong sexual reproduction demonstration service base experts have a trick: the method of sexual reproduction Gastrodia elata, not only the yield than asexual reproduction Gastrodia elata increased by 2 times, but also greatly enhanced the disease resistance. What is the sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata? according to Mo Bingyao, an expert in the demonstration service base of sexual reproduction of Yulong in Fengcheng City, Gastrodia elata is basically used in our province.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases ravage pet dogs pay attention to dog sexual hygiene

    Sexually transmitted diseases ravage pet dogs pay attention to dog sexual hygiene

    A kind of venereal disease called metastatic sex organ tumor is ravaging the precious dogs that players love. Because it spreads mainly through sexual intercourse, it has reached a level that has to be paid attention to. In early March this year, Sally, the pet dog of Mr. Zhang, the manager of the Chengdu office of a company in Changchun, got this kind of "willow disease." Shortly after mating with other breeds, the female Great Dane, named Sally, found white fluid flowing from her vagina and a sarcoma as large as corn, which grew bigger and bigger. According to the diagnosis, this is a typical "metastatic"

  • Estrus and mating of dogs

    Estrus and mating of dogs

    The estrus and breeding of bitches is an important part of breeding. Only when we correctly grasp the sexual periodic changes and ovulation period of bitches, can we achieve timely breeding and improve the pregnancy rate and fecundity. The main results are as follows: 1. in terms of reproduction, according to the different sexual physiological changes of the dog, the sexual cycle of the dog is divided into four stages: proestrus, estrus, late estrus and anestrus. 1. Proestrus: from dripping mucus with blood from the vulva to accepting the climbing of a male dog.

  • When is the sexual maturity of the rabbit? What are the symptoms?

    When is the sexual maturity of the rabbit? What are the symptoms?

    When is the sexual maturity of the rabbit? What are the symptoms?

  • Inducement of sexual reversal of yellow eel

    Inducement of sexual reversal of yellow eel

    Inducement of sexual reversal of yellow eel

  • Sexual and physical maturity of Pigs

    Sexual and physical maturity of Pigs

    Sexual and physical maturity of Pigs

  • How long will it take for masked palm civet to be sexually mature?

    How long will it take for masked palm civet to be sexually mature?

    How long will it take for masked palm civet to be sexually mature?

  • What is the "sexual transformation" of female swordtail fish?

    What is the

    The so-called "sexual transformation" of female fish refers to the gradual masculinization of some female fish that have given birth to larvae: the body becomes slender, sword-shaped protuberances grow under the caudal fin, and the anal fin turns into a rod-shaped mating device, and begins to chase the female, mate and fertilize with it, and reproduce. However, only the female changed from male to male, and no male to female was found. Recently, different opinions have been expressed on this issue: swordtail fish cannot be reversed sexually, and their natural sex ratio has always been between 1:2 and 1. 5. Although the larvae of swordtail fish grow to 3 months, the reproductive organs of both sexes open.

  • Cultivation of sexual Gastrodia elata at low altitude

    Cultivation of sexual Gastrodia elata at low altitude

    In nature, the distribution and cultivation area of Gastrodia elata is more than 700 meters above sea level. Gastrodia elata blossoms and bears fruit in mid-late June, and the sexual seeds sown can only grow to 4cm in that year. For example, when sexual Gastrodia elata seeds are cultivated at a low altitude of about 200 meters, Gastrodia elata blossoms and bears fruit in the first and middle of May, and the seeds sown can grow to 6cm and 8cm that year. Over the years, we have cultivated sexual Gastrodia elata in a large area at a low altitude of 100 meters, planted at a high altitude, and achieved good benefits. 1. Harvesting and transplanting of Arrow hemp

  • What are the common spices? Introduction of 27 kinds of common spices

    What are the common spices? Introduction of 27 kinds of common spices

    Spices, we can't do without it. You need it for cooking, for soup, and sometimes even for medicine. So do you know what our common spices are? Let's get to know each other today. Common spice plants: 1.

  • Techniques for Breeding Sexual Species of Gastrodia elata at Low Altitude

    Techniques for Breeding Sexual Species of Gastrodia elata at Low Altitude

    Techniques for Breeding Sexual Species of Gastrodia elata at Low Altitude

  • What is the sexual reproduction of plants and flowers

    What is the sexual reproduction of plants and flowers

    What is the sexual reproduction of plants and flowers

  • Breeding techniques of Dairy cows

    Breeding techniques of Dairy cows

    Breeding techniques of Dairy cows

  • Breeding characteristics of raccoon dog in Ursuli

    Breeding characteristics of raccoon dog in Ursuli

    1. Sexual maturity: the young raccoon dog is sexually mature at the age of 8-10 months after birth, and the male raccoon dog is slightly earlier than the female. 2. Sexual cycle: raccoon dog is an animal in estrus once a year. The testis of male raccoon dog begins to develop from the Autumn Equinox, and the texture of testis is soft at the end of January and the beginning of February. There are mature sperm in the epididymis, which begin to show sexual desire and can mate. The whole mating period can last 60-90 days. The testis atrophied quickly after the end of the mating period, and returned to the quiescent state in May, until the Autumn Equinox developed again, showing annual periodic changes. The sexual organ development of female raccoon dog is similar to that of male raccoon dog.

  • Attention should be paid to the preparation of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Attention should be paid to the preparation of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Attention should be paid to the preparation of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

  • Preparation before sowing of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata in Chongqing

    Preparation before sowing of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata in Chongqing

    The sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata is carried out by using the hybrid seeds of Gastrodia elata under the joint action of germinating bacteria and Armillaria mellea. The growing period of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata is one and a half years, that is, it is planted from June to July of that year and harvested at the end of the second year. It is characterized by low investment, high success rate and stable yield, which is an advanced high-yield planting technique of Gastrodia elata in our country. First, the choice of planting site Gastrodia elata growth almost does not need sunlight, so in basements, air-raid shelters, mountain streams and other places with certain ventilation conditions, as well as courtyard edge, ground edge, roadside, slope edge, forest edge

  • Key techniques of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Key techniques of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Gastrodia elata, also known as red arrow, fairy foot, back to the cage seed, for the orchid plant. The rhizome of Gastrodia elata can be used as medicine, which is a kind of scarce precious traditional Chinese medicine. The reproduction method of Gastrodia elata is divided into asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Seed reproduction is sexual reproduction, which can not only solve the problem of lack of seed flax, but also avoid variety degradation caused by long-term five-sex reproduction. The key techniques of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata are recommended as follows for reference. First, the choice of venue. The site for seed cultivation should be in a place where the management is convenient, the wind is sheltered, and the soil does not accumulate water. The cultivation cellar should be shallow and present.

  • Pre-sowing preparation of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Pre-sowing preparation of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    The sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata is carried out by using the hybrid seeds of Gastrodia elata under the joint action of germinating bacteria and Armillaria mellea. The growing period of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata is one and a half years, that is, it is planted from June to July of that year, and harvested at the end of the second year. It is characterized by small investment, high success rate and stable yield. it is an advanced high-yield planting technique of Gastrodia elata in our country at present. First, the choice of planting site Gastrodia elata growth almost does not need sunlight, so in basements, air-raid shelters, mountain streams and other places with certain ventilation conditions, as well as courtyard edge, ground edge, roadside, slope edge, forest edge

  • Differences and Management of Traditional Gastrodia elata Varieties in Sexual Hybridization Breeding

    Differences and Management of Traditional Gastrodia elata Varieties in Sexual Hybridization Breeding

    This paper introduces the principle and technical method of mulch stimulation: mulch stimulation principle. Gastrodia elata is a kind of warm-loving, cool, moist plant, mainly distributed in the forest or shrub in nature, mostly growing in the gentle slope zone of 10-30℃. It is both wet and afraid of water during its growth; it is both warm and the most suitable temperature is 20-2...
