
Jialan Learn more about Jialan

  • The culture method of Jialan

    The culture method of Jialan

    1. The growth of soil Jialan needs to be cultured in sandy loam with rich humus, loose and fertile soil and good drainage. two。 Moisture Jialan likes a humid environment, and its growing period needs sufficient moisture, but the soil should not be too wet so as not to cause rotten roots; if it enters a dormant state in winter, it is necessary to reduce watering.

  • Breeding methods of Jialan

    Breeding methods of Jialan

    Ramet cuttings Jialan before sprouting in spring, take off its meristematic rhizome, each stem with bud eyes, transplant to a new flowerpot, cover about 3 cm of soil. Sowing Jialan seeds can be sowed after they are collected in autumn or sown in the following spring. Sow the seeds on the culture soil to keep them moist and ventilated.

  • Master these conservation methods to make your Jialan flowers blossom when potted.

    Master these conservation methods to make your Jialan flowers blossom when potted.

    When potted maintenance of Jialan, master these maintenance methods to make your Jialan blossom beautiful! Introduction: Jialan is a climbing plant of Liliaceae. Let's not underestimate this plant. It is the national flower of Zimbabwe.

  • Jialan Jialan lily flame lily trailing lily

    Jialan Jialan lily flame lily trailing lily

    English name: LovelyGloriosa family name: Liliaceae Jialan genus alias: Jialan lily, flame lily, trailing lily origin: southern Yunnan, Hainan and tropical Asia and Africa. There are wild sporadic distribution below 1200m above sea level in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Plant species: perennial climbing herbaceous flowers biological characteristics and ecological habits: Jialan has a transverse rhizome, about 2cm in diameter, yellowish brown, often emerging from the terminal bud. Aboveground stems slender, trailing, up to 3m high, green

  • How to raise Jialan vegetables

    How to raise Jialan vegetables

    The plants of the genus Brassica have special habits and have high ornamental value. in many countries, they are used as landscape exhibitions in parks. It can be cultivated in most parts of China. So, how to raise Jialan vegetables? First, culture conditions 1. Sunshine: Jialan vegetables take a long time

    2020-11-08 Jialan vegetable how raise vegetable genus plant habit special
  • Planting of Jialan Lilium

    Planting of Jialan Lilium

    In late April, Jialan lily can plant its rhizome in suitable soil, covering soil 3cm or so, and if it is potted, it can plant 2 rhizomes in each pot. Around June, seedlings will sprout. At this time, scaffolds need to be set up for rock climbing growth, and the breeding process needs to be maintained.

    2020-11-08 Garland Lily planting Abstract available in April
  • The cultivation of lily

    The cultivation of lily

    Planting Jialan lily, it is best to choose humus-rich sandy loam planting, and control the temperature at 22~24 degrees, if lower than 22 degrees or higher than 32 degrees, growth will stagnate, generally winter temperature above 18 degrees best. In addition, it is not suitable for direct sun, generally apply some every month.

    2020-11-09 garland lily of planting best picking rot
  • Is it easy to grow Garland?

    Is it easy to grow Garland?

    Jialan is a rhizomatous plant, belonging to the family Liliaceae. It has gorgeous flowers and is often used to make corsage. Domesticated plants can be watched in pots, like flames.

  • Brown spot Jialan moon rabbit ear

    Brown spot Jialan moon rabbit ear

    Scientific name: Kalanchoetomentosa alias: Auriculaceae: crassulaceae Origin: originating from Madagascar, Africa, Central American dry regions. Morphological features: the brown spot Jialan plant is covered with tomentose, fleshy leaves, similar to rabbit ears. The edge of the leaf is covered with dark brown markings, very similar to the panda, so it is also known as the panda plant. Growth habits: like warm, dry and sunny environment. Not resistant to cold, drought and water

  • Jialan, the national flower of the Republic of Zimbabwe

    Jialan, the national flower of the Republic of Zimbabwe

    A climbing plant of the order Liliaceae, it is the national flower of Zimbabwe; its petals curl backward is an important feature, with wavy petals. Like warm, humid climate and rich in organic matter, good drainage, ventilation, strong water retention.

  • Flaming lilies "how to raise Garland?

    Flaming lilies

    Garland is a symbol of glory, the magic created by nature, Jialan with its beauty to capture the hearts of how many people ah. So, how does Garland raise it? Let's take a look at it. Temperature and environment Jialan Xi was born in a warm, humid and sunny environment.

    2020-11-09 Flame Lily " " Garland how raise Garland Yes Glory
  • Longgu Beauty Han Lan

    Longgu Beauty Han Lan

    Yong Jialan exhibited the double art that won the gold medal.

  • Are longevity flowers suitable for growing indoors? You won't freeze to death if you raise it like this in winter!

    Are longevity flowers suitable for growing indoors? You won't freeze to death if you raise it like this in winter!

    Longevity flowers, also known as Shouxing flowers and Jialan flowers, usually bloom before Christmas. They are deeply loved by flower friends because of their rich colors and flowers. Many people like to raise a pot at home or in the office. Is it suitable to grow longevity flowers indoors? How to keep it from freezing in winter

    2020-11-09 Longevity flowers suitable indoors raise winter so raise not
  • Guidelines for the maintenance of carnation bonsai with "germicidal" efficacy

    Guidelines for the maintenance of carnation bonsai with

    Carnation is a perennial herb with high ornamental value. The main colors are white, orange, yellow, pink, blue, red, pink, scarlet, lavender, purple and so on.

  • What are the functions of potted flower knowledge?

    What are the functions of potted flower knowledge?

    What are the functions of potted flower knowledge?

  • Culture method of Longevity Flower in Palace Lantern Picture of Longevity Flower

    Culture method of Longevity Flower in Palace Lantern Picture of Longevity Flower

    Culture method of Longevity Flower in Palace Lantern Picture of Longevity Flower

  • A good helper of the family-- the botanist

    A good helper of the family-- the botanist

    After the family doctor's room has been decorated, plants are needed to decorate it. Home green plant decoration has more vigor and vitality than any other decoration, it can enrich the remaining space, bring people a new visual experience, but also our life.

  • For the culture methods of longevity flowers, the florescence of these five methods can be as long as half a year.

    For the culture methods of longevity flowers, the florescence of these five methods can be as long as half a year.

    1. Longevity flower culture method 1. Longevity flower is also called Jialan cabbage. From the growth environment of longevity flower, longevity flower likes warm, moist and sunny environment. The most suitable temperature for the growth of longevity flower is between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius, and the soil for breeding it is better to choose the wetter sandy soil.

  • What are the common Monocotyledons

    What are the common Monocotyledons

    What are the common Monocotyledons

  • Matters needing attention for pregnant women three types of flowers suitable for pregnant women to grow indoors

    Matters needing attention for pregnant women three types of flowers suitable for pregnant women to grow indoors

    Matters needing attention for pregnant women three types of flowers suitable for pregnant women to grow indoors
