
Inverted buckle Learn more about Inverted buckle

  • The difference between Achyranthes bidentata and Achyranthes bidentata

    The difference between Achyranthes bidentata and Achyranthes bidentata

    Achyranthes bidentata is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is distributed in most parts of our country. It is generally harvested in summer and autumn, washed, freshly used or dried as medicinal materials. What is the difference between Achyranthes bidentata and Achyranthes bidentata? What is the difference between Achyranthes bidentata and Achyranthes bidentata? Inverted grass is soil.

    2020-11-08 Inverted buckle grass and Achyranthes bidentata difference inverted buckle yes taste
  • How to split Anthurium andraeanum in potted plants

    How to split Anthurium andraeanum in potted plants

    White palm, alias white taro, generally breeds young plants by means of ramets. The ramet of white palm is usually carried out every 2 years, and the ramet is mostly carried out in the spring and autumn season, which can be combined with changing pots. However, if the ramets are changed in the spring, the new buds generally need to be erased.

  • Alternative ways to play potted plants. These ideas are worth having.

    Alternative ways to play potted plants. These ideas are worth having.

    Inverted sky planting hangs beautiful plants from the ceiling, allowing your plants to perform acrobatics while purifying indoor air cleanliness. When you add water to it, it's a bit like an intravenous injection, just inject it into a pot, and so on.

  • Dalong rouge Chunlan

    Dalong rouge Chunlan

    Dalong Rouge descended from the mountain in Xiaotian Town, Shucheng, Anhui Province in 1998. The local florist class is super digging. In the spring of 1998, Gong Renhong, an orchid friend in Hefei, bought this orchid and named it. Chunlan, Rui Die, famous products. The grass is bow-shaped and broad, the grass is powerful and protruding; the leaf is U-shaped, the tail is acute; the more the leaf is in the middle, the leaf surface.

  • The latest course on planting techniques and methods of cantaloupe

    The latest course on planting techniques and methods of cantaloupe

    Cantaloupe is a transformation of melon. Also known as snow melon, Gonggua, is a kind of excellent melon varieties, fruit round or oval, produced in Xinjiang. Sweet taste, large fruit, to Hami produced the most famous, so it is called Hami melon. Because it tastes sweet and belongs to honeydew melon

    2020-11-10 The latest cantaloupe planting techniques methods tutorials is
  • Seedling raising technique of Capsicum in protected Field

    Seedling raising technique of Capsicum in protected Field

    Seedling raising time and seedling stage. Pepper is cultivated in spring in protected area, usually sowing and raising seedlings from January to February, and the seedling age is 90-110 days. Sow seeds at the right time according to the planting date. Nursery facilities. (1) high-efficiency and energy-saving solar greenhouse; (2) improved solar border with heat preservation; (3) plastic greenhouse, small arch shed covered with plastic film and grass curtain. Kind of.

  • What are the common medicinal plants?

    What are the common medicinal plants?

    What are the common medicinal plants?

  • Management method of potted flower rainy season

    Management method of potted flower rainy season

    Prevent stagnant water. Pots placed in the open world are easy to accumulate water after rain. if they are not eliminated in time, the water in the pot soil will form a saturated state, resulting in insufficient air and serious hypoxia, which is extremely disadvantageous to the root growth of flowers. Especially some varieties that are more afraid of waterlogging.

  • What are the latest common medicinal plants?

    What are the latest common medicinal plants?

    Medicinal plants refer to the plants used in medicine for disease prevention and treatment, and all or part of their plants are used for medicine or as raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. In a broad sense, it may include use as nutrients, certain hobbies, condiments, pigment additives, and pesticides and veterinary uses

    2020-11-10 Latest common medicinal plant have which
  • What kind of bait is used to catch the red tail?

    What kind of bait is used to catch the red tail?

    Red-tailed fish is a common freshwater fish, its meat is delicious and fishy taste is not heavy, has a high nutritional value, is loved by many anglers. So, what kind of bait is used to catch the red tail? What kind of bait do you use to catch a red tail? 1. Live shrimp is the favorite of red-tailed fish.

    2020-11-11 Fishing for red tail with what bait red tail fish yes a common
  • What do you need to pay attention to when planting purple cabbage?

    What do you need to pay attention to when planting purple cabbage?

    What do you need to pay attention to when planting purple cabbage? Compared with common cabbage, purple cabbage has the characteristics of longer growth period, compact head, bright color, good storage and transportation resistance and good quality. First, geographical selection purple cabbage likes cold, cold, belongs to low temperature, long sunshine, natural cross-pollinated vegetables. System...

  • Raising jasmine uses this whole set of detailed methods to raise it with bigger flowers.

    Raising jasmine uses this whole set of detailed methods to raise it with bigger flowers.

    Jasmine is a necessary pot of flowers for human hands in summer. Because the flowers are white and fragrant, it can really bring a cool feeling to the summer heat. However, the conservation of jasmine is not so easy, it needs attention and detailed care.

  • Introduction to the Technology of Bee Culture

    Introduction to the Technology of Bee Culture

    Bee breeding methods introduce the needs of new beekeepers: 1, beehive 2, beehive 3, bee species 4, management of the four seasons 5, disease prevention and other links, more content, limited space.

  • Cuttage-plant cloning

    Cuttage-plant cloning

    A light tongue sticking out and the camera "naughty" to say hello, a round mouth open to sit cleverly. These are two different monkeys, Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua. Through the unremitting efforts of Chinese scientists over the past five years, two cloned monkeys "Zhong Zhong" and "Hua Hua" were born in China and developed well.

  • You'll soon be able to open a shop.

    You'll soon be able to open a shop.

    Want to plant a change more, in addition to cuttage, sowing, can be divided into plants is a very good method! Rite is the root of the plant, stem base grow small branches and mother plant connected to the place cut, and then planted separately, so that they grow into independent new plants.

  • Crab culture technology

    Crab culture technology

    Because of the Chinese people's love for crabs in recent years, livestock farmers have begun to raise crabs, because crab farmers do not need to spend too much time, so they are quite satisfied with the farmers. Techniques for raising crabs in ponds 1. Pond conditions

    2020-11-08 Crab culture technology because in recent years Chinese people for crabs
  • Introduction of bee tools

    Introduction of bee tools

    1. The nest foundation is the foundation installed in the nest frame for bees to build the nest and spleen. It is a man-made beeswax sheet, pressed by the nest machine, and has the board base of the nest room and nest wall. There are Italian beehive bases for raising European honeybees, drones for producing drone pupae, and Chinese beehive foundations for bees in breeding. The nests built with nest foundations are neat, flat and strong, with few male hives. two。 The noodle net is a tool to protect the operator's head and neck from bee stings when managing the bee colony. 3. A special tool for raising bees with a scraper. One end is a machete, one end.

  • Propagation and Pest Control and cultivation techniques of Liudaomu

    Propagation and Pest Control and cultivation techniques of Liudaomu

    Propagation and pest control and cultivation techniques of six trees (Abelia biflora Turcz.), alias six trees, double flowers, six trees, etc., are deciduous shrubs of the genus Ninjuriaceae. Because when the log grows, there are six grooves on it.

  • Spring cultivation techniques of Mini Pumpkin

    Spring cultivation techniques of Mini Pumpkin

    Mini pumpkin is a hybrid bred by Suzhou vegetable Research Institute. It has medium growth potential, dark green leaves, 2.0-2.5 m long stem, short internodes and medium branches. Both main and lateral vines can bear melons. Strong adaptability, fast growth, high yield, small size, golden color, good taste, suitable for long distance.

  • How to cultivate and reproduce moonlight flower

    How to cultivate and reproduce moonlight flower

    [alias] Tianjier, Chang'e rushed to the moon. [family genus] Convolvulaceae, genus Moonflower. [form] herbaceous, winding big vines, stems up to 5 to 6 meters long, with milk. Leaves alternate, ovate-cordate, or hastate, sometimes trifid, with long stalks. Cymes axillary, with 1-7 flowers. Corolla saucer-shaped, white
