
You'll soon be able to open a shop.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Want to plant a change more, in addition to cuttage, sowing, can be divided into plants is a very good method! Rite is the root of the plant, stem base grow small branches and mother plant connected to the place cut, and then planted separately, so that they grow into independent new plants.

If you want to change more plants, in addition to cutting, sowing, can split is a very good way! Ramet is a method of propagation in which the small branches of the root and stem base of the plant are cut off from the place where the mother plant is connected, and then planted separately to make them grow into independent new plants. Compared with sowing and cutting, the ramet survival rate is high and the growth rate is fast.

Different flowers have different organs for ramet reproduction.

Divided stolons such as dahlia, canna, evening jade, iris and so on.

Tiller buds, such as jade hairpin flower, asparagus, carnation flower, stick stem begonia, etc., can dig out the tiller buds from the roots and plant elsewhere.

The method of plant separation is usually carried out before the sprouting of new buds in early spring or after defoliation in late autumn. When dividing plants in spring, it should not be too late, otherwise it will affect the budding and flowering of the year.


The price of orchids is not cheap, grow to a certain extent, you can split, 1 pot can become more pots!

The ramet time is generally carried out in the spring and autumn, and the spring is generally selected from the Spring Equinox to Grain Rain, when the flowering period is over, the leaf buds have not yet sprouted and are not easy to suffer frost injury. In the second half of the year, it is best to be the Autumn Equinox to Frosts Descent, the orchid will enter a dormant state, when turning the pot will less affect the growth of the orchid, after winter rest and recuperation, nutrition accumulation, it will be able to blossom and sprout well in spring.

First of all, be careful to take off the basin.

Put the side of the mud pile on the ground, gently pat along the periphery with the palm, gradually loosen the mud stack, and then disassemble the coiled root system.

Cut the connection point with a sterilized knife and try to find the shop with the smallest wound surface. Dry for 1 day after separation to prevent bacterial infection (can also be smeared with disinfectant powder or carbendazim)

Put the base fertilizer at the bottom of the basin, put the orchids in the pots, and plant them.

According to the custom of Yilan in our country, each pot of bluegrass must have at least two tubes of grass before it can grow normally. If there is too little, the plant can not restore healthy growth quickly. Cymbidium and other plants have to leave more leaf bundles because of their strong metabolism.

(orchid bar Jiang Yuming)


Aloe can be divided in the whole growing period, but it is better in spring and autumn. The new seedlings return to green faster and are easy to survive.

The young plants with roots that suck buds from the stem base or root of aloe vera are peeled off directly from the mother, dry the wound slightly, and then transplant into a new pot.

Generally wait for the seedlings to grow 2-3 pieces of time to plant, separate seedlings pay attention not to hurt the mother plant, seedlings with soil with roots. Seedlings should be placed in a cool place to moisturize within a week after planting. You can get fat after you survive.

Cactus family

The division of cactus plants is very simple, they are easy to grow seed plants, as long as the seed plants are broken off, dried and buried in the soil, they can live.

Venus is also known as the verruca gossip palm, and because the radial thorns crisscross on the sphere, it is shaped like a "net" covering the sphere, so it is also known as "Mengtian net".

Let's see how many pots this basin can be divided into. O (∩ _ ∩) O ~

(cactus bar grapefruit likes candy)

Tiger tail orchid

The ramets of Cymbidium are relatively simple. The overgrown leaves are cut into several clumps, each of which has not only leaves, but also a section of rhizome and sucking buds, which can be planted in pots.

Take the tiger tail orchid out of the basin and separate the daughter plant from the mother plant with a sharp knife. Try to avoid damaging the root system and let the separated daughter plant bring more roots as much as possible. After separation, the seeds should be placed in a dark place indoors to prevent rain and control watering, so as not to cause the rot of the incision, and wait for the new leaves to grow before they can be transferred to normal maintenance.

Succulent plant

Succulent ramets are easy to survive, and the young plants around the mother plant can be carefully broken, or cut with a knife and dried before planting.

Water should be controlled for a few days before succulent plants are divided, which makes it easier for plants to get rid of pots. After cutting, be sure to dry and replant, and less watering in the early stage to reduce the chance of bacterial infection.

Asparagus asparagus

The asparagus plants of 3 ~ 5 years grow thickly and can be propagated separately.

Ramet selection was carried out when changing pots in spring. With a sharp knife, the tufted stems and roots were divided into 2-3 clumps, so that each clump contained 3-5 branches and buds, and then planted in the pot. When ramet, damage the root system as little as possible, water thoroughly after planting, put it in a semi-shady place, and pay attention to moisturizing and shading. Watering should be controlled properly in the future, otherwise it is easy to cause yellow leaves.

Simply, one basin has become three pots!

Gentleman orchid

Cymbidium is easy to produce seed plants in its roots, and it is generally chosen to cut off the seed plants in April-May or September-October. When the seed plant is 3 to 5 leaves long, it can be cut.

Find a beauty knife, sterilize it with alcohol, and set it aside.

The inverted buckle gently holds out the magnolia, shakes off the old soil and observes the root system.

(gentleman's orchid bar sells Marinated Egg's little pig)

Cut off the sub-plant with a knife or break it off directly (try to cut it all with a knife). The cutting speed should be fast and the wound surface should be small. Pay attention to let the seedlings take root as far as possible, easy to survive. Disinfectant powder on the wound.

Dry the orchids for 4-5 hours after separation.

(spend it in the hall)

If the root system is entangled seriously, you should be careful to separate the root system and minimize root damage.

(gentleman's orchid bar, pine lion Danny)

After drying, you can put it on the basin, and the soil will be fine at the base. After planting, it can be watered thoroughly and can be covered with a layer of culture soil after 2 weeks. It will take about 1-2 months to grow new roots.

Some of the flowers above are not cheap.

So learn how to split the plant.

We can change them from one pot to ten!

Many flowers and plants

Sell it and change it for money!

Show it to the flower friends who need it.