
Raising jasmine uses this whole set of detailed methods to raise it with bigger flowers.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jasmine is a necessary pot of flowers for human hands in summer. Because the flowers are white and fragrant, it can really bring a cool feeling to the summer heat. However, the conservation of jasmine is not so easy, it needs attention and detailed care.

Jasmine is a necessary pot of flowers for human hands in summer. Because the flowers are white and fragrant, it can really bring a cool feeling to the summer heat. However, the conservation of jasmine is not so easy, requires attention, but also needs detailed maintenance methods, so that jasmine blossoms more.

1. Jasmine soil

Jasmine is a kind of flower which is fond of fertilizer and suitable for acid soil. it requires good drainage of loose soil and poor drainage of clayey soil, which is easy to cause rotten roots, and PH6.0-7.0is the most suitable. Potted soil is best prepared. The proportion of mixed soil: 4 parts of fertile garden soil (sandy loam), 4 parts of compost (barnyard manure and deciduous leaves), 2 parts of river sand and a small amount of plant ash, mix well.

2. Maintenance of cuttage seedlings

Cuttage survival seedlings, because of the high density of cutting, new roots are often intertwined with each other. In order not to damage the new root, when dividing the seedling, you can put the soil with the seedling into the water basin, wash the root soil with water, and then carefully geography the root of each seedling. Don't wash the soil too much, as long as you can separate the seedlings and bring some soil to the roots as much as possible.

After the seedlings are separated, do not rush to the pot, spread the seedlings in the sun for a while. Put on the pot when the new root is slightly red, so that the rotten root can be avoided. It should be placed in a shaded place within 1 week after potting, and foliar water should be sprayed 3 times a day. When the seedlings come slowly, they should be put into the sun for routine management.

3. Outdoor maintenance

Potted jasmine flowers spend the winter indoors. When spring returns to the earth, jasmine will be removed from the room. In the moving out season, when the temperature is stable above 15 ℃, flower friends in North China suggest that it should be after Grain Rain. Move out of the room too early, often frozen at night to cause fallen leaves, serious will also cause death.

After the jasmine is moved outdoors, the thin, overdense and withered branches are first cut off, and then the new strips of autumn hair are cut off according to the plant growth and strong growth; for those that are weak or cultivated for a long time, cut off the branches that come out in summer and are generally not trimmed.

The second is to remove the old leaves to promote early germination and neat germination. There are two ways to pick leaves: one is to pick the old leaves from the base up to the cut and leave 1-2 pairs of leaves, and the other is to pick one leaf alternately from each node. If excessive concentration of flowering is not required, only part of the old leaves at the base can be removed to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions in the plants.

3. Fertilization and maintenance

Maintaining sufficient fertility of potted soil is an important condition for jasmine to be fat and blossom. When the fertilizer is sufficient, each inflorescence can keep three groups of 3 florets; if the fertility is insufficient, there are only 3-5 florets on one inflorescence. The organic nutrient solution commonly used in flowers is better for fertilizers. At the beginning of sprouting and striping in spring, the concentration of topdressing fertilizer was light (fertilizer 1: water 500), while thick fertilizer affected the growth of new roots, resulting in long-term growth of plants. Light fertilizer is applied once a week.

When new shoots are pregnant with buds (2 Mel 3 pairs of leaves grow on new shoots), water and fertilizer can be stopped properly in order to control water and fertilizer, and when some (about half) of the new shoots wilt slightly, they should be irrigated with 800 times organic light fertilizer. In this way, the branches are controlled to grow and the nutrients are transferred to the buds, and the lower roots "age" and mature due to lack of water.

4. Watering and curing

At the beginning of the watering of jasmine flowers, due to the low temperature, the plant evaporation is small, according to the weather conditions, once every 1-2 days, or take the alternating way of watering the whole basin with heavy water and half the basin with small water. This can avoid too much water in the basin soil, resulting in rotten roots and yellow leaves. With the increasing growth of plants and the increase of air temperature, watering once a day increased to once in the morning and evening. Spray foliar water 1-2 times a day when the summer is hot and the weather is dry.

5. Maintenance of yellow leaves

Yellow leaves often occur in potted jasmine flowers. The causes of yellow leaf phenomenon: early spring yellow leaves are related to poor winter management; in summer, yellow leaves are mostly due to excessive watering, excessive dampness of basin soil, suffocation damage of root system, or insufficient fertilizer in basin soil, which can not meet the nutrient needs of jasmine growth, or due to the aggravation of soil alkalinity.

When the emergence of yellow leaves, according to the causes of yellow leaves timely symptomatic treatment, you can turn the corner. If due to more water, not too serious, the basin can be moved to the ventilation shade place, the basin bottom with inverted buckle empty basin cushion high, stop watering, so that the basin soil moisture gradually reduced, so that the root growth; serious, you can take the method of soil change.

If the yellow leaf is caused by insufficient fertilizer, you can apply thin fertilizer frequently and apply it every 1-2 days. When the basin soil alkalinity aggravates and the yellow leaf, can be applied in the organic nutrient solution, add black alum (ferrous sulfate) irrigation, generally irrigated 3-4 times can change from yellow to green.