
How to cultivate and reproduce moonlight flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [alias] Tianjier, Chang'e rushed to the moon. [family genus] Convolvulaceae, genus Moonflower. [form] herbaceous, winding big vines, stems up to 5 to 6 meters long, with milk. Leaves alternate, ovate-cordate, or hastate, sometimes trifid, with long stalks. Cymes axillary, with 1-7 flowers. Corolla saucer-shaped, white

[alias] Tianjier, Chang'e rushed to the moon.

[family genus] Convolvulaceae, genus Moonflower.

[form] herbaceous, winding big vines, stems up to 5 to 6 meters long, with milk. Leaves alternate, ovate-cordate, or hastate, sometimes trifid, with long stalks. Cymes axillary, with 1-7 flowers. Corolla salverform, white, sometimes greenish folded; fragrant. It opens around 8 p.m., closes the next morning, and sometimes closes before noon. The florescence is from July to October. Capsule ovate, seeds large, smooth.

[varieties, forms and varieties] there are large flower species (var.grandijlo-m), different leaf species (var.hete-rophyllum): leaves are 3-5-lobed, and variegated species (var.variaga).

[Origin and distribution]

Native to tropical America.

[habits] not cold-resistant, do not choose soil, big seedlings do not want to transplant.

[reproduction] it was sowed in the open field seedbed or in a small basin in April.

The seedlings sown in the ground should be planted after the true leaves grow. Potted seedlings can be cultivated into larger seedlings, which can be directly planted next to the flower frame Arbor. Strong growth, many branches, scaffolds should be set up as soon as possible. Easy to manage. The row spacing is 40 ~ 60 × 60-80 cm.

[seed harvesting] the capsule is uneven in maturity and should be harvested separately before cracking.

[use] whole grass or seeds can be used medicinally, whole herbs to treat snake wounds, seeds to treat swelling, pain and fractures. It is a very attractive scaffolding plant in the night garden. It can also be used as a temporary cut flower for night embellishment.

Main points of propagation of moonlight flower

Moonlight flowers like sunny and warm environment, because moonlight flowers are not cold-resistant and will freeze to death when they encounter frost, so it is not suitable to be cultivated on land in colder conditions. The difficulty of artificial cultivation of moonlight is not high, and it can be propagated by sowing.

Moonlight flower

The moonlight flower is native to tropical America and likes warmth. Humid climate, not resistant to cold; lax requirements on the soil, the general soil can adapt, can be propagated with seeds.

The seeds were collected at the end of autumn, dried and stored in the sun, and sown from March to April next year. During direct seeding in the open field, the seedlings should be transplanted and planted after the true leaves grew, and the row spacing was 40~60cm × 60~80cm. In addition, moonlight vine nodes are easy to produce adventitious roots, so they can also be propagated by cuttings and strips. Sowing in the seedling bed in early spring, when the seedlings produce 3-5 true leaves, they can plant flower racks or fences before their climbing growth. It can also be broadcast live in the open air from March to April, away from 40~80cm.

Calonyction aculeatum (Linn.) House Moonlight Flower Picture: how to raise Moonlight Flower / how to reproduce Moonlight Flower Business Card Moon Flower Calonyction aculeatum (Linn.) Introduction of House Moonlight Flower Culture methods and precautions Moonlight Flower is an annual twining herb of the genus Moonflower of the family Convolvulaceae, up to 10 meters long. Multi-introduction and cultivation is common in all parts of our country. Like plenty of sunshine and warmth, not cold-resistant, frost cold is frozen to death, the soil requirements are not strict, moonlight flowers are native to tropical America. Xiyan, also known as Chang'e running to the moon (Yunnan), eggplant, eggplant and moonflower, is a sweet potato plant of the Convolvulaceae. It is native to tropical and temperate regions of the New World, including all of South America, Central America, Mexico and Florida of the United States. It is distributed in tropical and tropical America and Chinese mainland in Guangxi, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Jiangsu and other places. At present, it has been widely cultivated by artificial. The white flower of the moonlight is shaped like a full moon, large and beautiful, so it gets its name because it blooms at night. The moonlight flower is an annual, large twining herb, up to 10 meters long, with milk, stem green, cylindrical, nearly smooth or more or less with soft thorns. Leaves ovate, 10-20 cm long, apex long acute or acuminate, base cordate, entire or slightly angled or divided. Flowers large, nocturnal, fragrant, 1 to many arranged in raceme, sometimes tortuous; sepals ovate, green, with long awn, 3 outer sepals 5-12 mm long (except awn), awn longer, inner sepal 7-15 mm long (except awn), awn short or absent. Corolla large, snow-white, extremely beautiful, pale green in petal, tube 7-12 cm long, ca. 5 mm wide, upper tube not dilated or slightly dilated, crown shallow 5-lobed, extended, 7-12 cm in diameter; style and stamens protruding from Corolla; stamens 5, filaments cylindrical, inserted in tube, anthers large, base arrow-shaped, yellowish; disk annular, thick, fleshy; ovary long conical; style cylindrical, white. Stigma large, 2 globose. Moonlight flower capsule ovate, ca. 3 cm, with acute tip, base surrounded by enlarged sepals, fruiting stalk thick. Moonlight seeds large, glabrous, ca. 1 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, yellowish white, brown or black. The flowering period is from August to October and the fruiting period is from September to November. The ecological habits of moonlight flowers like sufficient sunshine and warmth, are not resistant to cold, freeze to death in case of frost, are not strict with the soil, and grow well under sunny and humid conditions. Big seedlings are not resistant to transplantation. Moonlight flower is widely introduced and cultivated in all parts of China. The cultivation techniques and management methods of moonlight flower the nursery bed should be properly watered; rodent and pest control: phoxim and trichlorfon can be mixed with wheat bran (poison bait); weeding in time and spraying foliar fertilizer; when the true leaves grow to 3 to 4 pieces, the seedling bed should be centered to prevent overgrowth; the suitable temperature of seedling bed is 25: 28 ℃, no less than 15 ℃ at night. Generally, the seedling age is 35-40 days, and the seedlings are refined 5-7 days before planting; timely transplanting (1) dig a big hole. Before transplanting, dig a large hole of 20cm × 20cm, the plant distance is 1.3 × 1.6m, and protect about 80,100 seedlings per mu. Each hole is treated with 5~7.5kg farm fertilizer and 100m 250g chemical fertilizer (3 ∶ 1 ∶ 1). (2) artificial transplanting. Pour enough water into the nutrition bag before transplanting, transplant the seedlings into the hole, cover the soil, and pour enough water. At the same time, cover with film, pick eyes and release seedlings. Can also choose double film transplanting, that is, after transplanting with arch film; field management (1) manual weeding, timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. (2) combine topdressing to level the ridges and spread the grass. 1kg rice straw or wheat straw per square meter to prevent grass shortage. When the main vine grows to about 50cm, it is best to combine irrigation with urea 100g and 250g per plant. Topdressing should not be too close to the main root to prevent root burning. Do not scatter urea on the leaves to prevent leaf burning. (3) smooth vines, pinching, branching and artificial pollination. Smooth vines, leaving two main vines per plant. The two main vines are placed horizontally on the open ridge to cultivate directional soil for one time. Pinching: first-order bifurcation, when growing to 3 leaves, start pinching, watch and adjust the second or third bifurcation, the main vine pinching after August 23. Artificial pollination: generally sweet gourd forks in the morning, pinches the tip, and starts pollination at 16:00 in the afternoon. After the End of Heat, you can stop pollination. Generally, there are 6 or 8 melons in two main vines; harvest begins in early August, that is, the first crop melons grow to about 7~9kg, the principle is to harvest the first day, peel the melon first, and then cut melon strips the next day. From August to September, basically in September, the gourd grows nearly white, and the hair on the skin is gone, but it can be picked when it is still heavy, otherwise if the vine turns yellow, the gourd may fall and smash it. It should be air-dried after harvest, so that we can get a bumper harvest. Cultivation method of moonlight flower 1. Select Pingchuan and low-lying land with good drainage and fertile soil and hilly land with irrigation conditions. 2. Avoid watermelons and other melons, welcome stubble. Soil preparation: top pulp and ridge, timely suppression and preservation of soil moisture. The transplanted ridge is a long-mouth ridge. Wide ridge 9~13cm, 7-8 open ridges in the middle are also good for weeding; 2. Japanese green-skinned gourd is selected for seed soaking and sprouting, soaking the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 12 hours, then wrapping them with gauze and drying them, and chewing open the soaked sweet gourd seeds. Use a wooden trough or ordinary basin, pad with a layer of sterilized sawdust or sand, and then cover with a layer of gauze, put the soaked seeds evenly on the gauze, cover with a wrenched new towel, cover with a curtain, cover with a quilt to accelerate sprouting, and use a new brush to brush water twice a day. The budding temperature is generally 25-28 ℃. It is required to pick up the budded seeds every day, put them in another basin and put them in a cool place indoors to control the growth of buds. 3. Sow ① seedbed to prepare 8~10cm rice horse dung or crushed grass under the seedbed, cover it with a layer of soil and tread flat. At the same time, disinfect with 70% 0.3~0.6g/ prednisone wettable powder and buckle the shed at the same time. After sowing the seeds, buckle the shed on the seedbed. The ② nutritious soil was prepared to select the soil that had not used herbicides such as Pushter, Dousulfuron and so on, and sifted it, and mixed it with the screened mature farm manure at 7:2. ③ bagged and sowed the nutrient soil into the 10cm × 15cm plastic bag, and at the bottom of the plastic bag, put 2030 grains of diammonium as the base fertilizer, filled with solid, and cut off the bottom corner of the nutrition bag or pierced 2-4 eyes with a pore diameter of 8~10mm at the bottom in order to permeate water. The sowing time is based on the local season. Use wooden sticks to pierce 3~4cm deep eyes in the middle of the nutrition bag, put the budding seeds down, and water them once after covering the soil. moonlight flowers are native to tropical America and like warmth. Humid climate, not resistant to cold; lax requirements on the soil, the general soil can adapt, can be propagated with seeds. The seeds were collected at the end of autumn, dried and stored in the sun, and sown from March to April next year. During direct seeding in the open field, the seedlings should be transplanted and planted after the true leaves grew, and the row spacing was 40~60cm × 60~80cm. In addition, moonlight vine nodes are easy to produce adventitious roots, so they can also be propagated by cuttings and strips. Sowing in the seedling bed in early spring, when the seedlings produce 3-5 true leaves, they can plant flower racks or fences before their climbing growth. It can also be broadcast live in the open air from March to April, away from 40~80cm. In the breeding room, the moonlight flower likes the soil environment which is slightly dry, and its growth is exuberant in the summer high temperature season, so the water supply should be ensured at this time. It has a large demand for fertilizer, except for the application of base fertilizer in planting, it can be topdressing dilute liquid fertilizer every 2-3 weeks in the stage of vigorous growth. Moonlight flowers like the environment with plenty of sunlight, and should not be exposed to sunlight for less than 4 hours a day. It likes to be warm, is not cold-resistant, and grows well in the temperature range of 18-28 ℃. A bracket should be set up in time to ensure that the seedlings have something to rely on when they grow up and get on the shelves smoothly. In actual cultivation, moonlight will be damaged by powdery mildew and attacked by aphids and other harmful animals. If it occurs, timely measures should be taken to deal with it. Moonlight flower disease control moonlight flower disease resistance is very good, insect pests are aphids and whitefly, you can wash them away directly with water, or apply diluted insecticides. Moonlight flowers can survive the winter smoothly in a frost-free environment above 5. The distribution region of moonlight flower is native to tropical and temperate regions of the New World, including all of South America, Central America, Mexico and Florida of the United States. It is distributed in all tropics and tropics as well as Chinese mainland in Guangxi, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Jiangsu and other places. Domestic distribution of Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, usually cultivated, but also wild. The origin of foreign distribution may be tropical America, and now it is widely distributed in the whole tropics. The use of moonlight in the ancient Central American civilization, people used moonlight to convert the milk of elastic Casanum and gray silver chrysanthemum into elastic rubber balls. because the sulfur contained in the milk of this plant can vulcanize rubber. Medicinal value Moonflower whole plant can be used as traditional Chinese medicine, bitter, pungent, cold, can solve snake venom; seeds can treat swelling, pain and fracture. The leaves contain plant hormone moonlight anthocyanin A, which is composed of 11-hydroxy cetyl group, morning glabrous acid An and 4 rhamnose, which can promote plant growth and development, regulate plant metabolism and increase yield. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of Moonflower the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Huanhua net are for reference only and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Functional treatment of the whole plant: treatment of snake wounds. Seed: treat tumble, pain and fracture. Harvesting and processing stems and leaves are mostly used, and seeds are harvested when they are ripe and dried in the sun. The use of moonlight flowers can also be used as a material for vertical greening. In the night garden, the fragrance of large white flowers and fruits can decorate the night scene, add color to the party, and can also be used as cut flowers for night supervision. Moonlight flower whole grass or seeds can be used as medicine. Whole herb treats snake wound; seed cures tumble, pain and fracture. It is derived from the moonlight flower of the family Convolvulaceae, which is used in medicine as a whole plant or seed. The chemical composition of the leaf contains the plant hormone calonyctin A, which is a glycoside homologue composed of 4 rhamnose and 2 aglycone with a relative molecular weight difference of 28 units. The garden use of moonlight flower fence greening is mainly for low walls, hedges, railings, barbed wire and other places of greening, the use of lianas to hedge, low walls, fence, barbed wire and other hard and monotonous civil components into luxuriant, lush green enclosure, not only beautify the environment, but also sound insulation and dust, but also can form a closed space that makes people feel cordial and quiet. Generally speaking, hedgerow greening has less strict requirements on the climbing ability of lianas, but different hedgerow types should choose different suitable materials. Bamboo hedges, barbed wire, small railings are suitable for greening with herbs with small stems and soft leaves, such as morning glory, moonlight, sweet pea, inverted bell, bowl flower, etc. in the shade, you can also choose melon and leaf aconitum, two-color aconitum, lotus vine, bamboo leaves, etc.; common low walls and steel frames can choose wild roses, rattan, Yunshi, honeysuckle, Tanchun, firecrackers, Lingxiao and so on. The cultural background name of the moonlight flower comes from the white flower of the moonlight flower, which is large and beautiful in the shape of the full moon, so it gets its name because it blooms at night. Stories and allusions in the Tale of Genji, Xiyan is a gourd flower. I always see on the Internet that'in the Tale of Genji, a white flower of radish flowers', but I don't know where this statement comes from. In the Legend of Zhen Huan, there is a scene in which the imperial concubine gives the cloth to Zhen Huan because of the sunset flowers woven by Shu brocade, just because she feels that the moral of the flowers is not good. Misunderstand that morning glory blooms in the morning, how can it be called 'sunset'? Gourd flowers bloom in the evening and fail in the middle of the night, so they are called 'Xiyan'. In addition, in the fourth edition of the Tale of Genji, there is another note about morning glory: morning glory is morning glory. Xiyan and Chaoyan are both women in the Tale of Genji, the world's first realistic novel. Xi Yan captured the hearts of the two noble sons at that time, but Chao Yan rejected the hero Genji in the first half and never married. Morning face and sunset face are just the opposite, whether as a woman or as a plant. The flower language of the moonlight flower: eternal love, fragile beauty. The face that never fades in the twilight, the warmth that never loses in life. Pictures of moonlight