
Hefeng Learn more about Hefeng

  • How much is the yield of Hefeng No. 3 wheat seed

    How much is the yield of Hefeng No. 3 wheat seed

    Hefeng No. 3 is a new wheat variety, suitable for planting in early and middle stubble land of Henan Province (except wheat area in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River in the south). It can be planted 160 - 240 thousand per mu. How much is the yield of Hefeng No. 3 wheat seed? 1. How much is the yield of Hefeng No.3 wheat seed? According to 2015~2016 Henan Province Small

    2020-11-08 Hefeng No. 3 wheat seed yield how much yes wheat
  • Hefeng 39 (soybean)

    Hefeng 39 (soybean)

    The new soybean variety Hefeng 39 was examined and popularized by Heilongjiang crop Variety examination and approval Committee in January 2000. Characteristic characteristics sub-limited podding habits, plant height of 1 meter, strong culm does not lodge. Short internodes, a few branches, dense pods, more than three or four pods, rich apical pods, lanceolate leaves, purple flowers, gray-white tomentose, mature brown pods, round seed coat, glossy seed coat, navel yellow, 100-grain weight 19mur20g, protein content 42.52%, fat content 19.06%. Birth day

  • Suinong 14 (soybean)

    Suinong 14 (soybean)

    This variety is a new mid-maturing spring soybean variety bred by Suihua Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, using Hefeng 25 / Suinong 8 as material. The growth days of Suinong 14 were about 120 days, and the active accumulated temperature was about 2486 ℃. Sub-limited podding habits, high and high plants, few branches, dense pods on the main stem, purple flowers, long leaves, thick green leaves, gray hairs. The internodes are short, the pods are dense, and there are more than 3 or 4 grains. The seed is round, the seed coat is bright yellow, the navel is colorless, and the weight of 100 seeds is 21g to 22g.

  • The "double supplement" of bacterial fertilizer is not afraid of repeated cropping.


    The "double supplement" of bacterial fertilizer is not afraid of repeated cropping.

  • Introduction of Wheat varieties of Shannong 32

    Introduction of Wheat varieties of Shannong 32

    Shannong 32-Wheat seed-Hefeng seed Industry approval No.: Lunongjian 2016001. Breeders: Shandong Agricultural University, Zibo Hefeng seed Agricultural Science Research Institute. Characteristics: semi-winter, seedlings semi-erect. The plant type is semi-compact, the leaf color is dark green, and the leaf is narrow and short.

    2020-11-08 Shannong wheat variety introduction 32 seed
  • After two years of construction, the northeast high-oil and high-yield soybean demonstration project implemented by the state has launched a number of excellent varieties and advanced production technologies of high-oil soybean, which are gradually being produced on a large scale and widely used. On this basis, the demonstration technical expert group of northeast high-oil and high-yield soybean put forward the following suggestions for the production species and techniques of high-oil soybean in this region in 2004: in 2004, Heilongjiang Province and its reclamation areas can, according to the accumulated temperature and production conditions of different areas, continue to select high-oil varieties that have been produced in a large area and successfully popularized in 2003.

  • Citrus villagers become rich "Golden Fruit"

    Citrus villagers become rich

    Citrus villagers become rich "Golden Fruit"

  • Zinc fertilizer for rice, disease resistance, high yield and health

    Zinc fertilizer for rice, disease resistance, high yield and health

    Rice enters the jointing and panicle stage, which is not only an important period for the transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, but also a key period to determine yield. To do a good job in the field management of rice in the middle and later stage is very important for protecting full panicle, attacking large panicle, shaping high-yield plant type and setting up high-yield shelf. First, the characteristics of seedling situation according to the survey on July 21.

  • Kangxian No.2 (soybean)

    Kangxian No.2 (soybean)

    Kangxian 2 is a cooperation between the Institute of Saline-Alkali crop breeding of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Institute of Plant Protection of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In 1982, Nenfeng 9 was used as the female parent and (Nenfeng lO × Frenklin) F2 as the male parent. The progenies were identified by continuous planting in soybean cyst nematode nursery, and combined with Nanfan plus generation, a new soybean variety with high resistance to soybean cyst nematode was selected by improved pedigree. Original code name: rich 8201-205. The variety belongs to infinite podding habit, the plant height is about 95cm and the main stem is 16 ~.

  • Raising sea ducks to get rid of poverty for 6 years

    Raising sea ducks to get rid of poverty for 6 years

    Raising sea ducks to get rid of poverty for 6 years

  • Hubei tea merchant Muershan paved the way to get rich and create a new way of industrial poverty alleviation

    Hubei tea merchant Muershan paved the way to get rich and create a new way of industrial poverty alleviation

    Hubei tea merchant Muershan paved the way to get rich and create a new way of industrial poverty alleviation

  • Introduction of Wheat Variety Qimin 6

    Introduction of Wheat Variety Qimin 6

    Qimin 6 is a new winter wheat variety bred by Zibo Hefeng Seed Industry Agricultural Science Research Institute and Zibo City Seed Management Station. So what are the specific characteristics of Qimin No.6 wheat seed that can be introduced? You may wish to take a look together. 1. Qimin 6 wheat seed

    2020-11-08 Qi Min No. 6 Xiao Mai Zhong Introduction Shi Zibo Hefeng
  • Key techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Key techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Soybean narrow row close planting cultivation is an advanced cultivation technology with large application area and rapid development in the world. Heilongjiang Province began in the early 1990s and was identified as a key research project of the provincial party committee in 1995. First, to select suitable varieties and do a good job in seed treatment, we must choose dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties with lodging resistance and high yield-increasing potential. At present, the more suitable varieties for production are Hefeng 25, Hefeng 35, Suinong 14, Beifeng 14 and Beifeng 1.

  • What did feed companies do in 2014?

    What did feed companies do in 2014?

    With the development of the times, the feed industry has gradually entered a period of integration and transformation. Different from previous years, the threshold of feed industry is now high, and the situation of "big fish eating small fish, small fish eating shrimp" is common in the industry. Domestic leading feed enterprises want to be here

    2016-03-20 2014 feed enterprise did what with times development
  • How to fertilize spinach? Do you have any points for attention?

    How to fertilize spinach? Do you have any points for attention?

    Spinach is one of the most popular vegetables. Spinach is a wet crop. When the soil moisture exceeds 20%, it will cause wet damage and root rot. According to the production season, the fertilizer techniques of spring spinach, summer spinach, autumn spinach and winter spinach are different. So much so

    2020-11-09 Spinach how fertilization yes what precautions spinach
  • Must-see for planting soybeans in 2017: seed selection and efficient cultivation techniques of soybean in each accumulated temperate zone

    Must-see for planting soybeans in 2017: seed selection and efficient cultivation techniques of soybean in each accumulated temperate zone

    A few days ago, the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of Agriculture formulated the "planting regionalization layout of High quality and High efficiency varieties of crops in Heilongjiang Province in 2017" (hereinafter referred to as "regionalization layout") and special cultivation techniques for various crops. the following editor divides the seed selection and efficient cultivation techniques of soybean in each accumulated temperate zone.

    2020-11-09 In 2017 species soybeans must see each product temperate zone seed selection and high efficiency
  • High-yielding cultivation of soybean with large ridge, narrow row and close planting

    High-yielding cultivation of soybean with large ridge, narrow row and close planting

    Large ridge and narrow row dense planting of soybean can increase canopy leaf index, make full use of light energy and achieve the purpose of increasing yield. (1) selection and preparation of land. Wheat, corn or potato are the best in the previous crop. Ridges with sowing. The ridge distance is 130 cm, the ridge height is 25 cm, and the width on the ridge is 30 cm. (2) selection of varieties. The selection of soybean varieties with large ridge and narrow row should be 168,9409B, ZOQI, Fengshou 544, Miyuwang, Hefeng 25, he 93-BS and so on.

  • Chunghwa Post promotes non-toxic onions to help small farmers

    Chunghwa Post promotes non-toxic onions to help small farmers

    In order to encourage farmers to grow non-toxic and assist the disadvantaged, Chunghwa Post, in cooperation with small farmers, has launched a "Hengchun Onion Gift Box" at the Postal Mall "Care for Agricultural Marketing" series from now to July 10, each containing 3 selected non-toxic onions.

  • Application Technology of Boron Fertilizer in Field crops

    Application Technology of Boron Fertilizer in Field crops

    Application Technology of Boron Fertilizer in Field crops

  • Technical essentials of cotton formula fertilization

    Technical essentials of cotton formula fertilization

    Cotton growth is characterized by unlimited growth, regeneration ability, plant shape controllability, large fertilizer requirements. Generally speaking, adequate fertilizer is the basis for high yield and quality of cotton. Adequate phosphorus fertilizer can promote cotton plant robust growth, increase boll weight, early maturity. Potassium fertilizer is a catalyst for many enzymes in plants, which can promote photosynthesis and cellulose synthesis. Cotton fertilization technology is "nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, boron spray" eight words formula fertilization method. Specifically, the following five technical measures should be taken. 1. Pay attention to the application of farm manure
