
Gleditsia Learn more about Gleditsia

  • Do you know the eight functions and effects of traditional Chinese medicine soap horn needling? How much half a kilo? What's the cure for soaking wine?

    Do you know the eight functions and effects of traditional Chinese medicine soap horn needling? How much half a kilo? What's the cure for soaking wine?

    Now many people plant soap horn tree, there is a kind of medicinal material with high medicinal value on it, it is the thorn thorn on the body of soap horn tree, and soap horn thorn also has very good effect to detumescence, what are the efficacy and effect of that soap horn thorn? How much half a kilo? Vesicle

    2020-11-09 Chinese medicine soap horn thorn this big effective and effect you know
  • Matters needing attention in planting Gleditsia sinensis (Gleditsia sinensis)

    Matters needing attention in planting Gleditsia sinensis (Gleditsia sinensis)

    Gleditsia sinensis rice is the fruit of Gleditsia sinensis, which is also called Gleditsia sinensis. Its use price is very wide. It can be processed into soap, and it can also be used for food. The pods and seeds of Gleditsia sinensis can be used as medicine. Here is an introduction to the planting of Gleditsia sinensis (Gleditsia sinensis)

    2020-11-09 Gleditsia planting precautions Gleditsia rice yes Gleditsia.
  • What is the use value of Gleditsia sinensis? Seeding, seedling raising and cultivation techniques of Gleditsia sinensis

    What is the use value of Gleditsia sinensis? Seeding, seedling raising and cultivation techniques of Gleditsia sinensis

    What is the use value of Gleditsia sinensis? The ecological habits and distribution of Gleditsia sinensis are light and slightly shade tolerant. It likes warm and humid climate and deep, fertile and appropriate moist soil, but it is suitable for soil.

  • The effect and function of Gleditsia sinensis

    The effect and function of Gleditsia sinensis

    The effect and function of Gleditsia sinensis

  • Gleditsia sinensis, a tree species worth popularizing in eco-economic type.

    Gleditsia sinensis, a tree species worth popularizing in eco-economic type.

    Gleditsia sinensis is a tall tree with a full fruit period of 200 years. It is a kind of eco-economic multi-purpose tree species with broad development potential in China. Gleditsia sinensis is drought-resistant and water-saving, with well-developed roots, suitable for growing in areas where the frost-free period is not less than 180days, the lowest temperature is not less than minus 20 ℃, the light is not less than 2400 hours, and the rainfall is not more than 800mm. Gleditsia sinensis is not only a good tree species for urban and rural landscape forest and road greening, but also an important hedge tree species because of its heat resistance, cold resistance and pollution resistance. Gleditsia can fix nitrogen and adapt to it.

  • Gleditsia sinensis

    Gleditsia sinensis

    According to the investigation and analysis of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and Nanjing Wild Plant Research Institute, Gleditsia sinensis is a kind of eco-economic multi-purpose tree species with broad development potential in China. However, for a long time, due to man-made cutting and utilization, the complete natural Gleditsia population can not be found, only the residual sparse forest or scattered wood, the population is in an endangered state. Gleditsia sinensis is a tall tree with a full fruiting period of 200 years. Its characteristics and values are mainly as follows: first, drought-resistant and water-saving, well-developed roots, in the west and north of the annual precipitation 300mm or so.

  • What is Gleditsia (Gleditsia)? How to plant it?

    What is Gleditsia (Gleditsia)? How to plant it?

    Gleditsia sinensis is one of the unique tree species in China, which has high health care value and chemical value, and is often used to make health products and various washing products. So, what is soap horn? How to grow soap horn? Let's follow the editor and get to know it. I. what?

    2020-11-09 What yes Gleditsia how planting trees
  • Seedling raising technique of Gleditsia sinensis

    Seedling raising technique of Gleditsia sinensis

    Gleditsia, also known as "Gleditsia", Leguminosae, deciduous trees, up to 30 meters high. Its solid wood is used for furniture, vehicles, farm tools, etc.; pods are rich in pancreatic saponins, which can be used to wash silk and valuable furniture without damaging the luster; pods, thorns, seeds and abnormal pods are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Pod temperature, taste pungent, small poison, function expectorant, open orifices, mainly treat phlegm cough and asthma, apoplexy shiver, epileptic dysentery and so on; the thorns of Gleditsia pods are called "Gleditsia horn thorns", which function to support toxin and discharge pus, mainly for carbuncle and sore, used for pus but not yet ulcerated.

  • The latest seed price and planting method of Gleditsia sinensis

    The latest seed price and planting method of Gleditsia sinensis

    Gleditsia sinensis is an endemic plant in China. It is a deciduous tree of the genus Gleditsia of Leguminosae. It is widely distributed in all parts of our country and has a wide range of uses. The seed oil can be used as a lubricant and soap. It has the effect of treating ringworm and laxation in medicine. The wood material is a good tree for making furniture.

    2020-11-10 The latest soap horn tree seed price and planting method
  • Introduction of Gleditsia sinensis varieties

    Introduction of Gleditsia sinensis varieties

    1. G.melanacanthaTangetWang: its main characteristics are gray-green branchlets, glabrous, branched spines, but slightly compressed, black-brown. A pinnately compound leaf, with 6-22 leaflets, margin finely serrate. Dioecious, pods striate, papery, brownish-black, twisted, 20-30 cm long. two。 Japanese Gleditsia (G.japonicaMiq.): similar to Gleditsia mandshurica, the main difference between Gleditsia japonica and Gleditsia mandshurica is that the branchlets of this species are green brown to reddish brown. Lobular leaf is more than mountain

  • Value use of Gleditsia sinensis

    Value use of Gleditsia sinensis

    The crown of Gleditsia sinensis is thick in shade and has a long life, so it is very suitable for shade trees and greening trees on all sides. In addition, Gleditsia fruit is rich in pancreatic saponins, so it can be used instead of soap; seed oil can be used as a lubricant and soap, which has the effect of treating ringworm and laxation; Gleditsia and pods can be used medicinally; and boiling water in leaves and pods can also kill red spiders. Gleditsia wood is hard, rot-resistant and wear-resistant, but it is easy to crack, and the newly cut wood has a strong smell, so it can only be used for furniture, pillars and piles in construction, handles and handles on utensils, and so on.

  • American Gleditsia sinensis

    American Gleditsia sinensis

    American Gleditsia species name: American Gleditsia; Latin name: GleditsiatriacanthosL.; English name: Honeylocust; family name: Leguminosae; Latin family name: Leguminosae Chinese alias: Gleditsia trichosanthus; ecological habits: Leguminosae subfamily deciduous trees. Bipinnately compound, with 18-28 leaflets. Fast growth, superior quality, well-developed root system, strong adaptability, resistance to both moisture and barren

  • Seed prices and planting methods

    Seed prices and planting methods

    Seed prices and planting methods

  • Can I eat soaphorn rice and peach gum every day? How much is the price per jin? What is the effect?

    Can I eat soaphorn rice and peach gum every day? How much is the price per jin? What is the effect?

    Zaojiao rice, commonly known as snow lotus seed, Zaojiao rice, Zaojiao kernel, Zaojiao essence, is the fruit of Gleditsia. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from September to October. The fruits are harvested when they are ripe in autumn, and the seeds are stripped and dried in the sun. Can I eat soaphorn rice and peach gum every day? How much is the price per jin? What do you have?

    2020-11-09 Zaojiao rice and peach gum yes every day eat price how much
  • How to grow Gleditsia sinensis? A brief discussion on the cultivation techniques of Gleditsia sinensis Forest with High benefit

    How to grow Gleditsia sinensis? A brief discussion on the cultivation techniques of Gleditsia sinensis Forest with High benefit

    Gleditsia sinensis is an economic crop with high medicinal value, which can fight cancer and reduce swelling. The market demand is very big, at present wild resources are scarce, people carry on artificial cultivation to it in order to meet the supply of market demand, here is the detailed Gleditsia.

  • Gleditsia sinensis, a new excellent saline-alkali tolerant tree species in the Yangtze River Delta

    Gleditsia sinensis, a new excellent saline-alkali tolerant tree species in the Yangtze River Delta

    American Gleditsia Gleditsiatriacanthos Leguminosae, Gleditsia. Deciduous tree with spiny branches and bright green leaves, often bipinnately compound, yellow in autumn, and large, often twisted pods. Like light, grow normally in saline-alkali soil, strong adaptability to soil, able to withstand low temperature below-30 ℃, strong cold tolerance. The tree has a large crown and is a good shade tree.

  • Colored leaf tree species-- Gleditsia mandshurica

    Colored leaf tree species-- Gleditsia mandshurica

    Gleditsiatriacaanthos'sunburst' belongs to the genus Caesalpinioideae. Broad-leaved deciduous trees, fast-growing, thornless, young leaves golden, mature leaves light yellowish green, golden yellow in autumn, branches spreading beautiful, not sturdy. Gleditsia sinensis has strong adaptability, light-like and slightly shade-resistant, drought-resistant, cold-resistant, low temperature of about-25 ℃, warm and humid climate and deep, fertile and moist soil.

  • Seed treatment method of Gleditsia sinensis introduction to the planting method of Zaojiao seed

    Seed treatment method of Gleditsia sinensis introduction to the planting method of Zaojiao seed

    Seed treatment method of Gleditsia sinensis introduction to the planting method of Zaojiao seed

  • Golden leaf Gleditsia

    Golden leaf Gleditsia

    Gleditsiartiacanthos'Sunburst' Leguminosae, genus Gleditsia. Introduction site: Holland. Deciduous trees with yellow-green leaves in summer and bright yellow in autumn with golden tips and white flowers. Transplanting in deciduous period, avoid dampness, like fertilizer, can be pruned properly.

  • How much is the Zaojiao seed per jin? How is the planting benefit of Gleditsia sinensis?

    How much is the Zaojiao seed per jin? How is the planting benefit of Gleditsia sinensis?

    Soap horn in many producing areas across the country, the growth is relatively fast but the economic benefit is very good, low-cost planting so that many planting friends like it. So how much is the Zaojiao seed per jin? How is the planting benefit of Gleditsia sinensis? How much is the Zaojiao seed per jin? Dazaojiao is also called

    2020-11-09 Soap horn species more seeds less money one jin soap horn trees planting benefit