
Can I eat soaphorn rice and peach gum every day? How much is the price per jin? What is the effect?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Zaojiao rice, commonly known as snow lotus seed, Zaojiao rice, Zaojiao kernel, Zaojiao essence, is the fruit of Gleditsia. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from September to October. The fruits are harvested when they are ripe in autumn, and the seeds are stripped and dried in the sun. Can I eat soaphorn rice and peach gum every day? How much is the price per jin? What do you have?

Gleditsia sinensis rice commonly known as snow lotus seed, Gleditsia sinensis rice, Gleditsia sinensis kernel, Gleditsia sinensis essence, is the fruit of Gleditsia sinensis. The flowering period is from April to May, the fruiting period is from September to October, and the fruits are harvested when they are ripe in autumn, and the seeds are stripped and dried. Can honey locust rice and peach gum be eaten everyday? How much does it cost per catty? What's the effect? It is learned from Changsha Gaoqiao Wholesale Market that Chinese honey locust rice is divided into single-pod Chinese honey locust rice and double-pod Chinese honey locust rice, which are mainly distributed in Yunnan alpine area, Henan Shandong area, Sichuan and parts of South China. Therefore, the varieties and places of origin are different, and the prices are also different. Generally speaking, the upper quality of Chinese honey locust rice is about 300 yuan a catty, while the price of poor-quality Chinese honey locust rice is also about 200 yuan.

Can honey locust rice and peach gum eat everyday?

1, not suitable for eating every day, pregnant women, menstrual period should also be banned.

2. Gleditsia sinensis rice is warm in nature and pungent in taste. It is commonly known as snow lotus seed, Gleditsia sinensis rice, Gleditsia sinensis kernel and Gleditsia sinensis essence. It is the fruit of Gleditsia sinensis. It is a high energy, high carbohydrate, low protein, low fat food. It has the effects of nourishing heart, dredging meridians, clearing liver, improving eyesight, beautifying skin and so on. With water heating expansion, gelatin translucent, fragrant glutinous moist mouth, is a rare pure natural nourishing food to reconcile the functions of human organs.

3. Peach gum,"sweet and bitter, flat, is a resin secreted from the bark of peach or mountain peach of Rosaceae." Plant morphology "peach kernel" strip. Harvest in summer, cut bark with knife, collect after resin overflow. Soak in water, wash away impurities, dry.

How much is the price of honey locust rice?

The reason for the expensive rice:

1. The yield of Chinese honey locust rice is not very high in our country. In addition, the collection of Chinese honey locust rice takes time and effort. It needs to go through many procedures such as shelling, peeling, sorting and drying. Moreover, this is all manually processed. After drying, the Chinese honey locust rice becomes smaller in volume and weight. Everyone knows that rare things are more expensive. Therefore, from this aspect, Chinese honey locust rice is more rare and expensive.

Most of the rice is wild, not artificially cultivated, so wild food is very precious, and the price is naturally more expensive.

3. Gleditsia sinensis rice not only has edible value, but also has certain medicinal value. It has the functions of moistening dryness and laxative, dispelling wind and detumescence. It belongs to dual-purpose food.

What effect does honey locust rice have?

1. Beauty

The plant collagen in Chinese honey locust rice is rich, this kind of material has certain tender skin emollient function, can effectively improve the skin quality, has the effect of beautifying and beautifying.

2. Runchang Channel

Gleditsia sinensis rice contains a certain amount of dietary fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, help food digestion in the body, have the role of preventing constipation and moistening intestines.