
Dichlorvos Learn more about Dichlorvos

  • Is dichlorvos effective against thrips?

    Is dichlorvos effective against thrips?

    Dichlorvos is a highly toxic pesticide, which is often used to control crop pests. Does it have any effect on thrips? Is there any other way to prevent it? Does dichlorvos have any effect on thrips? Dichlorvos is effective against thrips. But use dichlorvos to control thistle.

    2020-11-08 Dichlorvos yes thrips is it effective? dichlorvos a kind of
  • Main uses of dichlorvos

    Main uses of dichlorvos

    Dichlorvos has been produced for many years. Today, with the increasingly fierce competition in the pesticide market, dichlorvos still has an undiminished elegant demeanor. So what are the main uses of dichlorvos? It is effective against the pests of chewing mouthparts and piercing mouthparts. Can be used in vegetables, fruit trees and a variety of farmland

    2020-11-08 Dichlorvos main use dichlorvos production already many
  • Control objects and matters needing attention of dichlorvos

    Control objects and matters needing attention of dichlorvos

    Control objects and matters needing attention of dichlorvos

  • Women spray dichlorvos to treat eczema pesticide poisoning, doctors remind: be careful to use folk cubes or folk prescriptions

    Women spray dichlorvos to treat eczema pesticide poisoning, doctors remind: be careful to use folk cubes or folk prescriptions

    Wuwan Media Wuhan Evening News, December 29 (Reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Jin Yuxin) suffering from eczema for many years, tried various methods can not break the root, a few days ago.

  • Matters needing attention when using several common pesticides, such as dichlorvos, trichlorfon, paracetamol, etc.

    Matters needing attention when using several common pesticides, such as dichlorvos, trichlorfon, paracetamol, etc.

    Pesticides refer to the chemicals used in agriculture to control diseases and insect pests and regulate plant growth. Improper use of pesticides not only can not assist delivery, but also may make crops die and endanger human health. The following is an introduction to dichlorvos, trichlorfon, propofol, and so on.

    2020-11-09 Dichlorvos trichlorfon lice Ling etc. several common pesticides
  • Common pests of Lentinus edodes and their control

    Common pests of Lentinus edodes and their control

    1. Mites are commonly known as fungus lice, which are divided into acaroid mites and mite mites. The mite body is small and not easy to be seen by the naked eye, and they are mostly concentrated on the surface of the culture material; the mites are large, white, not agglomerated, and are powdery when they are in large quantities. The mycelium of Lentinus edodes with mite pests is bitten and can be eaten up in severe cases. If mites occur in the bacteria, they can be fumigated with 50% dichlorvos in cotton plugs. Mites can be sprayed with 0.5% dichlorvos or 2000 times of pyrethroid. There are mites during the period of mushroom.

  • Ant control methods

    Ant control methods

    Ants can be controlled with more than 1000 times of trichlorfon, 1000-1500 times of 50% dichlorvos EC, 2000-3000 times of 80% dichlorvos EC or 0.1% pyrethroid kerosene solvent spray. If you don't want to use the medicine, mix baking soda with powdered sugar and vegetable essential oils, and then

    2020-11-09 Ants control methods ants available 90% above trichlorfon
  • Skillful methods for the treatment of edible fungus pests

    Skillful methods for the treatment of edible fungus pests

    ⑴ compounded sugar, vinegar, liquor, dichlorvos and water into sweet and sour medicine liquid according to the proportion of 2 kinds of sugar, vinegar, spirit, dichlorvos and water. Soaked with gauze or cotton ball, the pest climbed onto the cloth or cotton and was poisoned when it smelled sweet and sour. ⑵ mix vinegar, sugar, dichlorvos and fried bran according to the ratio of 1 to 5 and 10 to 84, sprinkle around the mushroom bed and noodles to allow pests to eat. Because pests like to move in bright places, ⑶ sprays the liquid on the transparent plastic film, once or twice a day, for 3 times.

  • What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms?

    What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms?

    What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms? What methods can be used to control mushroom pests? Please also understand the net friend to help introduce the kind of mushroom need to control pests generally have mites, eye fungus midges, gall midges, jumping insects, nematodes and slugs and termites, for the above pests farming network finishing the control methods, the following detailed list for...

  • Control of mites in edible fungi

    Control of mites in edible fungi

    1. Harm situation. Mites often concentrated in the fungus block around the bite hyphae, so that the victim hyphae can not germinate. Mites seriously harm black fungus, tremella root and hyphae, affect the ear, and cause rotten ears and deformed ears. 2. Preventive measures. Mushroom seed culture room, mushroom house should be far away from warehouses, feed rooms and chicken sheds and other places. To often check species, such as mites found, with cotton tampon dipped in 50% dichlorvos fumigation, can kill mites and no effect on mushroom hyphae. 1 week after the mushroom house is sown, a piece of plastic cloth is placed on the material surface, 1~

  • Comprehensive Control measures of Mushroom Diseases and insect pests

    Comprehensive Control measures of Mushroom Diseases and insect pests

    Mushroom is the main variety of edible fungi in Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province. But its diseases and insect pests have been perplexing the majority of mushroom farmers, the comprehensive control measures are introduced as follows: (1) strengthening cultivation management. 1. Disinfection of cultivation rooms can be fumigated with a mixture of formalin and dichlorvos. Before fumigation, wet the floor, walls, bed frames and daily utensils, and plug the cracks. Every 100 square meters, put 1 jin of formalin and 150 grams of dichlorvos in the pot, add 5 times the water and put it on the stove. Ignition

  • How to get High yield of Mushroom at present

    How to get High yield of Mushroom at present

    First, cure diseases and kill insects. For mushroom houses where no disease has been found, 15% lime water (slurry) is first painted on the surrounding walls, and the bed surface can be combined with water transfer to spray 1% lime clarification solution or 0.5-1% ammonia solution; for mushroom houses that have been infected with miscellaneous bacteria, spray 500 times carbendazim or Bordeaux solution 1-2 times before inoculation. Clean the inside and outside of the mushroom room before feeding, and spray 1% dichlorvos or dimethoate once again; after feeding, spray 0.5% dichlorvos 1-2 times, or dip 2% dichlorvos with cotton balls, and hang it in the mushroom room

  • How to effectively control diseases and insect pests of edible fungi?

    How to effectively control diseases and insect pests of edible fungi?

    How to effectively control diseases and insect pests of edible fungi?

  • Which pesticides cannot be used on flowers and fruit trees?

    Which pesticides cannot be used on flowers and fruit trees?

    Which pesticides cannot be used on flowers and fruit trees?

  • Usage of dichlorvos insecticides

    Usage of dichlorvos insecticides

    Trichlorfon is an organophosphorus insecticide, which is stable, flammable and poisonous, so you should be extra careful when using it. Today, the editor will introduce to you how to use trichlorfon insecticide. 1. Use wheat bran 8 kg, 90% trichlorfon crystal 0.5 kg

    2020-11-09 Trichlorfon trichlorfon insecticide method of use yes
  • Notes on the introduction of Edible Fungi, pests and Control of Edible Fungi

    Notes on the introduction of Edible Fungi, pests and Control of Edible Fungi

    Insect pests and Control of Edible Fungi

  • How much do you know about pesticides that are not suitable for use in the flower growth stage?

    How much do you know about pesticides that are not suitable for use in the flower growth stage?

    How much do you know about pesticides that are not suitable for use in the flower growth stage?

  • Several pests harming mushroom shed

    Several pests harming mushroom shed

    1. Mushroom flies: larvae, also known as maggots, mainly feed on fruit bodies to cause tunnels and affect quality, and the wounds caused are also easily infected by bacteria and rot. Different methods should be adopted to control mushroom flies at different stages. A large number of maggots occur before the mushroom, which can be fumigated with dichlorvos at a rate of 0.90 kg/100 square meters, and at the same time spray 0.15 kg of 1% potassium chloride or sodium chloride solution (which can be replaced by 5% salt solution) on each culture block; after the mushroom is damaged by maggots, spray rotenin, pesticide and nicotine.

  • How to reduce diseases and insect pests of edible fungi

    How to reduce diseases and insect pests of edible fungi

    The main pests of edible fungi are mushroom mosquitoes, mushroom flies, jumpers, mites and nematodes, and the comprehensive control measures are as follows. Keep the mushroom farm clean and spray it evenly with 800 times of trichlorfon or dichlorvos solution before cultivation. To grow mushrooms outdoors, remove weeds around the cultivation site and spray the soil and around the site with 250 times trichlorfon solution. To prevent adults from entering the room to cultivate edible fungi, doors, windows and ventilation holes should be nailed with 60-mesh fine yarn to prevent adults such as mushroom flies and mushroom mosquitoes from entering the house. Trap and kill adults

  • Control Measures of Mushroom Shed Disease Pests

    Control Measures of Mushroom Shed Disease Pests

    With the development of vegetable basket project, the demand of edible fungi increased correspondingly, but pests in mushroom shed caused great obstacles to the development of edible fungi. In order to alleviate this contradiction, the main pests in mushroom shed and their control methods are introduced. 1. Mushroom fly larvae, also known as maggots, mainly feed on fruiting bodies to cause tunnels and affect quality, and the wounds caused are also easily infected by germs and rotted. Different methods should be adopted to control mushroom flies at different stages. A large number of maggots occur in front of this mushroom, and dichlorvos can be used according to 0.90 kg/
