
Almonds Learn more about Almonds

  • Processing technology of dry canned salted almonds

    Processing technology of dry canned salted almonds

    (1) process raw material acceptance → selection → cleaning → peeling → rinsing → color protection → pre-cooking → soaking → re-cooking → sorting → mixture → canned → exhaust → sealed → inspection → sterilization → cooling (2) operation key points: using fresh, dry, white kernel meat, moth-free, mildew-free, inclusion-free almonds. (2) selection: remove unqualified kernels and inclusions such as moth-eaten, moldy, shrunken and broken kernels. (3) cleaning: will pick

  • What is the origin of almonds? What are the planting conditions?

    What is the origin of almonds? What are the planting conditions?

    Almond is a kind of nut with high nutritional value, which is rich in protein and fat. Almonds can be divided into sweet almonds and bitter almonds, we generally eat sweet almonds, because bitter almonds contain a certain degree of toxicity. What is the origin of the almonds?

    2020-11-09 Almonds almonds origin what places planting conditions what is
  • Where are the almonds from?

    Where are the almonds from?

    Where are the almonds from?

  • Processing of amber almonds

    Processing of amber almonds

    (1) → selection of raw materials, soaking →, soaking → sugar, boiling →, cooling, draining, →, frying, →, cooling, →, oil-throwing, → packaging (2) the key points of the process are to select almonds of uniform size with a vibrating screen to pick out insect food, moldy almonds and other impurities. Soak in 60 ℃ warm water for more than 5 days, change water every day to prevent almond peel from falling off. Soak the water, drain, and pick out the peeled almonds. Put the almonds in 75% sugar solution and cook for 15 minutes.

  • Can almonds be planted?

    Can almonds be planted?

    Almond is a common dried fruit in the market, which is divided into sweet almond and bitter almond, which mainly contains protein, fat, sugar and trace amygdalin. The composition of fat is mainly oleic acid and linoleic acid. So, can almonds be planted? Can almonds be planted? Almonds can be planted.

    2020-11-09 Almonds can you plant almonds almonds yes market field common dried fruit
  • How much are the almonds per jin? What are the benefits of it? Can pregnant women eat it?

    How much are the almonds per jin? What are the benefits of it? Can pregnant women eat it?

    Almond is the seed of Rosaceae apricot, which is divided into sweet almond and bitter almond, which mainly contains protein, fat, sugar and trace amygdalin. The composition of fat is mainly oleic acid and linoleic acid. So, how much are the almonds per jin? What are the benefits of it? Pregnant women can

    2020-11-09 Almonds price more less money one jin it has what benefits pregnant women
  • What are the latest almond producing areas?

    What are the latest almond producing areas?

    Do you know anything about almonds? Almonds are delicious. I believe many people like to eat almonds. Do you know the origin of almonds? Probably few people know about it. Then the following editor will introduce to you what are the main producing areas of almonds! Almonds are long and short.

    2020-11-10 The latest almonds origin have which places you understand
  • Processing of canned almonds

    Processing of canned almonds

    (1) technological process raw materials → cleaning → broken shell → selection → washing soaking → peeling → bitterness → color protection → hot washing → canning → filling soup → exhaust sealing → sterilization cooling → heat preservation inspection → finished products (2) Technical requirements 1. Raw materials, cleaning: select large, glossy, fresh, mildew-free and damaged apricot kernels, wash and drain fully with flowing water. 2. Break the shell and wash the material: use manual or sheller to break the core and remove the kernel, and choose the one with full particles, no mildew, deterioration and insect pests.

  • Preparation of canned almonds in brine

    Preparation of canned almonds in brine

    (1) technological process: raw material → almond peeling, debittering, → disinfection, water control, → canning, → exhaust, → sealing, → sterilization and cooling → storage. (2) Technical essentials: ① raw material selection: almonds for canning should be large, fresh and full, without mildew and deterioration, and without diseases and insect pests. ② almond peeling and bitterness: first blanch the almond skin with 90-95 ℃ hot water for 3-5 minutes and then remove it, soften the almond skin, spread the skin surface and put it into a mechanical peeling machine or manual peeling machine. Then put the peeled apricot

  • Processing technology of canned rock sugar almond

    Processing technology of canned rock sugar almond

    (1) the almond is mainly produced in Hebei Province. It is rich in nutrition and has the functions of moistening the lungs, eliminating food accumulation, dispersing stagnant qi and so on. (2) technological process material selection → cleaning, → soaking, → pre-cooking, → uncoating, → rinsing, → checking, → ice sugar solution → exhaust, → sealing, → sterilization, → cooling (3) operation points: ① soaking: remove washed almonds into a container, add 1.5 times the weight of almonds, soak for 6 hours, rehydration with complete expansion of almonds is appropriate. ② pre-cooking

  • Processing and Development of Apricot

    Processing and Development of Apricot

    1. Strange taste apricot plum apricot is rich in nutrition and delicious. Because the maturity of apricot is short, perishable and not resistant to storage, its economic value is mostly concentrated in almonds in recent years. Especially in the more remote mountain areas, a lot of apricot meat is rotten for nothing. Although some enterprises process preserved apricots, immature apricots are often used to make preserved apricots in order to prolong the processing period, so that the products can not reach the nutrition, flavor and taste of natural apricots. Using advanced biological fermentation technology and vacuum cold osmotic pressure technology, our R & D center has developed a kind of protection.

  • Processing technology of almond series products

    Processing technology of almond series products

    First, technical introduction: China is rich in almonds, most of which are exported with raw materials, and the economic benefit is very low. This project has studied the processing methods of almond series snack food, the products are fruit-flavored sugar coating, amber, and crisp flavor, 3 types of 13 products, is a good almond health series food. The Institute of Comprehensive Utilization of Agricultural products of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences adopts the self-designed method of peeling and debittering almonds to make almonds peel clean, debittering quickly and without hurting almonds; in the processing experiment of fruit-flavored sugar-coated almonds, the preheating temperature from sugar coating machine

  • What are the differences between almonds and almonds? What is the efficacy and function? How to grow?

    What are the differences between almonds and almonds? What is the efficacy and function? How to grow?

    Chinese almonds are mostly grown in Xinjiang because they require long periods of high temperatures to grow. The difference between almond and almond is not clear to many people. Almond is the kernel of almond, almond is the kernel of apricot, and almond and apricot are two kinds of different in botany.

    2020-11-09 Paddan wood and almond of difference have what effect and
  • How much can you eat a day?

    How much can you eat a day?

    Badam is a popular nut from all over the world. Badam, which is academically interpreted, originated in Persian and means the kernel. Chinese Badanmu is a transliteration of the word Badam rather than a free translation. Badam is the Almonds (almond kernel) in the world.

    2015-12-27 Padan wooden one day can eat how much Badam is
  • Production technology of almond products

    Production technology of almond products

    Almond is the seed of apricot tree, it has bitter, sweet two kinds, not only delicious, but also can be used as medicine. Bitter almonds are easy to vent; sweet almonds are good at moisturizing. Therefore, regular consumption of almond food can relieve lung qi, relieve cough and asthma, moisturize the skin, beauty and beauty. According to the characteristics of almonds and the demand of the market, through our research, we have developed the following almond products: 1, solid drinks (1) instant drink type: similar to "Guozhen", "coffee" and other instant solid drinks. Using almonds as the main raw material

  • This fruit is often mistaken for mango city people do not dare to eat, but some people regard it as super delicious

    This fruit is often mistaken for mango city people do not dare to eat, but some people regard it as super delicious

    In some southern cities in China, such as Guangzhou, Foshan and Nanning, at the beginning of the last century, the urban greening practice of "fruit on the street" was to plant fruit trees as road greening trees. So now in these cities.

  • Longwang hat apricot

    Longwang hat apricot

    Also known as Dabian, Wang Hao, Da Xingbian, Da Bian and so on. Originally from Hebei Province, it is now distributed in 12 northern provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions). It is the main variety in the production of sweet almonds in China, which is known internationally as "Longhuang big almonds". Single fruit weight 17.4 grams, single core weight 3.30 grams, nucleation rate 17.5%, single kernel weight 0.84 grams, apricot kernel emergence rate 37.6%. 340 apricot kernels per kilogram and 1200 almonds per kilogram. Almonds are long conical, flat, fat and brown. The meat is milky white, sweet and crisp, slightly bitter

  • What tree is the fruit of Rosaceae almond? How much is it per jin? How much should I eat a day? What happens if you eat too much?

    What tree is the fruit of Rosaceae almond? How much is it per jin? How much should I eat a day? What happens if you eat too much?

    Almonds, also known as bitter almonds, apricot plums, apricots, sweet plums, wood nuts, are relatively common nuts in our country. Regular consumption can effectively control the content of cholesterol in the human body, so many people like to eat almonds. What kind of tree is that almond fruit? one

    2020-11-09 Rose family almond what is it tree fruit general many
  • Processing of almond dew beverage

    Processing of almond dew beverage

    (1) technological process: → disinfection and cleaning of sweet almonds (or bitter almonds), → drying, → crushing, crushing, grinding, → blending, → homogenization, pasteurization, → canning, → sterilization, → cooling, → heat preservation, → inspection, packaging → products. (2) operating points: ① almond disinfection: put the washed almonds into 0.35% peracetic acid for disinfection, soak them for 10 minutes, remove them, wash them with clean water, remove and drain water, and then put the almonds into the drying chamber for drying. The drying room temperature is 65-70 ℃ and the drying time is 20.

  • Processing technology of preserved apricot fruit

    Processing technology of preserved apricot fruit

    (1) Selection of raw materials → cleaning, soaking → sulfur fumigation → sugar boiling → sugar soaking → baking → shaping and packaging → finished products (2) Description of operation points (1) Selection of raw materials: dry wild apricot with thick meat, large size, less fiber content, light browning, and no mildew and insect damage is selected as raw materials. (2)Washing and soaking: Wash the selected dried wild apricot and almond thoroughly with water and then soak for 30 minutes.
